Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 645

Zhao Wenbo didn't take Lin Kai's words to heart.

And insulted Lin Kai.

In his opinion, he is a proud disciple of Wang Zixi, a master of calligraphy. He is just a loser who has never learned calligraphy. Why should he listen to his advice?

Even if my calligraphy really has that kind of problem.

At this time, Liu Yan frowned and looked at Lin Kai: "Lin Kai, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. They are the proud disciples of Master Wang Zixi!"

Liu Yan is very fond of Zhao Wenbo, but Lin Kai doubts the master's disciples in front of so many people, which makes Liu Yan have no good impression on Lin Kai.

Zhang Xiaoqian also followed: "yes, Lin Kai, don't pretend to understand if you don't understand."

Zhang Xiaoqian thinks that she is for the sake of Lin Kaihao, and let him talk less.

But Lin Kai touched his nose and laughed helplessly.

"Hehe, since you don't believe what I said, that's fine."

Said Lin Kai.

Zhao Wenbo is not happy with Lin Kai.

At this time, Zhao Wenbo said with his back, "since this friend is so confident in his own opinion, how about we write a calligraphy on the spot and let everyone present evaluate it?"

After that, Zhao Wenbo looks at Lin Kai with a defiant face.

He is challenging Lin Kai. He also knows that Lin Kai doesn't dare to fight!

Let's not say that Lin Kai doesn't know calligraphy. Even if he knows calligraphy, his calligraphy is definitely not as good as his own.

Zhao Wenbo pondered on his face. By doing so, he could not only disgrace Lin Kai, but also show his grace in front of the two beauties, killing two birds with one stone.

And Lin Kai smile: "forget it, compared with me, you are not worthy."

Lin Kai is telling the truth. He wants to dump Zhao Wenbo's eight streets in calligraphy!

As soon as Lin Kai said this, the audience was in an uproar.

Many calligraphers and calligraphers have looked at Lin Kai and criticized him.

"Who is this? So arrogant? "

"Not even the disciples of Wang Zixi, the master of calligraphy?"

"I've heard that there is no one in the field of calligraphy."

"Don't know, pretend to understand? Maybe he's just a psychopathic poor man. "


A burst of ridicule came, and Zhao Wenbo even laughed: "ha ha! What a joke! I Zhao Wenbo is a close disciple of Master Wang Zixi. Do you think I am not worthy? Do you think your calligraphy is better than my master

Hearing this, Lin Kai smiles: "ha ha, although I haven't seen your master, your master's calligraphy is really not as good as mine!"

This sentence undoubtedly aroused public indignation.

Most of the people present came to see Wang Zixi's calligraphy.

Lin Kai, in front of so many people, said that Wang Zixi's calligraphy was not as good as his calligraphy. At that time, bursts of abuse rang out.

"Who do you think you are? Master Wang Zixi is a famous calligrapher in the capital of China. How can you say that his calligraphy is inferior to yours

"How arrogant! I don't know what the sky is like

"Where did this rubbish come from? Could it enter the calligraphy meeting of Master Wang Zixi?"


Liu Yan and Zhang Xiaoqian, as Lin Kai's friends, were shameless at this time.

Liu Yan and Lin Kai are not familiar with each other. At this time, she stamped her feet and said in disgust, "Linkai! Can you stop bragging? Even if you know calligraphy, you can't look down on Master Wang Zixi! "

Lin Kai's impression in Liuyan's heart has all gone bad.

Zhang Xiaoqian also frowned: "Lin Kai! What are you doing? I brought you here to show you the calligraphy of Master Wang Zixi, not to brag and make trouble. "

"If you do this again, I will I'm angry

Zhang Xiaoqian originally wanted to threaten Lin Kai with Zhang's identity, but again, Lin Kai is a martial saint. She can only give up.

Lin Kaiyi's face is helpless. Now, can people look down on him to tell the truth?

"I didn't brag, I didn't make trouble. All I said was the truth."

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Zhao Wenbo's mouth showed a trace of ironic smile.

Hehe, since you sent it to your door, I'll show you what real calligraphy is!

Zhao Wenbo's heart was filled with excitement at the thought of showing off in front of the two beauties.


"Since this friend can't even appreciate my master's calligraphy, I Zhao Wenbo will compete with you today on behalf of my master!"

"Come on! The four treasures of the study

As soon as Zhao Wenbo dropped, two mahogany tables were moved by the staff of the calligraphy conference.

On the two mahogany tables, there are two sets of four treasures of the study.

Pen, paper, ink and inkstone.

"Since we want to compare, we should compare the same one. What kind of words do you want to compare?" Zhao Wenbo waved his hand, and the air way was big.Lin Kai smiles and says, "ha ha, if you want to compare, then it's simpler. Just like the number one in the world, how about it?"

"Yes!" Zhao Wenbo agreed.

At the same time, he made fun of Lin Kai in his heart.

Zhao Wenbo has written the first four characters in the world countless times. It can be said that he is already familiar with it.

It's a real gunshot.

When Lin Kai competed with the master calligrapher's disciples, he attracted many people around him. Almost all of them were experts.

The competition officially began, and the two started inkstone.

This inkstone is also a technical skill and a necessary course for practicing calligraphy.

If you want to write well, you must be very good at it.

Zhao Wenbo wiped the inkstone with a paper towel and dripped some water on the inkstone with a small teapot.

Then, one hand picked up the inkstand and rubbed it gently on the inkstone.

Soon after, the ink from the ink pad mixed into the water and became ink.

The movement is very skilled, complete in one go, the people around are nodding secretly.

But Lin Kai looked at Zhao Wenbo's inkstone once, and then he began to do it.

However, Lin Kai's inkstones and inks look very clumsy. Lin Kai also learned from Zhao Wenbo and began to make ink.

When people around him saw that Lin Kai couldn't even write inkstones, he burst out a burst of laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha! That person can't even ink and ink, but also compare calligraphy with master Zhao Wenbo? How ridiculous

"Now I'm sure that this man just pretends to understand. His ink is not half as good as master Zhao Wenbo's ink."

"Just a hick."


Hearing so many questions and ridicule around, Liu Yan and Zhang Xiaoqian's small faces are red and red.

They thought that since Lin Kai dared to challenge Zhao Wenbo, he must have some skills.

But they didn't expect that Lin Kai could not even inkstone!

Zhang Xiaoqian's small face is burning hot. Lin Kai is a disgrace to her. She regrets secretly in her heart. Why did she bring him to the calligraphy meeting?

Isn't it self humiliating?

It seems that he is just a rough man. Although he can play, calligraphy is not a matter that can be solved by using swords and guns, or by cultivating himself highly.

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