Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 753

"I'll go! How could there have been humans living here before? " At this time, he Chenguang could not help but cry out.

Zhuang Yan and their hearts were shocked.

After all, such a spectacular scene is really rare!

However, the more spectacular the background, the more likely there is to be danger.

Lin Kai never relaxed his vigilance.

After seeing this scene, the black people were also very excited.

Lin Kai looks at the castle in front of him, frowning.

Because he found a crucial place.

Why, in front of the castle group, not a bit angry?

In principle, even if there are no humans, such a place for animals to live, there is no animal and no bird.

This is not logical!

"I'll go! Look

At this time, he Chenguang exclaimed, pointing to a certain place in the castle group, his eyes widened.

In the middle of the castle group, there is a pile of gold mountain!

It is Jinshan, which is made up of gold and various gold wares!

After seeing this pile of gold mountain, people's breath became short.

This is Jinshan!

At that time, the two teams were unable to move forward.

Even Zhuang Yan's eyes narrowed for a while, obviously, the temptation of Jinshan is still very strong!

"Be careful and walk slowly into the city." Zhuang Yan holds M4 rifle, command way.

To get to the first level, you have to go through the castle group in front of you.

What's more, the castles in front of them don't seem dangerous. On the contrary, they are very attractive.

"Wait a minute." Lin Kai suddenly stops Zhuang Yan and others.

"What's the matter?" Everyone looks at Lin Kai.

"There's something wrong with it." Lin Kai frowned and said, "don't you think it's strange that such a large group of castles is not angry at all?"

After hearing Lin Kai's words, people looked at each other.

Indeed, the castles were dead and strange.

Lei Zhan sneered at this time and said: "ha ha, it's right that you don't get angry! If there are thousands of people in it, dare you go in? "

"I don't know this castle group was thousands of years ago. Can it be alive?"

After listening to Lei Zhan's words, everyone nodded.


After all, it's the castle group thousands of years ago, and it's normal to have no life!

Zhuang Yan frowned at this time: "everyone be careful, do not stray, if there is danger, immediately return."


Everyone agreed in unison.

Lin Kai frowned, but he still felt something wrong in his heart, and even had an ominous premonition.

"No! You can't go! "

Lin Kai stopped them at this time.

Although Lin Kai didn't like thunder war, they were his comrades in arms after all! After all, they are their own countrymen!

At this time, Lei Zhan pushed Lin Kai aside and sneered: "ha ha, if you don't dare to go, you'll stay here!"

"How did you become a special soldier just because of your courage?"

"Chinese soldiers should have no fear!"

"Even if there is danger ahead? I will fight as many monsters as there are mine

After that, Lei Zhan waved his hand and said, "keep going!"

"You Lin Kai was angry when he saw the thunder war.

That's it. Go and go!

At that time, Zhuang Yan and Lei Zhan took the lead, and a group of them entered the castle group.

After entering the castle group, I saw them moving slowly, very alert and careful to the center of the castle group.

There was no danger along the way.

Lei Zhan snorted: "hum! What a coward! He dare not even enter! "

Not long after, I saw the five people of the special front fighting team, had come to the front of the golden mountain!

The height of Jinshan is very exaggerated, tens of meters high!

The glittering gold makes Lei Zhan's breathing fast!

If you put this pile of gold into the outside world, you can exchange tens of billions of RMB!

Everyone looked at the pile of gold mountain in front of them, their eyes were blurred.

He Chenguang was the first one to resist the temptation and took a piece of gold from the mountain and looked at it in his hand.

When they saw that he Chenguang had picked up gold, they followed suit and looked at it in their hands.

Lin Kai was relieved to see that they had picked up the gold without any danger.

It seems that I really think too much.

At that time, Lin Kai a wave, with eight black people, also entered the castle group.Soon, Linkai and they came to Lei Zhan's side.

Lei Zhan's hand was holding a large piece of gold. At this time, Lei Zhan's mouth was filled with a trace of sarcasm: "ha ha, have you seen it? What is the danger? "

"What a coward!"

Lin Kai brows a frown, but also did not take care of thunder war at this time.

At this time, Lin Kai also came to the front of the golden mountain, and Lin Kai also picked up a piece of gold.

It's heavy with gold. It doesn't look like it's fake. It's really a mountain of gold!

At this time, only a black man suddenly let out his voice.

All the people looked at the black man. He pointed to a stone tablet and said something but couldn't understand it.

Everyone looked at it.

I saw a huge stone tablet beside the golden mountain!

On the stone tablet, there is also a picture!

The picture shows a man sitting cross legged on the ground with a robe on his body and a scepter in his hand.

And many people are worshipping him.


Everyone gathered around and looked at the picture in front of them with great interest.

"What is this?" He Chenguang scratched his head and asked.

"The prophet!" At this time, the cold front who has not spoken suddenly came to a sentence.

Everyone looked at the cold front.

"I've seen this pattern on his scepter. Thousands of years ago, only a prophet was qualified to use such a scepter!"

A prophet?

After listening to Leng Feng's words, everyone laughed.

I don't know why, Lin Kai always has an ominous premonition in his heart.

"The prophet? Hehe, God is not a ghost, who will believe this thing? " Lei Zhan sneered at this time.

"Wait! And the picture

At this time, Leng Feng's eyes narrowed.

He came to the front of the stone tablet and wiped the dust on the stone tablet with his hand. At that time, the second picture was shown.

In the second picture, 14 villains are depicted!

The villain is extremely simple, with hands and feet.

Among them, there was a little man with long hair.

That is to say, the villain is a woman!

After seeing this picture, everyone looked at each other and felt the scalp numb.

Goose bumps are up!

Because, they add up, exactly 14!

And one of them is a woman!

Does this mean that the prophet has predicted that 14 people will come here in thousands of years?

Thirteen of them were men and one woman?

I'm afraid to think about it!

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