Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 779

"Hello." The girl smiles sweetly.

Lin Kai Leng for a while, this just reacts to come over, quickly nod head way: "hello."

Lin Kai already felt that since the girl got on the plane, there were countless eyes on her.

Even a lot of male comrades have cast envious eyes at Lin Kai. After all, Lin Kai is closest to the goddess!

To tell you the truth, Lin Kai was also amazed. The girl was so beautiful.

Even better than Enron.

"Are you going to the capital, too?" At this time, Lin Kai asked.

The girl nodded and gently replied, "yes, I just graduated from Jiangbei University and am going to find a job in Beijing."

It turned out to be a female college student, no wonder so pure.

Lin Kai smiles and says, "I see. My name is Lin Kai. Nice to meet you."

This is Lin Kai's first conversation.

Lin Kai held out her hand, and the girl was embarrassed to refuse.

What's more, Lin Kai looks good, and she's about the same age, so she won't feel disgusted.

The girl nodded, stretched out her jade hand and shook Linkai.

"Hello, my name is Zhou Ziqian."

"Zhou Ziqian? Good name. " Lin laughed and said.

After they got to know each other, they talked for a while.

Lin Kai learned that Zhou Ziqian studied acting and wanted to find an entertainment company to sign a contract in Beijing.

Although there is an entertainment company under Lin Kai's banner, the proposal to sign a contract at this time is undoubtedly showing off her family background. Lin Kai doesn't want to impress her as a rich second generation, so she doesn't mention it.

They had a good time chatting with each other, which really made many people envious.

At this time, when Lin Kai and Zhou Ziqian are chatting, a man comes to Zhou Ziqian.

It was a middle-aged man in his thirties. He was wearing a suit and some baldness, but his clothes were extremely luxurious and he wore a famous watch.

He held a business card with a confident smile on his face.

He looked at Zhou Ziqian and handed the business card to him: "Hello, beauty, meet me. My name is Lei Jun, and I'm the chairman of the Beijing Dalei entertainment company."

"I want to get to know you when you see a beautiful woman with extraordinary temperament."

Zhou Ziqian smelled the speech and looked at the man.

That man a pair of color squint appearance, let Zhou Ziqian heart is very disgusting.

But out of politeness, Zhou Ziqian still smiles and takes the business card with both hands.

"Hello, my name is Zhou Ziqian. Nice to meet you."

Lei Jun back hand, a pair of confident and proud appearance.

"Beauty, how can you be wronged in this economy class? I have a seat in first class. Why don't you come and have a chat with me

Lei Jun smiles at Zhou Ziqian.

Such as Zhou Ziqian, he met more.

Most of them are open to money. I believe she will follow her after she knows her identity.

The people around me are also shining in front of their eyes.

The first class seat is very comfortable! There are also good wine and food to offer, even can lie down to sleep, very comfortable.

Zhou Ziqian smell speech, but show eyebrow a wrinkle, she shook his head: "thank you, no need."

Smell speech, that Lei Jun a Leng, frown tightly.

Obviously, he didn't expect Zhou Ziqian to refuse him!

"Beauty, you don't give me face to Lei Jun?" Lei Jun frowned and asked.

Seeing that Zhou Ziqian was beautiful, he had evil thoughts in his heart. When he saw Zhou Ziqian's refusal, he was naturally upset.

And he looked down on Zhou Ziqian, Zhou Ziqian is not a coquettish cheap.

She's a girl with a bottom line.

"Mr. ray, we just met. I don't want to go to first class with you. Is there anything wrong with that?" Zhou Ziqian looked at Lei Jun and replied.

Zhou Ziqian's answer directly let Lei Jun's words stop.

Yes, it's people's freedom to go or not!

But Lei Jun is still very upset.

At this time, Lei Jun suddenly saw Lin Kai. After seeing Lin Kai, Lei Jun sneered.

Well, you coquettish old lady, pretend to be pure, right?

You're not going! Then I'll come over!

At that time, Lei Jun pointed to Lin Kai's nose and said, "you're lucky! I'll trade with you! You go to my first class and I'll take your economy class

Lei Jun a pair of toe Gao Qi ang appearance, very proud.

Everyone is in a uproar, economy class to first class? It's worth it!

Zhou Ziqian smell speech, also a face worried to look at Lin Kai, if Lin Kai really left, then she has to face this old man alone!

But Lin Kai looked up at Lei Jun, and then he laughed. In his mouth, he only spat out a word: "go away!"

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Lei Jun was stunned for a moment.

What? He let himself go?Economy class to first class?

Lei Jun's face was ugly. He pointed to Lin Kai's nose and said, "did your son's head get kicked by his mother's donkey? You don't change economy to first class? "

"Your economy class ticket, can't you hold up two thousand yuan? First class ticket of Laozi, more than 50000 yuan

"No? You have a hole in your head? "

Lei Jun yelled at him in a loud voice. At that time, many people looked at him.

When Lin Kai heard the speech, he also laughed.

He looked at Lei Jun like a fool.

Lin Kai only said three words. At that time, Lei Jun was speechless.

"I'm rare?"

Yeah! Rare?

No matter how expensive your economy class is, you can't get into other people's eyes!

Even Zhou Ziqian takes a look at Lin Kai more. Lin Kai's overbearing response makes Lin Kai's impression in her mind better.

Look at Lei Jun, a face of embarrassment.

He was rejected by Zhou Ziqian and Lin Kai. He was shameless!

At this time, Lei Jun, a little angry, he said angrily: "Damn it! Do you know who I am? I'll change it for you, it's for your face

"I'm the chairman of Dalei entertainment company! It looks like you're just a stinky college graduate. "

"The newborn calf is not afraid of tigers! Believe it or not, as long as I say a word, you can't get along in the capital? "

Lei Jun is very arrogant.

Seeing Lin Kai in economy class and so young, he concluded that Lin Kai was a poor student without backstage.

At this time, Lei Jun moved out of his identity and wanted to crush Lin Kai!

But Lin Kai looked at Lei Jun, and he also laughed playfully. He only said two words: "fool!"

"You Lei Jun is furious!

At this time, Lei Jun even wants to hit Lin Kai in the face!

No matter how he shows his identity, Lin Kai doesn't think so.

This made him feel that his heavy blow seemed to hit cotton!

At this time, the stewardess came and said to Lei Jun politely, "Sir, for your safety, please return to your seat."

Lei Jun hears the speech and looks at Lin Kai indignantly.

He put down a cruel word.

"You boy, wait for me! After getting off the plane, I'll show you my real strength

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