Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 795

At that time, the whole scene was quiet.

The momentum of Xianmen disciples is unparalleled in the world! The powerful ten martial saints oppressed the nerves of everyone on the scene.

Who dares to be presumptuous in front of them?

Lin Kai's words ring through the whole Lin family!

He didn't talk big before. He did give them a chance! He has the right to say that, because he is the head of the immortal gate!

Now everyone feels a strong sense of oppression after the arrival of the immortal sect leader.

Who could have thought that the old cynical childe has now become the head of the immortal sect?

Lin Xing's face is very pale.

He was stupid, he regretted, and now he understood how stupid his actions were!

And the Lin family are also stupidly looking at Lin Kai, who did not expect that the young master of the Lin family is so strong!

Linting looked into his son's eyes with pride.

Did you see that? This is my linting's son!

He must not be in the pool!

"How could it be?" Lin Xing murmured to himself, "how can you be the master of Xianmen? How old are you? How could you be so powerful? "

He was pale and stepped back.

Lin Kai sneered: "Oh, impossible? Now regret it? You're afraid of it


"Come on! Get it for me

Lin Kai burst into a big drink, and immediately two Xianmen disciples strode forward, regardless of the number of three, seven and twenty-one, and directly arrested Lin Xing.

Lin Yexing has no resistance at all.

And Wang Mu and them did not dare to care.

At this time, Lin Kai looked at Wang Mu and his family. Lin Kai narrowed his eyes and roared: "come on! Don't you want to destroy the Lin family? Don't you want to kill me, Linkai? Come on! I'm going to see if any of you has that ability! "

As soon as Lin Kai's words came out, the audience was silent, and everyone's faces were pale.

Wang Mu was livid. At this time, he summoned up his courage and stood up and said, "Lin Kai! Even if you are the leader of Xianmen sect? Is it hard to say that if you have a high position and power, you can kill people indiscriminately? "

"Murder in disorder?" Lin Kai hears the speech and laughs.

He picked up the photos on the ground and took them on Wang Mu's face.

"Based on these photos, I'm killing people indiscriminately?"

"You know in your heart that anyone who looks like me can take these pictures! Did he show his face? "

"No face, why do you say it's me?"

"What's more, I'm the leader of the immortal sect. Can I do such a bad thing? Rape and murder? If Lin Kai wants a woman to hook her fingers, the person will send them to the door by himself! "

"Do you think Lin has a meeting to do this kind of thing?"

As soon as Lin Kai's words came out, there was a complete silence.

Everyone was lost in thought.

Before they came, they were carried away by anger.

Now think about it, yeah! Is it necessary for Lin Kai to do such a thing?

You are the leader of the immortal sect! How can you look up to them? Can you commit rape and murder?

Lin Kai sneered: "ha ha, it's you who want to destroy the Lin family. If I don't come back today, will you have already destroyed my Lin family?"

Lin Kai's angry voice rang through the whole Lin family.

Everyone lowered their heads and did not dare to look at them.

"I gave you a chance just now. You don't cherish it!"

"Good! You want to kill the Lin family, right? Today, I'll kill you first! "

"Xianmen disciple! Get ready

Lin Kai drank loudly, and thousands of disciples of the immortal sect yelled in unison: "yes!"


A cold light lit up, thousands of people pulled out their swords! Every one is bronze!

A burst of whistling!

Compared with Xianmen, Wang Mu is like a bandit meeting the regular army!

Weapons are not as good as Xianmen, the number of people is not as much as Xianmen, and the strength is not as strong as Xianmen!

Xianmen can easily encircle and suppress the thousands of people in front of them!

Wang Mu turned pale.

He doesn't want to die here!

"Wait!" Wang Mu suddenly raised his hand.

Lin Kai, however, looked at him coldly.

"Master Lin, this matter is our abrupt, but But we are not guilty to death

After listening to Wang Mu's words, Lin Kai seemed to hear a very funny joke and burst into laughter.

"Sin is not death? Ha ha ha ha! What a joke

"If Lin Kai doesn't come back today! My father was killed! My mother is insulted! Outsiders occupy my entire Lin family! You say you are not guilty to death? ""All of you, damn it!"

"Give it to me, kill it!"

At the command of Lin Kai, thousands of Xianmen disciples roared in unison: "kill!"

Thousands of disciples of the immortal sect are flocking! The scene was spectacular!

At this time, Pan Feng's training will show the effect.

Thousands of Xianmen disciples are very orderly. Each three people form a triangle array and kill the past together.

And Wang Mu and more than 1000 people turned pale. At this time, they had no choice but to fight!

But more of them run away!

For a moment, more than 1000 people were killed and broke down.

Most of them are ordinary people!

At that time, blood flowed through the scene.

It took only ten minutes for Xianmen to encircle thousands of people on the scene!

Thousands of people, all surrounded by Xianmen disciples!

The whole scene, all the bodies.

And Lin Xinghe, a rebellious Lin family, was shivering and pale.


Forestry Xing did not say a word, directly knelt down!

And hundreds of Lin's disciples all knelt down at this time.

Lin Xing's voice trembled: "young master, I I was forced to do so

"Young master, rebellion is definitely not my intention! I was forced to do it by the herdsman Wang! Please spare my life, don't kill me

After listening to Lin Xing's words, Lin Kai smiles.

He went up and patted Lin Xing's face and said, "don't worry. As my Lin family, how can I kill you?"

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Lin Xing was stunned and then overjoyed.

"Thank you, young master! Thank you, young master

But Lin Kai's next words, at that time, let the forestry boom like falling ice cellar!

"I will let you, life is not like death!"

"I'll put you in the dungeon and only let you eat the leftovers of our Lin family for every meal!"

"I won't let you take a bath all my life!"

"What you face is endless silence."

"No sunshine, no women, not even cigarettes!"

"Ha ha, enjoy yourself

After listening to Lin Kai's words, the forestry industry became stupid.

He sat down on the ground, in that case, he might as well die!

And the other Lin family members who have betrayed are very pale. They don't want to be like them in forestry!

Lin Kai looked at them.

"I know that some of you are just forced by the general situation to follow Lin Yexing in order to protect their lives," Lin said

"I don't blame you for this."

"But! In the final analysis, you still betrayed my Lin family

"So I'm not going to treat you the way I treat Lin Xing."

"But from now on, all of you are no longer my Lin family! Confiscate all the assets in the Lin family

"Live and die on your own!"

After listening to Lin Kai's words, hundreds of people were dumbfounded.

Confiscation of assets? They live on the support of the Lin family!

Without the Lin family, they would have to beg.

After all, they haven't done any rough work in their life.

Lin Kai, what a cruel heart!

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