Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 775

It was a giant two meters tall!

Giant looks, incomparably ugly.

The mouth is very big, teeth exposed to the air, the whole body is muscle!

It doesn't look like a human at all!

He stood on the immortal terrace, and in his hand was a huge mace!

This one is the guardian of the immortal rank!

If you defeat him, you can get the inheritance behind him!

"I'll go. What kind of monster is this?" Lin Kai's heart is tight.

This guy, it seems to be very powerful!

Lin Kai looks at him, and he also looks at Lin Kai. The giant holds a mace and slowly walks to Linkai.

"Human beings, are you here to inherit the inheritance of Jinyu immortal master?"

Asked the giant in a hoarse voice.

Lin Kai nodded and said, "exactly."

"In that case, come on, have a big fight!"

The giant said, roared and ran to the forest! The wolf toothed stick, which was like a wire pole, was thrown over!

Damn it! Fight as you say?

At that time, Lin Kai's hair was blown up all over his body. He knew that the monster in front of him was very powerful!

Lin Kai didn't dare to be careless. At that time, Lin Kai called out the golden suit directly!

As soon as the golden suit appeared, Lin Kai held the golden sword and directly welcomed him!


Lin Kai's golden sword and the wolf toothed stick in the giant's hands hit together!

Originally, Lin Kai's strength is very strong. With the blessing of the golden sword, this sword can cut through stubborn stones!

But the giant's strength was more powerful. When he went down with a mace, Lin Kai felt numb at the mouth of the tiger. His hands were somewhat unable to hold the golden sword, and his body went back several steps directly!

Thump! Thump!

After several steps back, Lin Kai looks at the giant in front of him in surprise. What a powerful force!

The giant roared and ran after him again!


The wolf toothed stick hit the forest again!

"Rhubarb! Go on

Lin Kai roared and met him.

The immortal terrace is not big. It is only two or three meters wide. The giant is fighting from top to bottom. It can be said that Lin Kai is suppressed by death.

Therefore, Linkai must find a way to go to the top of the giant to suppress him!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The weapons in their hands collide at one time, and Lin Kai is losing every day!

And rhubarb at this time roared, it shook its head, then began to transform!

From a local dog to a giant tiger!

While Lin Kai and the giant were fighting, rhubarb jumped directly from the rear and bit the giant's neck!

But even though rhubarb tried his best, he just broke the giant's skin.

At this time, the giant roared, his hand, directly caught rhubarb, and then severely patted rhubarb on the ground!

"Ah Wu..." Rhubarb screamed.

And Lin Kai also took advantage of this opportunity, came to the giant behind, from the top to suppress the giant!

The golden sword is cut directly! Take the giant's head!

This sword is very smooth.


I saw Lin Kai cut a sword on the giant's head, but the giant's head was just wiped out with sparks, even the skin was not broken!

At that time, Lin Kai was stunned.

How about a chicken feather?

And the giant turned slowly and looked at Lin Kai.

But Lin Kai's hand with the golden sword trembled.

They are not on the same level at all! He can kill himself with any stick! And I tried my best to break the skin of others!

"Roar!" I saw the giant roar again, a stick toward the forest and then threw it over!

In Lin Kai's heart, there is also a sense of crisis!


At this time, Lin Kai had a sudden idea in his heart.

People who enter the Middle East are ordinary people. The master of Jinyu must know this!

His inheritance, all in the temple!

He wants someone to get his legacy.

Well, he would never arrange such a powerful giant to guard here if he knew that all the people on the immortal level were ordinary people!

Because, there is no true Qi and spiritual power, no one is a giant's opponent!

Besides, Jinyu immortal master has been on the rise for more than 500 years. What guardian can guard here for more than 500 years?

There is only one explanation. The giant in front of me is fake!

It's an illusion!

Lin Kai's eyes narrowed. At that time, Lin Kai stood still. He looked at the giant.

"Ha ha, it's just magic!""Golden pupil!"

Golden pupil can not only see through treasure, but also see through illusions!

When the golden pupil started, the giant who only met suddenly let out an unwilling roar!

The body is beginning to fall apart!

The whole person disappeared into the air.

On the immortal terrace, there is nothing left. Just now, Lin Kai just played with the air for a long time.

Lin Kai came out, and naturally rhubarb came out.

At this time, only a line of large characters was written on the barrier before meeting.

"This is a test of the challenger's mind and strength. Congratulations, you have passed."

Then, Lin Kai and rhubarb stepped over the barrier very easily.

After the barrier, a treasure chest appeared in front of Lin Kai.

This treasure chest is black!

On the black treasure chest, there is a golden dragon winding!

Supreme treasure chest!

The supreme treasure chest is almost the top treasure chest on this immortal terrace.

Looking up, the temple is not far from the forest.

It's really not easy to get to this point. Lin Kai hesitated.

Do you want to keep going up? After all, the giant almost trapped himself on the immortal terrace!

To tell you the truth, Lin Kai still wants to keep going up, but there are so many dangers on it that Lin Kai doesn't dare to say that he can come back alive.

He can go up, but there is no need for Rhubarb to take risks with himself.

Lin Kai touched the head of rhubarb and indulged in a smile.

"Rhubarb, you open this treasure chest, I continue to look up." Said Lin Kai.

And rhubarb also understood Lin Kai's words, only to see rhubarb nodded and went to the supreme treasure chest.

And Lin Kai watched rhubarb go to the supreme treasure chest. Rhubarb bit the treasure chest with his mouth and opened it.

A brush, a golden light up!

I saw a golden object, into the body of rhubarb!

Once the golden object gets into the body of rhubarb, the true Qi of rhubarb will recover immediately!

But in an instant, rhubarb's true Qi is rapidly weakening!

From martial saint to martial master!

From martial arts master to martial arts master!

From a warrior to an ordinary animal!

In just one second, the cultivation of rhubarb has disappeared!

Lin Kai frowns when he sees this scene. What the hell is the situation?

But then, Lin Kai saw a more incredible scene!

The temperament of rhubarb has changed from an ancient warrior to an immortal!

Early stage of Qi training! The middle period of Qi training! Later period of Qi training! The Qi training period is complete!

Early foundation period! Middle period of foundation construction! Late foundation period! The foundation period is complete!

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