Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 761

In the face of such arrogant Lin Kai, the white captain clenched his fist and looked angry.

But he did not dare to be angry, because there were bullets in the guns of more than ten people behind Lin Kai!

Lin Kai looked at the white captain and said, "ha ha, don't you agree? Do you want to spell it

The white captain said nothing.

Spell it? What do they put together? Take your own body?

They are not the opponents of Lin Kai and others!

At this time, the seven ninjas of the island country saw that the situation was not right and quickly slipped away.

Because they once assassinated Linkai! Now that Lin Kai has got the supplies, he may seek revenge on them.

But Lin Kai glanced at the Ninjas of the archipelago and did not stop them.

It is only natural that they should kill them by themselves.

But if you do something to them, it may lead to international war.

Lin Kai sneered and waved his hand in a very arrogant way: "take the things back to me!"


The fat man agreed and immediately took people to carry the airdrop onto the car.

Lin Kai swaggered away.

Zhuang Yan is also a face of Jieqi, before leaving, he put up his middle finger at the white captain.

The white captain was angry, but he didn't know what to do with Lin.

Before long, Linkai returned to the castle with the blacks and his teammates.

At this time, Lin Kai ordered people to take down the airdrop material box, and began to count the materials in the airdrop material box.

"I'll go! Big pineapple! Good thing At this time, the fat man in front of a bright, holding up the only machine gun in the airdrop box, as if to see a baby, his eyes were bright.

"Big pineapple, what is that?" Lin Kai is at a loss.

The fat man held the machine gun and said, "have you ever played chicken? Inside there is a gun, named M249, nicknamed big pineapple! That's it

"It's a hundred rounds! Powerful! Good thing

"Don't rob me! This is mine

The fat man was holding a big pineapple and was reluctant to let go.

Lin Kai smile, way: "ha ha, don't worry, a hand!"

After that, Lin Kai took the big pineapple from the fat man's hand.

Then, a big pineapple to Lin Kai's hand, it became two!

It's amazing. People are not surprised at this scene.

As we all know, Lin Kai has a magical ability to copy. As long as you give him raw materials, he can copy them infinitely!

After a while, fifteen big pineapples appeared in front of everyone!

The black men, who had never seen such high-end weapons, threw down their AK47 and picked up big pineapples!

Later, Lin Kai copied hundreds of large pineapple magazines.

It can't be used up!

Besides the big pineapple, there are new camouflage clothes and military coats.

The clothes of Lin Kai and others are already in tattered condition. The temperature in the castle group is very low. This brand-new camouflage clothes and cotton padded clothes are needed.

There were eight sets of cotton padded clothes, but there was no big problem. Lin Kai copied several sets and gave them to the black brothers.

Soon after, they all put on new military uniforms and cotton padded clothes.

What's left is sniper guns and food and water.

Lin Kai put all these things into the castle.

It's getting dark. It's going to be dark.

Last night, it was definitely the nightmare of Zhuang Yan and the black people!

There are snakes all over the castle!

In the case of insufficient bullets and supplies, no casualties occurred, which is a great fortune!

If they don't have new supplies and supplies today, they will definitely die here!

However, with a big pineapple in hand, everyone has a sense of security.

After eating and drinking, Lin opened and closed the gate of the castle, and everyone came to the top of the castle.

Here, is an open balcony, in this place, you can see the street under the castle.

It's easy to kill Python here.

The minutes and seconds passed, and soon the sky was completely dark.

It's getting closer and closer to midnight.

They're on the other side of the fort with the seals.

Their situation is worse. They are short of bullets, water and food. The most important thing is that their supplies have not arrived yet.

At this time, the island's Bushido special combat team came to the bottom of their castle.

The white captain looked down and immediately understood with a smile of banter.

Soon after, Bushido special combat team and seals and gale special forces alliance.Three special teams, a total of 23 people.

However, even so, their supplies are poor.

Soon, it was midnight.

This evening, the moon is very bright, no searchlights, people can also see the scenery on the street.

Linkai stood on the roof, staring at the street.

At 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, it seems that the king of Yan has rung his life-threatening bell. Countless dark shadows enter the castle group.

In Lin Kai's eyes, he can clearly see that there are countless boa constrictors coming from all directions of the castle group!

The boa constrictor breaks through the ground!

After seeing the python, Lin got goose bumps all over.

Every boa constrictor has the thickness of a bucket! Ten meters long!

Green eyes, the body is full of scales!

Is this a fuckin 'snake? I'm afraid it's not Jiaolong, is it?

Seeing these snakes, people behind Lin Kai began to get nervous.

Thousands of snakes got into the castle. Following the heat and smell, some of them climbed towards the castle in Linkai, and some toward the white captain's position.

At this time, Lin Kai sneered and said, "ha ha, since you dare to come, I will let you go forever! Shoot

Lin Kai gave an order. At that time, a total of 15 people pulled the trigger at the same time. Fifteen big pineapples shot out!

Dada! Dada! Da da da da da da!

The sound of gunfire rang out. At that time, the castle was illuminated by the gun flame!

Fifteen big pineapples opened fire together. The scene was very spectacular.

Those boa constrictors, though rough in skin and thick in flesh, could not withstand the powerful pineapple bullets! A few bullets down, can hit a python on the ground twisted.

At that time, all around the castle, came the shrill scream of Python!

Just hitting with a big pineapple is not enough.

Linkai gave an order: "black brothers, carry your rocket launcher out to me and bomb it severely!"

The Negroes understood what Lynch meant.

In fact, in order to meet Lin Kai again, they deliberately left the last rocket unused.

Just to make the rocket launcher useful!

Rocket launcher, load, fire!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Boom! Boom!

The rocket hit the boa constrictor group, and immediately burst into the sky like fire!

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