Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 762

The whole night, very lively, in addition to the gunfire, only the sound of rocket launcher.

Boom! Boom!

The fire is in the sky!

At that time, under the castle, there were basically no pythons to get close to!

Although these boa constrictors have rough skin and thick flesh, they are not invincible. Even if a few bullets go down, they can also be beaten to pieces!

The most important thing is that the bullets and rockets on Linkai's side are infinite!

Don't worry about bullets! Shoot as many bullets as you have!

So, Linkai is very comfortable here.

Look at the white captain there, very sad, more than 20 people guarding a small castle, but still can not hold!

They're not willing to use their bullets!

It's basically forced and helpless to shoot.

There are more than 20 of them. There are less than 300 bullets left!

These bullets, but their lives!

They had to stay in the castle, praying that the boa constrictor would not rush in.

This evening, it was very lively.

Lin Kai has been addicted to it!

The big pineapple in Linkai's hand has never stopped! The sound of gunfire has been ringing, python can not get close to it!

At this time, at the white captain's side, more than 20 of them stupidly looked at the castle where Linkai was.

They are all stupid, Lin opened the bullet, do not want money?

And listen to the sound, they seem to have machine guns! And more than one!

The most important thing is that the explosion of rockets has never stopped!

How many bullets and rockets does this kid have?

The white captain's face was very ugly. He took out his telescope and went to observe the situation over there.

At this point, the white captain was dumbfounded.

He saw that there were 15 people in Linkai, half of them were holding big pineapples and half were carrying rocket launchers. The firepower was absolutely amazing!

No boa constrictor can approach their castle!

The white captain's face became very ugly at that time, and he was very puzzled in his heart. Could their bullets be used up?

There are rockets. Can't we use them?

The sound of gunfire and rocket explosion has never stopped!

Could it be that there were so many bullets and rockets in that airdrop?

If you look at the white captains, more than 20 people are guarding a small castle, but they can't keep it! They are fighting with boa constrictors with their lives!

At that time, the white captain's heart all raised the idea of turning to Lin Kai, which was just too damn terrible!

This night became the most difficult night for the seals.

And Linkai there, basically without any effort, defeated the boa constrictors.

The boa constrictor came and went quickly. It came at twelve o'clock. At three o'clock in the morning, the boa constrictor retreated as if it had been agreed.

There was no Python left in the whole castle group.

At that time, Lin Kai was in charge of drinking beer! Eat fried chicken!

At that time, Lin Kai took out the food and beer in the bag of heaven and earth, and drank with the people on the roof!

If you look at the white captain, it's a terrible sight! The seals didn't lose, but two of the stormtroopers died!

The island's Bushido special combat team, also died one!

Three of them died!

Twenty three of them, three of them died in the war!

Besides, the bullets are almost consumed. They add up to less than 50 bullets.

The white captain gritted his teeth and said, "tomorrow, our airdrop will come!"

"At that time, we'll clean up the Chinese people!"

White captain to Lin Kai, that's a hate!

If it wasn't for Linkai, they needed to die three people?

If it wasn't for Lin Kai, they would have got the goods and materials of China! They must not die tonight!

But it was because of Lin Kai that they lost their supplies!

All of us hate Lin Kai and Chinese soldiers!

But they did not think that the material was originally from China!

Day, gradually light, and Linkai there, after eating and drinking enough, he lay on the roof of the building to sleep.

Until the day, the members of the special front fighting team and the terrorist team gradually woke up.

After waking up, Linkai stretched his body and stretched himself.

At this time, a burst of dada sound, that is the sound of helicopters!

"There's a plane! Look The fat man exclaimed.

Everyone looked into the sky.From the sky, an armed helicopter flew by!

That seems to be the air drop supply of the gale special force!

The plane flew directly over the castle group, dropped a huge airdrop material box, and then the plane left.

The people of Bangzi, who were starving to death in the ancient castle, were all in front of their eyes and cried out excitedly!

Here comes their supplies!

American soldiers are also very excited! With these supplies, they don't have to go hungry!

Even the Ninjas in the island are very happy. After all, they have joined the seal team now. The seal team has meat to eat, and maybe they will leave a drink of soup for them!

At that time, the white captain waved his hand and took everyone to get his airdrop box!

The airdrop soon fell to the ground, and immediately after it fell to the ground, it sent out a red signal smoke.

And the seals, with all of them, came near the drop box.

This is the airdrop supply box of the gale special force! After seeing the box, everyone's face appeared excited expression!

The white captain glanced at the castle where Linkai was located. When I had supplies, I saw how you were crazy in front of me!

"Come on! Open the airdrop supply box! " The white captain yelled and ordered.

Then, the soldiers behind him were ready to open the airdrop box.

But at this moment, a roar sounded, and the ground began to tremble slightly.

Only two Mercedes Benz unimoks appeared in the sight of the public!

After seeing the two muscle SUVs, the white captain's eyebrows wrinkled, and a sense of foreboding rose in his heart.

Just then, a black man poked his head out of the seat of the co pilot of unimok.

I saw his shoulder, also carrying a rocket launcher!



The black man launched a rocket! The rocket almost hit the white captain's ear! Right behind the white captain!

It was a blaze!

The white people were scared to move!

Two unimoks stopped directly in front of them.

Click, the door opens. Lin Kai puts his hands in his pockets and walks out of the car.

Lin drove out of the car, and then more people jumped out of the car!

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