Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 572

These 10000 points are not easy to earn.

Lin Kai looks at the tiger under his feet and is filled with emotion. The tiger's fighting power is very strong. Ordinary people can't subdue it.

Now, what should be done with this tiger?

This has become a problem.

And the tiger also felt the murderous spirit of Lin Kai. At that time, he made a whine.

I saw it Niu Ling big eyes, actually appeared the look of praying.

It's very human.

This tiger is very intelligent!

It has already known that Lin Kai is powerful and knows that he is not Lin Kai's opponent.

So it bowed its head and softened.

"My mission is to kill you. What can I do?" For a while, Lin Kai was worried.

The voice of the system sounded in Linkai's ear: "if you like, I can transform this animal into a shape, and it can understand what you say."

Hearing the speech, Lin opened his eyes.

He took out his mobile phone, turned on his camera and said to tiger, "now, I'm going to take some pictures of you dead."

Tiger is very human. It seems to understand what Lin Kai is talking about.

So, the tiger fell to the ground, motionless, as if dead.

Lin took a few photos and submitted the task.

After that, Lin Kai didn't care about the animal. With Lin Kai there, he certainly did not dare to hurt people or run away.

At this time, Lin Kai's eyes looked at the tree.

The three fruits on that tree are very attractive to the forest.

Linkai slowly approached the big tree. When he got to the bottom of the tree, he only felt a strong genuine Qi coming out from the three fruits.

Good thing!

"Hunyuanguo, it's something old. It's really rare on earth."

"Taking a Hunyuan fruit can increase your true Qi by at least 200 points!"

Hearing the speech, Lin opened his eyes.

200 points of true Qi can make Linkai more powerful!

"Can I pick the hunyuanguo now?" Asked Linkai.

The system replied, "of course."

Smell speech, at that time, Lin Kai jumped to this tree and picked three Hunyuan fruits.

Holding the Hunyuan fruit in your hand, you can feel the delicacy of the spirit.

Crystal clear fruit, emitting a little bit of light, full-bodied, aroma, but also gives a sense of nobility can not be blasphemed.

This is hunyuanguo, which is very valuable!

"Hunyuanguo, each person can only take one, the second one is invalid."


Hearing this, Lin Kai is quite disappointed.

He thought that these three hunyuanguo could at least increase his Qi value by 600 points.

It turns out that everyone can only take one.

But Lin Kai is satisfied.

After picking off the Hunyuan fruit, Lin Kai looks at Lin Kai from behind with greedy eyes.

Chang Shasha and Chang Lao looked at hunyuanguo with great desire. The purpose of their coming into the forest was this hunyuanguo.

And that Wang Qinglong is also quite greedy looking at Lin Kai's hunyuanguo.

This is a priceless fruit. Wang Qinglong had heard of it before he entered the forest.

He knows that this thing can make normal people into martial arts magic baby.

Each one is worth a fortune!

Three Hunyuan fruits are very likely to create three warriors.

For the Wangs, it can be said that it is like a tiger with wings. It can help the Wangs to dominate the Fourth Ring Road of the capital and become the overlord of the Fourth Ring Road!

Now, Lin Kaiyi has three Hunyuan fruits. Once the news is spread out, Lin Kai will become the target of public criticism.

Take down the three hunyuanguo, Lin Kai's mood is also very comfortable.

At this time, Chang Shasha bit her silver teeth and came to Lin Kai.

She looked at the Hunyuan fruit in Lin Kai's hand and said, "Linkai, can you give me one of the spiritual objects..."

Give you one?

Lin opened his eyebrows and looked at Chang Shasha.

Chang Shasha quickly added, "I don't want your spirit for nothing."

"I know that you found the spirit first, and the tiger was defeated by you, but we often need this spirit thing very much."

"We are always willing to pay a high price for it."

"We'll give 100 million!"

100 million?

Lin laughs. The Hunyuan fruit is worth a hundred million yuan, and even its skin can't be bought.

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, Wang Qinglong reached out and stopped Chang Shasha.

He strode along with a crowd of dandies.

"Lin Kai, we all want these three spiritual objects! I'll give a billion for one! "There was a lot of noise.

Three hunyuanguo, that is 3 billion yuan, his Wang family is so big!

Wang Qinglong's face was also full of complacency.

His family is rich and generous, stronger than the Chang family. Moreover, the Chang family is not as good as before.

The owner of the Chang family is seriously ill, and most of the business of the Chang family has been lost.

"Wang Qinglong, you!" Chang Shasha is angry.

This is her father's life-saving medicine!

"Me what me? Let's play fair! " Wang Qinglong is quite a chuckle.

At this time, Chang Lao also stood up from the ground, his body was very weak, he came to Linkai step by step.

With a plop, Chang Lao knelt down directly.

He was full of tears: "martial master, I'm sorry I didn't recognize him."

"I'd like to ask your martial master to give me one for Chang family."

"The Chang family will never forget the great kindness of the martial arts master!"

For a while, the three spiritual objects in Lin Kai's hand became the treasure that everyone wanted.

Lin Kai put the three spiritual objects into his backpack, which didn't mean anything.

"First of all, this Hunyuan fruit is the spirit of heaven and earth. It has the effect of washing marrow, muscles and bones. After taking it, it can greatly increase the cultivation. It is a treasure."

"But it's not a life-saving medicine, so I can't give it to you."

After saying that, Lin Kai looks at Wang Qinglong again and laughs.

"You want spiritual things, too?"

Wang Qinglong smell speech, chicken peck rice like nodded: "yes, yes, I give a price of 1 billion, the price is easy to discuss."

Lin Kai heard the speech and laughed.

He took out a spiritual object from his backpack.

When Wang Qinglong saw the spirit object, his eyes were straight.

He couldn't help but stretch out his hands and wanted to pick up the spirit object.

"More Thank you very much

Wang Qinglong is about to catch the spirit object, but at this time, Lin Kai throws the spirit object directly on the ground.

Then, Lin Kai called the tiger over like a dog.

"Rhubarb, rhubarb, here, wild fruit for you."

Just now, the fierce tiger, like a pug, came to the foot of Linkai.

The tiger swallowed the spirit thing in his mouth and swallowed it directly.

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