Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 754

At that time, everyone was silent.

Is that the language of the old prophet?

But is there really something so mysterious in this world? The prophet, really exist?

Although we all don't want to believe it, what happened in front of us can't be explained by common sense!

There was a tremor in everyone's heart.

"Hum! Play tricks

At this time, Lei Zhan hummed, and he directly wiped the back of the map with his hands.

Later, another picture was shown in front of the crowd.

Only see, the picture depicts 14 villains, 13 men, a woman.

It's not much different from the previous picture.

The only person with a foot is different!

He's floating on the ground!

It can be seen that the man is a man!

But I don't know who he is, because the drawing method of all villains is the same!

After seeing this picture, all of us got goose bumps.

Does this mean that there is something hidden among them that is not human?

Is it a ghost?

All of them trembled. Although they were atheists, seeing this kind of thing in such a place would make us doubt it!

At that time, people look at each other in different ways.

"There is Is there a ghost He Chenguang's voice trembled.

"There's a fart!" Zhuang Yan scolded.

But his voice, obviously, was shaking.

After all, what they see is too mysterious.

Then, Lei Zhan wiped the place behind the picture again, and another picture appeared in front of everyone.

In that picture, there are still fourteen villains.

But this time, the hint is more obvious!

Among them, a villain not only has no feet, but also has an expression on his face!

Ferocious expression!

A dagger appeared in his hand!

After seeing this scene, all the people took a breath of air-conditioner and couldn't help but step back two steps.

The meaning of this picture is very obvious, that ghost can kill people!

With him in, the team will never be peaceful!

Who is it?

Everyone is suspicious of the place!

But at this time, Lei Zhan's eyes, but dead stare at Lin Kai!

Lei Zhan's eyes narrowed and he pointed to Lin Kai. "Say it! Is it you? "

Lei Zhan was angry. At that time, everyone looked at them.

Everyone is puzzled. Why does Lei Zhan say so?

Lin Kai was also stunned. He looked at Lei Zhan and frowned: "are you crazy? War thunder

Lei Zhan sneered, pointed to Lin Kai and looked at everyone: "big guy, don't you think it's strange?"

"When this kid enters the Middle East, he becomes very mysterious."

"A small bag can hold two large SUVs!"

"He can even cook a grill

"Polar bears don't attack him! He can even make rockets

"The most important thing is, how did he kill him under the siege of wolves?"

"Have you seen the power of wolves? He alone can kill out of the wolves? "

Lei Zhan's words, everyone was lost in thought.

Indeed, Lin Kai's suspicion is too great!

All kinds of things he showed proved that he was not an ordinary person! Maybe, he's not a man at all!

Everyone looked at Lin Kai with some fear and vigilance.

At this time, Lei Zhan drew out his pistol directly and pointed to Lin Kai: "are you?"

Lei Zhan insists that Lin Kai is the ghost in the picture!

And Lei Zhan doesn't care whether his judgment is true or not.

If it's true, then kill this ghost, he's meritorious!

If it's a fake, killing Lin Kai, who is very annoying to him, will make him happy in his heart!

Everyone looks at Lin Kai.

At this time, Lin Kai gave a helpless smile. He looked at Lei Zhan and said, "don't you just want to kill me? Why make so many excuses? You can shoot


At the same time, eight black men picked up their AK47s and aimed their guns at thunder.

As long as Lei Zhan dares to shoot, they will definitely shoot at the same time!

You know, they have the advantage in number!

Although AK47 is a relatively backward weapon, but this weapon is very simple and crude! It's powerful!

Although the ak4 is not so stable in the rear seat, it is not so stable at all!"No, no, no, No

At this time, Zhuang Yan is also a hot sweat, he quickly said: "put down the gun, put down the gun, why?"

"It's not too late to make a decision after reading the picture!"

Listening to Zhuang Yan's words, Lei Zhan reluctantly put down the gun in his hand.

If it hadn't been for eight black people behind Linkai, thunder would have shot!

At this time, Lei Zhan wiped the place behind the map, and then another picture was displayed in front of everyone.

In this picture, there are two pictures!

The first picture is that the ghost is dead, and the rest are safe.

The second picture, the ghost is not dead! But all the others are dead!

As soon as this picture appeared, everyone took a breath.

The hint is very obvious!

That ghost will not die. Everyone else will die!

Lin Kai looks at the pictures in front of him and frowns.

These pictures are not right!

Is there really a prophet in this world? Linkai didn't believe it.

He felt that there was definitely some troublemaker among them!

Lin Kai began to study the pictures and dust on the stone tablets.

Finally, Lin Kai found something wrong.

Because, he found that the pattern on the stone tablet seems to have just been carved out.

Moreover, on the ground, there are many stone fragments on the stone tablet.

That is to say, these figures have just been carved out!

The dust on it is also man-made!

Lin Kai's eyes brightened.

"There is deceit in it!"

Lin Kai just said this sentence, and there was a crash. Lei Zhan raised his rifle directly this time!

"Linkai! Now, what else can you say? "

"You said it wasn't you?"

Lei Zhan widens his eyes and says angrily.

And he Chenguang and Lengfeng hesitated for a moment, but also chose to believe in Lei Zhan.

They also raised their rifles at the same time!

Three men with rifles pointing at Linkai!

And Zhuang Yan and ye Cunxin also hesitated for a moment, and felt that Lei Zhan's words were reasonable!

All five raised their rifles!

At this time, all the blacks also raised their AK47.

For a moment, the sword was in a state of tension!

Lin Kai frowns. He looks at Lin Kai and laughs angrily.

"Zhan Lei! You are a fool

"I don't understand. How do you become the king of war with such a brain?"

"Don't you get the hell out of such an obvious mischief?"

"Someone wants us to fight!"

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