Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 571

Lin Kai slapped the tiger!

And still in the head!

This is a great insult to the tiger!

Tiger blinked his eyes, the expression of humanity in a daze.

It looked at Lin Kai, confused.

Is this young man so brave?

At this time, the scene is quiet, even the sound of a pin falling on the ground can be heard.

Chang Shasha, who was behind Lin Kaihu, was shocked.

She never thought that it was not Chang's family or Wang Qinglong who stood up to protect her at the critical moment.

It's Lin Kai, whom she disliked just now!

It's Lin Kai, who ignores the past!

"You Chang Shasha choked for a moment.

In addition to her guilt, there was only anxiety in her heart.

Because Lin Kai is so reckless!

So he stepped into the territory of the tiger, he will be eaten!

After all, even Chang Lao is not the opponent of the tiger!

"Run! Are you stupid? It will eat you Chang Shasha pushed the forest, but she couldn't move it at all.

Lin Kai looked back at Chang Sha Sha and said, "I'll protect you."

This sentence makes Chang Sha's heart full of warmth.

She did not expect that someone would come forward to save her at such a dangerous time!

Even though he would be buried with her, she was still moved.

After seeing this scene, the old man lying on the ground in the distance hammered the ground with his fist with remorse.

If he had known, he should have listened to Lin Kai's words and should not have set foot in this land of right and wrong!

Now it's better to have killed so many people!

Wang Qinglong in the distance saw Lin kaichong out, stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha! How could this fool want to save the beauty? I'm afraid he's not out of his mind, is he

"Even Chang Lao is not the opponent of the fierce tiger. How dare this fool challenge the tiger?"

"How wise

The rest of them were laughing.

They don't care about Chang Sha Sha's life or death. Chang Lao's death just helps them swallow up Chang's power.

The owner and guardian God of Chang family are dead. Who is afraid of Chang family?

At this time, the tiger also responded, it was very angry.

Because Linkai makes it lose face!

"Roar!" The tiger let out a roar.


As soon as the tiger roared, Lin Kai slapped up again.

Huge strength, with a touch of genuine Qi, a slap will be the tiger's head to fan skew!

Thump! Thump!

The tiger stepped back a few steps and even shed a trace of blood from the corners of his mouth.

Roar what? Beast Lin Kai, with a hand on his back, taught him indifferently.

Now Lin Kai has 390 points of true Qi.

Every slap, with a strong genuine Qi, double damage!

Plus Lin Kai's 500 point strength, he can definitely beat the tiger's head.

This slap, let everyone dumbfounded again.

Lin Kai slapped again?

"This..." The old people are shocked.

Tiger shook his head and looked at Lin Kai again. In his eyes, there was an angry look!

"Roar!" The tiger roared again. This time, it directly jumped at Linkai!

The huge claws ran straight to Linkai's head.

As long as it presses Linkai to the ground, it will definitely tear Linkai to pieces without hesitation!

But Lin Kai laughs and sees his Qi carrying the elixir field, a genuine Qi is extracted by Lin Kai into his hands.

Different from Chang Lao, Chang Lao can only let a touch of true Qi cover his hands, which is invisible.

And Lin Kai's hands are obviously wrapped in a layer of blue genuine gas.

Facing the fierce tiger, Lin Kai does not have a trace of fear.

"Over the shoulder!"

Lin Kai took hold of the tiger's claws and ignored its great power. Then, Lin Kai turned around and threw the tiger to the ground!

With a loud bang, the tiger was directly thrown to the ground by Lin Kai, and a deep pit appeared on the ground.

"I kick!"

Then, Lin Kai a hand to pull a tiger's paw, a foot then mercilessly kicked to the tiger's body.

Bang! Bang!

Every foot, can kick out the sound of sonic boom.

Lin Kai's legs, as if it were a merciless iron whip, severely whipped on the tiger's body!

"Mount Tai is at the top of the mountain!"

Lin Kai roared again. Lin Kai flew up in the same place. Focusing on his elbow, he pressed the tiger fiercely.Bang!

There was a dull sound again. Lin Kai's move brought down the top of Mount Tai and directly roared out the pain of the tiger!


Fierce tiger on the spot like a beaten local dog general, crazy barking, showing a face of fear.

Damn it, this human is so abnormal!

Laozi is a tiger! Can't you save face?

After a few moves, the tiger has been lying on the ground dying.

But Lin Kai stood up, patted the soil on his body, and said with disdain: "ha ha, you beast, let you hurt people, I'll hammer you to death!"

At this time, the scene was silent again.

Chang Lao looked at Lin Kai, and he was so excited that he almost cried!

Because he found that Lin Kai's real Qi in his body was a hundred times stronger than that in his own body!

Lin kaicai is a real warrior! No, it's a martial arts master!

"So It's the martial arts master The old man was so excited that he almost wanted to get rid of it.

Unfortunately, his injuries did not support his doing so.

And Chang Shasha, who was behind Lin Kai, could not close her mouth.

These few minutes, Chang Shasha can be said to have experienced the ups and downs of life.

First excited, then desperate, now Lin Kai gave her hope again!

This young man who looks smaller than himself is so strong!

Even this tiger can be defeated. You know, even your grandfather is not the opponent of this tiger!

Without any effort, he subdued the tiger.

So strong!

Which big family is this?

As for Wang Qinglong, he was already stupid.

He always thought that Linkai was a soft persimmon.

But now he realized that he was wrong, so wrong!

Lin Kai is not only a soft persimmon, but also a big iron ball! Who can't squeeze it!

In front of Lin Kai, the fierce tiger with explosive fighting capacity is simply vulnerable to a blow.

Wang Qinglong was very afraid. He insulted Lin Kai just now!

It's easy for him to kill himself!

Thinking of this, Wang Qinglong regretted that he wanted to die.

Why should I die like this?

The most shocking thing in my heart is actually the tiger who was beaten down by Lin Kai.

This tiger, small body changes, in front of other tigers, it is also the best.

After being pulled to Jiulong Mountain to do the experiment, the strength greatly increased!

After spending such a long time at the side of the spirit object, it has absorbed the power of the spirit object, and it has become extremely powerful.

But to the former man above, he was beaten to no avail.

The tiger's intelligence is very high, no less than an eight year old child. At this time, it lies on the ground and feels ashamed in his heart

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