Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 621

In Lin Kai's eyes, in addition to self-confidence, there is still self-confidence.

The only person in the ordinary world who is afraid of opening a meeting?

Lin Kai knows that Pan Feng is very unconvinced to himself, but it doesn't matter. If you want me to be ruined, I'm not as good as you want me to be.

Thinking about it, Lin opened his mouth with a smile.

Pan Feng, you are not bad. You have no evil intention towards me. If you want to do something more out of the ordinary, I don't mind letting you disappear from the world.

At this time, the atmosphere on the destroyer was very tense.

All the navies looked forward, and everyone wanted to see whether the so-called pirate ship existed or not.

In fact, no one believes Lin Kai's intuition. Everyone thinks that Lin Kai's words are too bullshit.

Can you see twenty nautical miles with the naked eye? I don't believe in ghosts.

Pan Feng negative hand and stand, a glance at Lin Kai, proud smile: "Lin Kai, you see, you're almost finished."

"The time is coming to expose the king of war's true face!"

"I, Pan Feng, are different from others. I don't like young master soldiers who rely on their family power to serve as soldiers."

"In Jiangbei, no one dares to provoke you, but here, I Pan Feng will not be used to you!"

After listening to Pan Feng's words, Lin Kai smiles and shakes his head: "ha ha, whatever you think."

Seeing Lin Kai's indifference to himself, Pan Feng is even more angry.

Aren't you afraid? Aren't you afraid?

Shouldn't you be very nervous now? Why do you ignore my love now? Are you so confident in your intuition?

The three missiles were all fired by your intuition. The probability of hitting the pirate ship is smaller than the chance of winning 50 million lottery tickets!

Hum! Let you be proud for a few seconds, and you will soon see your true face, Lin Kai!

All the people in the wolf squadron stood nervously.

Lin Kai is not nervous, but they are sweating for him.

Because of Lin Kai's intuition, they all have some doubts.

If Lin Kai made a mistake this time, he would be punished, and the reputation of the battle wolf squadron would be ruined, and the Navy on the ship would look down on the wolf squadron.

In Lin Kai's eyes, the distance between the pirate ship and the destroyer is getting closer and closer.

From the distance of nine nautical miles, it gradually drew closer to seven nautical miles, then six nautical miles, and then five nautical miles.

Five nautical miles, just within the detection range of the destroyer.

Pan Feng immediately took out the walkie talkie: "investigate the range of five nautical miles ahead, see if there are ships around!"

After that, Pan Feng took a gloating look at Lin Kai.

Soon after, Pan Feng's walkie talkie came the voice of the Scout: "report! Five miles ahead, a small cruise ship has been found! "

The smile on Pan Feng's face solidified as soon as this sentence came out.

The atmosphere on the whole ship began to tense up.

Found a small cruise ship? Is there really a boat ahead?

Pan Feng frowned and asked, "cruise ship? Is it our Chinese cruise ship

"Report! no It seems that It's like a cruise ship hijacked by pirates. There's a huge red skull on it

After hearing this sentence, Pan Feng's heart cluttered.

Red Skull?

Isn't that the symbol of the Dragon hunting team?

Is there really a pirate ship ahead?

Pan Feng looked at Lin Kai rather doubtfully. Could this man's eyes really see a pirate ship 20 nautical miles away?

Isn't that amazing?

Just thinking about it, a voice came from the walkie talkie that the scouts couldn't believe: "report! Company commander, that pirate ship Already It's sinking. It's going to explode! "


At this time, Pan Feng, like a cat stepped on its tail, almost jumped from the ground!

Is it going to sink?

So, is Lin Kai's intuition accurate?

And he decided exactly where the pirate ship was based on his own intuition?

Is that bullshit?

Pan Feng even felt like he was dreaming at this time!

And the entire Navy on the destroyer was dumbfounded.

They all heard the Scout's answer from the walkie talkie.

This How do you explain that?

Is it difficult to become the land of special forces, are all immortal reincarnation?

Did Lin Kai grow a pair of thousand mile eyes?

At this time, a burst of cheers sounded, all the people of the wolf squadron cheered up!

They lifted up Linkai and held him up. They almost threw him into the sea.

Pan Feng's face, at this time incomparably ugly.

According to the law, he sank the pirate ship, this time he was not in vain, but at this time, he was not happy.He kept saying that he wanted to expose Lin Kai, but Lin Kai failed to expose him, so he fell into a big fall.

At this time, Pan Feng's face, hot red.

He is now a little suspicious of his judgment.

Is Lin Kai not a so-called young master soldier? Is he really powerful?

Now, Pan Feng's mood is very complicated.

Long Xiaoyun is more smiling, she looked at Lin Kai, eyes are full of tenderness.

Soon after, the destroyer approached the small cruise ship, and the light was shining on the destroyer.

"Listen, men on board! We are the Chinese Navy! You are surrounded! Put down your weapons! Hands up

Then, the sentence was translated again in Taiwanese and English.

There was a big hole in the deck of that pirate ship, and the water was pouring into the ship.

In a few dozen minutes, the small cruise ship will sink into the water completely.

The Navy on the destroyer took up weapons and aimed at the small cruise ship. As long as the pirates on the ship dared to resist, the Chinese navy would immediately fight back.

And the pirates on the ship did not escape, because there is a long distance from the nearest coast, even if you get off the ship, you will be exhausted even if you swim!

Seeing the Chinese destroyer, they are very excited, because for them, getting on the destroyer means that they can survive temporarily.

Not long after, only a dozen pirates stood up, arms in both hands, knelt down to show their surrender.

Although Pan Feng facial expression is ugly, but he still issued the order: "close to the pirate ship, bring them up!"


Several Marines, armed with rifles, are ready to board for inspection.

Soon after, the two ships came together and the Chinese Navy went on board for inspection.

Soon after, eighteen pirates were taken to destroyers.

As for the property on the cruise ship, all the things that can be carried are brought up, and those that cannot be moved can only be left on the ship.

Soon after, the cruise ship sank completely into the water.

The fat man looked at the more than ten pirates, and he was also proud to smile. He held his arm and came to Pan Feng's side.

Proud said: "ah! Just now I don't know who said, Lin Kai, you're finished! I'll expose you in a moment! Why, are you ashamed? "

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