Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 780

Lin Kai smiles and doesn't take Lei Jun's words to heart.

At this time, Zhou Ziqian looks worried at Lin Kai.

"Mr. Lin, I've heard of Dalei entertainment company. It's very powerful in Beijing. When we get to the capital, we'd better leave quickly? Don't be hit by Lei Jun

After listening to Zhou Ziqian's words, Lin laughed.

"Oh, don't worry."

See Lin Kai so calm appearance, Zhou Ziqian show eyebrow a wrinkle.

Although Lin Kai gave her a good impression, Dalei entertainment company is really powerful. She doesn't believe that a young man in the economy class can compete with it.

Therefore, she thinks that Lin Kai is just pretending to be forced in front of herself.

She shook her head slightly. She could understand that, young man, she was full of vigor.

Zhou Ziqian's hands tightly together, obviously, she was a little nervous and afraid.

A few hours later, the plane arrived at the capital airport.

Passengers in the stewardess under the dredge, line up to walk off the plane.

Lin Kai and Zhou Ziqian didn't see Lei Jun, because Lei Jun was in the first class cabin and had a special access to get off the plane.

Lin Kai and Zhou Ziqian leave the airport and come to the exit of the airport. Just arriving at the exit, several people in black suddenly appear and stop Lin Kai and Zhou Ziqian.

A close look, that is ten strong men in suits, wearing sunglasses, a face of indifference, like bodyguards.

Behind the ten bodyguards, there was a proud Lei Jun.

Obviously, he's been waiting for Linkai here for a long time.

"Ouch, economy class passengers, getting off the plane is slow! I've been waiting for you here for a long time The corner of Lei Jun's mouth is full of fun.

On the plane, he can't drive Lin, but off the plane, it's his territory.

Ten strong men surrounded Lin Kai and Zhou Ziqian directly.

And Zhou Ziqian hid behind Lin Kai with a look of fear on her face.

"What are you going to do?" Zhou Ziqian asked.

Lei Jun touched his chin and laughed: "Oh, little girl, you don't have to be afraid. I'm not a bad man."

"I'm looking for him today!"

Lei Jun points to Lin Kai, Dao.

Today, he is to show his powerful financial resources in front of Zhou Ziqian!

Let her know what money is!

At that time, she will naturally follow her own leave, this is Lei Jun heart small nine nine.

Even though his face was surrounded by ten bodyguards, Lin was not afraid to cut in.

"Oh? What can I do for you? "

"You're playing dumb here? Boy, you're done! Go

Lei Jun pointed to Lin Kai's nose and scolded.

Not far from the security guard to see this scene, but also dare not to block, obviously, Lei Jun has a good relationship.

Lin laughed and followed Lei Jun to the airport.

Zhou Ziqian has been following Lin Kai. Although she is afraid, she still reminds Lin Kai in a low voice: "if you find a chance, you can run. They won't take me any more."

Lin Kai hears the speech and looks back at Zhou Ziqian.

She is really a kind-hearted girl. She is in danger. Her first thought is to run first.

Lin Kai patted her on the back and said, "don't worry, I'll be OK. They don't dare to take me."

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Zhou Ziqian's eyes changed a little.

Originally, Lin Kai gave her a good impression, but now, the good impression has been reduced by several points.

What do they dare to do with you? So many of them have surrounded you!

You can't do it ten times a dozen?

Soon, a group of people will be out of the airport, see in the airport gate, parking several luxury cars!

A Mercedes Benz business car, after the Mercedes Benz business car, there are two Toyota domineering.

These three cars are very eye-catching.

And Lei Jun's face, also showed a proud smile.

He is to show off his luxury car in front of Zhou Ziqian!

At this time, Lei Jun stopped and looked back at Lin Kai.

"Stinky boy, I will make you regret, let you regret offending me!"

"Take him to the car for me!"

Lei Jun pointed to the tyranny behind the Mercedes Benz business car and ordered.

As soon as an order was given, several bodyguards in black were ready to take Lin Kai away by force.

And Lin opened his mouth with a sneer, and he was ready to give these people a little color to see!

At this time, Zhou Ziqian stood out.

"Stop it!" Zhou Ziqian has a drink.

Everyone stopped and looked at Zhou Ziqian.

Lei Jun also looked at Zhou Ziqian and said with a smile: "beauty, it's none of your business. You can leave now!"Lei Jun smiles with confidence.

He believes that Zhou Ziqian will not leave, because Zhou Ziqian has seen his strong financial resources.

Zhou Ziqian will stick it up.

How many women don't love money?

Zhou Ziqian looks at Lin Kai with complicated eyes. The reason why Lin Kai is targeted by Lei Jun is actually because of himself.

Now Lin Kai has an accident in front of his eyes, and Zhou Ziqian naturally will not sit back and ignore it.

Otherwise, she's sorry for her conscience.

"Don't touch him! Let him go Zhou Ziqian Jiao said.

After listening to Zhou Ziqian's words, Lei Jun pondered and asked, "ha ha, if you let him go, let him go? By what? "

"I..." Zhou Ziqian was speechless for a moment.

At this time, Lei Jun touched his chin and gave a bad smile. He looked at Zhou Ziqian up and down, and his eyes were a little dim.

"It's not impossible to let him go. As long as you have a drink with me, he can go now."

Lei Jun said, Zhou Ziqian's face immediately showed anger.

Have a drink with him?

It's not as simple as drinking!

Zhou Ziqian understood this in her heart.

But Lin Kai has been smiling at Lei Jun, did not speak, at this time, Lin Kai looked to Zhou Ziqian, a embarrassed face.

Zhou Ziqian is also quite disappointed to look at Lin Kai, she thinks, if Lin Kai has backbone, now should pull her to run!

But Lin Kai didn't move. It seems that he is just a young man who can only pretend to be forced.

As soon as I meet something, I really do.

She was disappointed.

"Beauty, you think about it?" Lei Jun bad smile, way.

"I'm the chairman of Dalei entertainment company. With me, I can make you a big star!"

"You know gale entertainment? Our company has cooperation with gale entertainment company! "

After listening to Lei Jun's words, Zhou Ziqian is also in front of her eyes.

When she came to Beijing, she went to Fengfeng entertainment company.

Gale entertainment company, now a famous entertainment company in Beijing, is developing very fast.

In just a few months, it has developed into a famous company in Beijing!

After listening to Lei Jun's words, Lin Kai is also quite surprised. Just after he left, Dafeng entertainment company actually developed so fast? Now it's so famous?

Wang Zhentian can!

"Your company, with gale entertainment?"

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