Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 774

Lin Kai can't see the gold chest in front of it, and rhubarb can't even see it.

After all, it's a dog with a demon talent.

Then, one man, one dog, and then go up.

Not long after walking, a barrier appeared again in front of Lin Kai and rhubarb.

This barrier looks very special.

Because this barrier, very thick!

It's ten meters thick!

And above the barrier, there's a big line.

"The test of perseverance."

This barrier tests Lin Kai's perseverance!

Lin Kai and rhubarb looked at each other, one man and one dog. Without hesitation, they went straight to the barrier!

Just entered the barrier, Lin Kai immediately felt the huge pressure!

It's like a mountain pressing on Lin Kai's body! Let Lin Kai and rhubarb not walk!

What a pressure!

This is Lin Kai's first thought.

You know, today's Lin Kai and rhubarb are not ancient warriors. They are just ordinary people. Such strong pressure made it difficult for one person and one dog to breathe at that time.

What a pain!

Not only that, but also a cold wind blowing in the face!

The cold wind, feel more than 40 degrees below zero!

At that time, let Lin Kai and rhubarb's legs tremble.

It's so damn hard!

After a while, Lin Kai's body was frozen out.

Even snot is frozen under Lin Kai's nose. It can be said that it is beautiful and frozen!

Rhubarb is also very sad, although the properties of rhubarb are not inferior to Linkai, but in the face of such a strong pressure and cold current, rhubarb has also been frozen into a silly dog.


One man, one dog, it's hard to take a step forward!

Lin Kai gnaws his teeth and forcibly controls his body to go up. Every step requires great courage!

Because every step, the pressure will be greater!

The cold wind is blowing, seems to be persuading Lin to open up and abandon!

But Lin Kai, is he willing to admit defeat?

At that time, only heard Lin Kai roar, go up!

"I don't accept it!"

Walking up a step, suddenly, Lin Kai seemed to feel that the cold wind around him began to disappear. Instead, it was a warm current.

Just like walking into the air-conditioned room in the cold winter, it makes people extremely comfortable.

But this kind of comfort only makes Lin Kai and rhubarb comfortable for a few seconds.

Then they began to feel hot and dry!

Very hot!

The temperature is like in a furnace!

The ice on their bodies began to melt, and their heads began to sweat. Lin Kai and rhubarb were like two Peking duck, waiting for themselves to be cooked in the oven.

"Damn it!"

Lin Kai scolded him. He didn't believe in evil!

He doesn't believe in himself, he can't get through here!

Laozi's destiny is extraordinary! What big waves have you never seen? Isn't it the inheritance of a golden feather immortal master? Can't I get it?

I just want to go up!

At that time, Lin Kai almost used all his strength and took another step!

At this stage, the pressure suddenly disappeared, and a breeze came. Lin Kai felt relaxed all over his body, just like a spring breeze.

Rhubarb also followed, a dog, a man, a smile, face only two words, relaxed.

They got through it!


At this time, Lin couldn't help laughing!


At this time, looking in front of Lin Kai, it is a treasure chest.

This treasure chest is gold, but it is not gold, but platinum!

It's striking, it looks noble, it's very noble.

Platinum inheritance is almost a relatively advanced inheritance left by Jinyu immortal master. All the people who can walk here are the dragon and Phoenix among the people.

And the platinum treasure chest to Lin Kai hint, and before the treasure chest is similar.

Lin Kai just took a look at the platinum treasure chest, and went on going up.

At this time, Linkai is getting closer and closer to the top of the mountain.

Not long after walking, Lin Kai and rhubarb came to a barrier again.

A line of words appeared in front of the barrier, meaning very simple.

"Congratulations, your neglect of the platinum treasure chest proves that you have great ambition. The inheritance of Jinyu immortal master needs to be inherited by ambitious young people. However, only one person can obtain the inheritance of Jinyu immortal master. Killing your partner can immediately obtain the inheritance of Jinyu immortal master!"

With such a simple sentence, Lin opened his eyebrows and frowned.

Kill your partner?

Rhubarb?Rhubarb obviously understood the line and looked at Lin Kai.

But in its eyes, there is no intention of killing, only affection.

Linkai took him out of the wild woods, never as a dog, but as his companion.

It has already identified the owner of Linkai.

During this time, Lin Kai and rhubarb have almost become relatives.

So just a look at rhubarb, Lin Kai then laughed.

"Hehe, let me kill my companion? What the hell is the inheritance of Jinyu immortal master! If you don't recognize me, don't forget it! "

After that, Lin Kai touched the head of rhubarb's dog, turned around and was ready to leave.

But at this time, the barrier in front of me suddenly disappeared.

A line of font appeared in front of Lin Kai again.

"Congratulations, you have passed the test. Jinyu immortal master hopes that his inheritors will have flesh and blood and true feelings. If you kill your companion, the inheritance of Jinyu immortal master will be totally out of your league."

After seeing this line, Lin Kai was overjoyed.

This is a mistake, unlock the inheritance ah!


At that time, Lin Kai strode past with rhubarb.

Soon after, a treasure chest appeared in front of Lin Kai.

This treasure chest is very huge. It's transparent all over. It's made of diamond. It's shining and noble!

Diamond chest!

The treasure box of this level is almost the inheritance of the bottom level of the box!

To tell you the truth, even Lin Kai himself is a little excited.

Open the treasure chest? Or keep going up?

After pondering for a while, Lin Kai looks away from the treasure chest. Although the diamond treasure chest is attractive, there must be better waiting for him at the top!


At that time, Linkai with rhubarb, stride toward higher!

But after walking for a while, Lin Kai did not see the so-called barrier.

What about the barrier? What about the test? Why are they all gone?

Lin Kai is at a loss.

Keep going up. After walking for about ten minutes, Lin Kai suddenly sees that there is a man above!

Somebody? How can there be people in this place?

Is it the master of Jinyu?

No way! Isn't Jinyu immortal master already flying?

If it's not Jinyu immortal master, who can it be? At this time, Lin Kai is at a loss.

He strode to the man, and rhubarb also cocked up his ears and looked at the man in front of him with vigilance.

After walking for a few minutes, Lin Kai saw the man clearly.

After seeing the man's face, Lin Kai got goose bumps all over his body at that time!

Damn it! In this world, there are people who grow up like this?

That's not a person! That's a devil!

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