Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 620

"Good! Let's go

Pan Feng agreed.

He would like something to happen to Linkai.

At that time, Pan Feng took out his walkie talkie: "ready to launch Eagle strike 12 missiles, 70 southeast, about 10 nautical miles away."

Pan Feng said that, the interphone immediately heard a voice of doubt: "company commander, our radar is temporarily unable to use, are you sure you want to launch?"

"Sure!" Pan Feng ordered again.


Pan Feng issued an order, and long Xiaoyun came to Lin Kai with a worried face.

"Linkai, do you really see it?" Even long Xiaoyun's tone has some doubts.

She can't see anything on the vast sea!

But Lin Kai ordered Pan Feng to fire. Did Lin Kai really determine the position of the enemy?

Lin Kai looked at long Xiaoyun confidently and said with a smile, "ha ha, you can rest assured. Trust me."

Believe me, it made long Xiaoyun feel at ease.

But long Xiaoyun's heart, or do the worst plan, if something really happened, Pan Feng to investigate Lin Kai's responsibility, she long Xiaoyun must bear with Lin Kai.

Soon after, only a whoosh was heard, and a missile was launched directly from the destroyer!

All the navies looked up to see the missile go into the distance.

And Lin Kai is more attentive to see the pirate ship.


In the distance, the missile did not hit the pirate ship, but into the sea not far from the pirate ship, blowing up a splash!

And Pan Feng looked at Lin Kai with a playful face: "what? Did the missile hit? "

Lin Kai shook his head.

Seeing this, Pan Feng sneered: "ha ha, you can't see it. You can't see it until you shoot it!"

Unexpectedly, Lin Kai once again said: "the sea breeze is too strong, so we need to adjust the position. We should try to launch another missile 100 meters ahead of schedule in the 65 southeast direction, nine and a half nautical miles away."

After hearing Lin Kai's words, Pan Feng snorted coldly: "hum! After the missile is launched, Lin will be held responsible if I have no chance to launch three missiles

"Good!" Lin Kai didn't even look at Pan Feng and agreed to come down.

This makes Pan Feng more angry.

Lin Kai, I'll let you knock for a while. After three missiles, I'll see how proud you are!

At that time, Pan Feng took out his walkie talkie and ordered, "southeast 65! Nine and a half miles away! A hundred meters ahead of time, launch another missile


Soon after, a voice came from the walkie talkie.

Then, only heard a whoosh, a missile again from the destroyer launched!

And Lin Kai is staring at the pirate ship in the distance.

Lin Kai only saw that the missile almost wiped the side of the pirate ship and shot into the water, blowing up a splash!


Lin opened his eyes and squinted. This time, he had an accurate answer in his heart!

This missile will hit!

"65 southeast! Nine and a half nautical miles away, 80 meters ahead of schedule, launch another missile! " Lin Kai said in a hurry.

"This is your last chance!" Pan Feng said coldly.

Having said that, Pan Feng took out his walkie talkie and said, "in the southeast 65 direction, nine and a half nautical miles away, 80 meters ahead of schedule, launch a hawk strike 12 missile."


Then, there was another whoosh, a missile was launched from the destroyer!

At this time, Lin Kai's nervous palms were sweating!

In his sight, a missile fell from the sky and landed on the pirate ship.

At that time, there seemed to be a violent explosion in Linkai's ears.

In the sight of Lin Kai, the missile exploded on the pirate ship, and a big hole was blown out of the deck at that time!

The Dragon hunting team flag on the pirate ship was blown away at that time!

The pirates on the ship were even more panicked. They didn't know what the situation was. They had dropped two missiles.

This missile fell into their ship!

At this time, Lin Kai roared excitedly and danced on the boat!

"Yes! Yes

At this time, Lin Kai was as happy as a child.

And people looked at him, as if they saw a mental retardation.

Yes? What's in it?

On the whole ship, only Lin Kai witnessed the missile hit, and the others were all ignorant.

More than 100 naval officers looked at Lin Kai with sympathy. They were young and talented. Unfortunately, their brains were not very good.Pan Feng looked at the dancing Lin Kai, but also with a smile: "ha ha, Lin Kai, all three missiles have been fired out, the pirate ship has been hit?"

Lin Kai nodded and said excitedly, "yes! full speed forward! The pirate ship has lost its ability to move

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Pan Feng disdained to smile and shook his head.

He doesn't understand Lin Kai's idea now.

What is he doing? Act like a fool?

Is there something wrong with this person's spirit?

Or did he have hallucinations? Think you can see things that ordinary people can't see?

"Lin Kai, don't be a fool! The three missiles must have hit the water! There's no pirate ship in front of us

"Don't you understand it up to now? You can see a pirate ship twenty nautical miles away, no matter how strong your eyes are

"By intuition? I don't think you rely on intuition, but the Lin family behind you? "

"I tell you! If I can't see the so-called pirate ship for a while, Linkai, you're finished

At this time, Pan Feng showed his true face.

He thought that he had grasped Linkai's handle, and his face had already shown a sneer.

"Ha ha, today I want all the people on board to watch and see what the so-called 19-year-old king of war is!"

"Three shots, isn't it exciting?"

"Don't worry, there will be more exciting in a while!"

Pan Feng has a ferocious smile.

After nine nautical miles, Pan Feng will immediately send someone to arrest Lin Kai.

On shore, I'll ruin you!

The wolf squadron is stupid.

They didn't expect that things would come to this situation.

Linkai, is this something we've got?

They don't really understand why Lin Kai did this.

Although Lin Kai's strength, speed and physical strength are excellent, he is also proficient in all aspects of skills.

But can Linkai see things 20 miles away?

Don't say that others don't believe it. Even their comrades in arms who lived and died with Lin Kai didn't believe it.

Long Xiaoyun came to Lin Kai's side and whispered, "you don't worry. I'm here. No one can do anything about you."

Lin Kai looks back at long Xiaoyun and smiles.

"Don't worry, no one can do anything about me."

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