Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 644

After listening to Zhang Xiaoqian's words, Zhao Wenbo's eyes were obviously pleased.

But he waved and shook his head and said, "I dare not."

Zhao Wenbo was also the focus in the calligraphy conference.

After all, he is a proud disciple of Wang Zixi, the master of calligraphy. His calligraphy is also very personal.

"Wow! Sister Xiaoqian, look at that piece of calligraphy. It's very powerful Liu Yan exclaimed, pointing to the four characters on the wall.

Those four words are the best in the world.

Although the strokes of these four characters are simple, the calligraphy on the wall is powerful. If you just look at it, you will have a strong impact!

Give people a kind of domineering momentum!

Zhang Xiaoqian also nodded: "it's really good. It seems that it was written by a master."

At this time, Zhao Wenbo smiles.

"Ha ha, I wrote that picture." Zhao said.

After that, Liu Yan immediately clapped his hands and was very excited: "Wow! How wonderful your calligraphy is

Liu Yan is praising Zhao Wenbo. Liu Yan is also very interested in calligraphy. Seeing Zhao Wenbo's handsome appearance and good calligraphy, it is inevitable that she has a good impression on him.

Zhao Wenbo said with a low-key smile: "ha ha, I'm flattered. In fact, I have better works to show ahead. Would you like to go and have a look?"

Smell speech, Liu Yan chicken peck rice general nod: "good ah good ah!"

Zhang Xiaoqian also liked calligraphy, and she nodded at that time.

"Ladies, please." Zhao Wenbo is quite a gentleman.

Zhang Xiaoqian and Liu Yan also went together.

Then, Zhao Wenbo glanced at Lin Kai coldly and left alone.

He didn't take Linkai seriously at all.

But Lin Kai also pondered a smile, and he followed up.

Zhao Wenbo should be a good master of the show.

But they couldn't see it.

In fact, a truth, just like girls can distinguish who is green tea at a glance, while boys can't.

Soon after, people came to a piece of calligraphy.

There are more than 100 characters in that calligraphy!

It is written in cursive script. Every word is very neat and beautiful. It seems that it is carved from the machine.

It's a textbook Level calligraphy display.

Zhao Wenbo's face with a proud smile: "ha ha, two ladies, this painting in the snow is my work."

Liu Yan and Zhang Xiaoqian look, in fact, they are both half baked, but when they see such neat and beautiful calligraphy, they can't help but praise.

"Good words! Sister Xiaoqian, his words are so beautiful Liu Yan exclaimed.

Zhang Xiaoqian also nodded: "well, it is really beautiful, worthy of being the proud disciple of Wang Zixi."

The passers-by around heard the speech and looked up one after another.

Soon after, someone commented: "good word! Good words! He is indeed a proud disciple of Master Wang Zixi

Some people even exclaimed, "Wow! I saw this word at the auction! Some people offered five million yuan, but master Zhao Wenbo didn't sell it! "

Five million!

As soon as this figure came out, Liu Yan took a breath of cold air.

She is a student with a general family background. She did not expect that Zhao Wenbo could sell for five million yuan with a casual word!

And Zhao Wenbo is even more contented. He knows that one of the two beauties has been hooked on him.

Lin Kai stares at the word on the wall and frowns.

It looks very neat and beautiful, but in Lin Kai's eyes, it is full of defects.

Lin Kai shook his head in secret. How dare he show off the words that are difficult to be refined?

Lin Kai's tiny movement of shaking his head falls into Zhao Wenbo's eyes.

Zhao Wenbo was upset when he saw Lin Kai and the two beauties together. Now he saw that Lin Kai was still secretly questioning his words.

At that time, Zhao Wenbo looked at Lin Kai: "this gentleman, do you also know calligraphy?"

Lin Kaiyi Leng, shook his head: "don't understand, did not learn."

It's true that Lin Kai has never touched calligraphy since he was young.

"Since I don't understand, my husband seems to have some prejudice against my calligraphy?" Zhao Wenbo looks at Lin Kai with a smile.

Lin Kai smiles and replies, "ha ha, there are some personal opinions, but needless to say, I'm afraid of hitting you."

What Lin Kai said is all true.

As soon as his words come out, brush! Countless eyes look at Lin Kai.

Who is this man? So arrogant?

Zhao Wenbo was angry and laughed at Lin Kai's words. I am a proud disciple of Wang Zixi, a calligraphy master. You who don't know calligraphy say you are afraid of hitting me?

"But it doesn't matter!" Zhao Wenbo deliberately said out loud to attract other people's attention.At this time, Zhang Xiaoqian pulled Linkai and frowned: "Linkai! What are you doing

"In terms of cultivation strength, you are really good, but calligraphy is not a sword and gun dance!"

Liu Yan frowned and looked at Lin Kai.

She and Lin kaigang knew each other, but Lin Kai pretended to be so forced in front of the master calligrapher, which immediately reduced Lin Kai's impression in her mind.

Lin Kai smile, said to Zhang Xiaoqian: "you don't worry, I have my own opinion."

After that, Lin Kai said in a loud voice: "although you look very neat, beautiful and magnificent on the surface."

"But in fact, it seems that there is no soul, every word is dead!"

"It's like a printer's print. What's the difference between this and a computer's word?"

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Zhao Wenbo gave a smile and looked at Lin Kai with contempt.

"Ha ha ha ha! This friend's suggestion really makes people laugh off their big teeth! "

"There is a saying that everyone has different opinions. For example, people who understand calligraphy think that my handwriting is excellent!"

"Farmers, who don't know calligraphy, think I'm scribbling on paper!"

"I dare to ask which master's disciple this friend is. If he can ask such profound questions, he is also the master's disciple?"

Zhao Wenbo's words, both inside and outside, are laughing at Lin Kai.

There was also a burst of laughter around.

Everyone looked at Lin Kai like a crowd.

They all know Zhao Wenbo, who is a proud disciple of Wang Zixi.

But Lin Kai, no one knows.

But Lin Kai's words, just like words on paper, no one listened to them at all.

Lin Kai replied, "I don't have a master. I'm not my apprentice. I haven't been exposed to calligraphy."

"What I said just now is just my personal opinion. If you want to listen, you should keep it in mind. If you don't, you should think I didn't say it."

Zhao Wenbo turned his hand and disdained to smile: "ha ha, since this friend has not learned calligraphy, please don't make any comments and insult my calligraphy!"

"You have acted stupidly! It's like a primary school student who hasn't graduated from primary school and wants to teach a postdoctoral math problem. "

"Your opinion is so short-sighted! You're just a frog in the well. "

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