Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 560

After listening to Lin Kai's words, people's faces at the scene all changed.

This painting is not only a fake, but also a disaster causing thing!

Zhao Tianxing, this is not a simple delivery of fakes, he wants Du Jinhu's life!

Du Jinhu looked at Zhao Tianxing's eyes, hoping to eat people. In his eyes, Zhao Tianxing has become a dead man.

No matter whether Zhao Tianxing intended to give this painting to himself, the Zhao family will certainly become the family that Du Jinhu wants to revenge!

Look at Zhao Tianxing. After listening to Lin Kai's words, his legs are already soft.

He's going to pee!

He never thought that he had revealed his secret!

Does he know the origin of the painting? Of course I know! Although the painting was bought at a low price, the master who made the fake was the top forgery master in China.

Basically no one can tell whether his paintings are true or not.

But I didn't expect that Lin Kai could distinguish it at a glance.

You can tell the origin of the painting.

It's just a golden eye!

Lin Kai's eyes, in fact, are not much different from the golden eyes of fire. With the golden pupil, you can see through everything in the world. You can see through the small fakes!

"Uncle Du, this It's all a misunderstanding

Zhao Tianxing's pale face explained that his legs were shaking.

At this time, no one dares to stand up for Zhao Tianxing.

Because everyone knows that Zhao Tianxing has committed the death penalty!

And in Zhao Tianxing side of Wang Yuyan at this time also silly eyes, she did not expect, Zhao Tianxing actually did such a stupid thing!

Now, not only Zhao Tianxing is going to have bad luck, but even she has to follow her!

"Hum!" Du Jinhu snorted coldly, his face was not good.

Turning around, Du Jinhu looks at Lin Kai.

Lin kaineng can recognize the forgery at a glance, and even more can recognize the greasiness in this painting. He is definitely not an ordinary person!

In addition, Du Jinhu saw the ferocity of Lin Kai when he killed people. He was sure that Lin Kai was also a big man!

"Brother Lin has good eyesight. I admire him!" Du Jinhu is very grateful to open his fist at Lin.

Linkai has saved him twice!

"You are welcome." Lin Kai smiles and sits back in his seat.

As soon as Zhao Tianxing's forgery was exposed, the atmosphere of the whole dining table was very tense, and no one dared to speak out loud.

Zhao Tianxing is on pins and needles.

Du Jinhu thought for a long time and looked at Zhao Tianxing: "Zhao Tianxing, this matter, I need your Zhao family to give me a satisfactory account."

At this time, Zhao Tianxing could no longer control the fear in his heart. Zhao Tianxing plopped and knelt directly in front of Du Jinhu.

"Uncle Du, I was wrong! This I didn't mean it! I don't know that this painting is a fake, let alone a harmful thing

You don't know what's important to you, Du Jinhu. You don't know what you're going to do

Du Jinhu's words, like a lightning hit Zhao Tianxing's body.

It made him shiver.

It's over!

Du Jinhu is not going to let him go. Du Jinhu wants him to pay for his life!

At that time, Zhao Tianxing was so scared that he shivered and sweating. He was only in his twenties. He didn't want to die!

It's all because of Lin Kai!

Zhao Tianxing's eyes, maliciously looked at Lin Kai.

If it wasn't for Lin Kai, he wouldn't have to die!

"Uncle Du, you give me a chance. I'm the president of Zhao group. Uncle Du, you can't kill me!"

At this time, Zhao Tianxing has been controlled by the desire to survive. He kneels at Du Jinhu's feet, holding Du Jinhu's thigh and crying.

Du Jinhu didn't even look at him.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Everyone looked at the gate of the bright moon room.

If you dare to knock on Du Jinhu's door at this time, you must be a big man.

"Come in, please."

Du Jinhu Road.

The door opened and a man entered the room.

The visitor, who is about 30 years old, has a strong figure, wears a suit, holds a gift in hand, and walks into the gorgeous moon room with a smile on his face.

This one is also a famous figure in the capital, Cai Lun.

Cai Lun is also a famous figure in the Fifth Ring Road of Beijing.

He owns hundreds of restaurants.

There are several Michelin restaurants.

Even if Du Jinhu saw this one, he had to be courteous. He was a rich man in the Fifth Ring Road of Beijing!

"Ha ha! Boss Du, I'm sorry. I'm late. " Cai Lun hugged his fist.

As soon as Cai Lun came in, all the guests in the room stood up and welcomed Cai Lun with a smile.Du Jinhu's face, however, is getting better at this time, smiling at Cai Lun.

"Ha ha, I'm lucky to have boss Cai come! Please have a seat

After Cai Lun took his seat, he saw Zhao Tianxing kneeling on the ground.

Cai Lun has heard about Zhao Tianxing, but he doesn't know him.

And Zhao Tianxing after seeing Cai Lun, in front of his eyes, this is his life-saving straw!

If you can persuade Du Jinhu through Cai Lun, you may not have to die!

However, with the ability of the Zhao family, it must not be qualified to talk to Cai Lun.

At that time, Zhao Tianxing's brain was spinning rapidly. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and looked at Wang Yuyan beside him.

Isn't wang Yuyan a platinum Michelin card?

She is a super VIP user of Michelin!

You know, the people who can be issued platinum gold cards by Michelin are all big people. Michelin restaurant will definitely give face.

At that time, I saw Zhao Tianxing kneeling in front of Wang Yuyan, a snot and tears began to beg Wang Yuyan.

"Yuyan, Yuyan, you must save me!" Zhao Tianxing took Wang YuYan's small hand and tearful eyes.

Wang Yuyan was also shocked.

She saw Zhao Tianxing kneeling, had been very nervous, now Zhao Tianxing actually knelt down in front of her, which made her very afraid.

After all, she's just a nineteen year old girl.

At that time, everyone looked at Wang Yuyan.

Wang Yuyan looks fresh! Zhao Tianxing actually kneels down at Wang Yuyan. Can't this woman be a big man?

Even Du Jinhu looks at Wang Yuyan.

Wang Yuyan quickly pushed Zhao Tianxing aside and said, "Tianxing, I Our Wang family is just a small family. How can we save you? "

Zhao Tianxing knelt down again in front of Wang Yuyan and said excitedly, "Yuyan! You ask for mercy for me, you ask boss Cai! "

"Aren't you a platinum card user at Michelin restaurant? Please help me, please

Platinum card users?

Smell speech, everyone looked to Wang Yuyan.

This woman has a big head!

All of you, Du Jinhu is the platinum card user of Michelin restaurant.

But this woman actually has platinum gold card, it seems that her life experience, certainly is not simple.

Even Cai Lun looked at Wang Yuyan. Every platinum card user in Michelin restaurant was impressed by her.

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