Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 796

Hundreds of Lin family members, Lin opened a word, they were all expelled out.

It's not that Lin is happy and cruel, but that they didn't choose the right master.

Later, Lin Kai looked at a dozen people behind Lin ting.

These ten people have been following Lin ting and have not left.

"You did a good job!" Lin Kai gave them a thumbs up.

"From now on, you will be my father's core staff! Dad, you remember, these ten people are the meritorious officials of our Lin family! From today on, your treatment in our Lin family will be doubled! "

After listening to Lin Kai's words, a burst of startled voice turned out, and these people were excited to explode.

Lin Ting also nodded in tears: "listen to my son!"

The next time, began to clean the whole Lin family.

Thousands of bodies were all sent out of the Lin family, bought coffins, who love to claim who will claim.

Lin Yexing was imprisoned in a dungeon.

The hundreds of people who followed the forestry boom were all expelled from the Lin family!

The damaged courtyard and land of the Lin family are also being repaired.

All the disciples of the immortal sect set up camp in the Lin family.

Lin's family was not familiar with him before.

In his father's bedroom, Liu Yun holds Lin Kai's hand and dotes on his face.

She hasn't seen Linkai for a long time.

"Xiaokai, I didn't know for such a long time that I came back to have a look. My mother wants to die of you."

Liu Yun loves the way.

Lin Kai smile: "ha ha, I am not back?"

"These days, I'll stay at Lin's house, and I won't go anywhere!"

Lin laughs.

"Really?" Liu Yun is obviously very happy.

Lin Kai nodded and said, "of course it's true."

Liu Yun was very happy.

However, Lin Kai's father was sad.

"Dad, what are you worried about?" Asked Linkai.

Lin Ting frowned and said, "Xiao Kai, dad is just worried about you! You are really cruel today. Thousands of people have been slaughtered by you

"Dad knows that you have the ability to protect yourself and protect the Lin family, but once this happens, it must be famous throughout China."

"This matter is too serious."

Hearing the speech, Lin Kai nodded.

He understood what linting meant.

This time, the immortal gate went out and killed thousands of people. These thousands of people, who are not ordinary people, are big people from all over the country.

I'm sure they'll notice that.

Even though Lin Kai has worked hard and achieved great success, this time, things are really too much.

"It's OK, Dad. Don't worry about it." Lin Kai comforted.

In fact, Lin Kai's heart has no end.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Lin Ting nodded. Now he can only choose to believe his son.

After chatting with his parents all afternoon, Lin Kai went back to his room.

At this time, Lin Kai's mobile phone rings.

"Hello?" It's a vacant number.

Lin Kai can use a vacant number to call Lin Kai. Lin Kai can also think of who it is with her feet. In addition to Kui, there is no one else.

"Hello? Mountain Lord. "

"Linkai, you can!" On the other side of the phone came the voice of sunflower.

"One thousand three hundred and thirty-five people died. You've made a big mistake!"

"The last time you killed twelve people in Xianmen, I have already carried it for you. Now you have killed thousands more. Don't you want to live?"

Sunflower's voice, with anger.

Lin Kai was also nervous for a moment.

"Mountain master, it's not so serious..."

"Not so serious? I tell you, Jiulongshan has already considered whether to start hunting you! "

"Let your immortal gate find a place to hide!"

"And don't go back to the capital recently!"

After listening to Kui's words, Lin Kai's heart clapped.

It's over. This time it's really a disaster.

"Yes, thank you

Lin Kai hung up the phone.

All the disciples of Xianmen have come out, but now, they can't go back to the capital.

They are also very dangerous to stay in the Lin family.

After all, it was himself and Xianmen who took part in the killing this time.

Parents, Lin Kai is not very worried. After all, Jiulongshan will not hurt innocent people.

At this moment, Lin Kai quickly arrived at the Xianmen camp.


Wang Gang saw the situation and quickly met him.

Thousands of Xianmen disciples live in the Lin family. Those who can live in the Lin family will live in the Lin family. Those who can't live in the Lin family will set up tents nearby.Lin Kai's face was serious: "keep your heart, master, protect my parents in the Lin family."

"The remaining 3000 people, let's go now! Don't fly! Don't expose your true identity, go to the Middle East! Now

Lin Kai ordered.

Today, only the Middle East is a safe place.

In this place, Xianmen is the real security!

"Master, what happened?" Wang Gang frowned.

"Don't ask so many questions. Start now!" Lin Kai ordered.


Wang Gang got the order and immediately ordered more than 3000 disciples of the immortal sect to set out.

Rhubarb is still in the Middle East. It is the administrator of the Middle East. As soon as Wang Gang and Wang Gang enter the Middle East, rhubarb will get news immediately.

With rhubarb to meet them, Lin Kai is not worried about what danger they will encounter in the Middle East.

Soon, the team began to set out.

Only Master Xin was left.

Master Lixin is a master of martial arts level. He is more than enough to protect the Lin family.

After all this, Lin Kai felt a little relieved.

These days, Lin Kai stayed at the Lin family and didn't go anywhere.

However, in the past few days, Lin Kai did not encounter any dangerous things, and no special person came to the Lin family.

In the past few days, Lin Kai has been investigating a matter. Who in the end pretended to be himself and did so many heartless things?

This is his biggest doubt.

That person and his body, seven or eight points of acquaintance, eyes have nine points of acquaintance.

If Lin Yuan was not dead, Lin Kai even suspected that the man was Lin Yuan!

On this day, Lin Kai was free in the Lin family, so he went out to the antique market nearby.

Opening the golden pupil, Lin Kai wants to find a leak in the antique market.

The antique market is very busy. This street is the busiest Antique Street in Jiangbei City.

At a glance, there are quite a lot of antique with golden light.

However, Lin Kai doesn't pay attention to ordinary antiques.

After walking all the way, Lin Kai didn't find any curios of high value.

All of a sudden, there was a noise ahead.

At that time, it attracted Lin Kai's attention.

Looking up, I saw that in the central part of the antique market, a group of people were shouting around a stall.

Lin Kai raised his eyebrows and walked over quickly.

Through the crowd, came to a small stall in front of. This stall is very strange because there is only one antique in the whole booth.

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