Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 559

Empty handed?

Everyone looks at Lin Kai in an incredible way.

How dare Lin Kai say that?

Do you dare to eat empty handed?

It seems that he is really a poor loser! Not even a gift!

At that time, a series of scornful eyes cast, people all issued disdainful laughter.

Even Du Jinhu felt shameless.

Although Lin Kai saved his life, Du Jinhu knew how to repay him.

But he, Du Jinhu, is a big man with shaking feet and shaking ground in the five rings!

Lin kaiqiong didn't bring a gift. He could understand.

But Lin Kai said so bluntly that he didn't give Du Jinhu face at all, which made him feel very shameful!

Zhao Tianxing listened to Lin Kai's words, but also a Leng.

He thought that Lin Kai must have brought a gift. He just wanted to laugh at the low level of Lin Kai's gift.

But he didn't expect that Lin Kai came here empty handed!

This is really God help me, too!

This time, I can laugh at you as a loser!

"Empty handed? Lin Kai, you are rude

"I respect you as a distinguished guest of Uncle Du, so I'm very polite to you."

"But if you eat uncle Du's mat empty handed, you're not giving uncle Du face! If you don't give uncle Du face, you won't give us face! "

Zhao Tianxing a burst of drinking, at that time, people clapped their hands.

The poor loser and the young master of the Zhao family still know which side to go.

"Well said!"

"Mr. Zhao deserves to be Mr. Zhao. We support you!"

"This man is so arrogant and domineering that he doesn't give boss Du face. It's really uneducated!"


A voice of insult rang out.

But Lin Kai sits on the seat, takes out a toothpick, picks up the tooth, does not put the people around in the eye at all.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yuyan couldn't help saying: "people like you shouldn't be here! This is a place where people from the upper classes of the capital eat. It's not a place where you want to eat. "

"I don't want to eat when I see you. I have no appetite!"

After picking her teeth, Lin Kai glanced at Wang Yuyan coldly and also laughed.

"Although I come empty handed, I come magnanimously! Unlike someone who gave a fake painting of Tang Bohu, he was still complacent. "

As soon as Lin Kai's words came out, there was silence for three seconds.

Then a burst of discussion broke out.


Zhao Tianxing is a fake painting?

No way! That's a painting sent out by the eldest master of Zhao family!

And Du Jinhu is also an expert in antiques. If it is a fake painting, can he not see it?

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Zhao Tianxing also changed his face.

Zhao Tianxing naturally knows how this painting came from.

However, Lin Kai doubted that his painting was fake. Naturally, he would not accept it and would not recognize it.


"The painting I sent is an authentic work of Tang Bohu! Why do you say that the painting I sent is fake

"Show me the evidence!"

At this time, an old man sitting beside Du Jinhu also stood up.

This old man, a master of antiques, is famous throughout the capital.

He pushed his glasses and said, "I've seen this painting. It's an authentic work..."

The master's words were more than heard.

"Even master Liu said it was an authentic work. It must be an authentic work."

"This young man, who is not polite and has no education, is talking nonsense! It's disgusting! "

"How can such people eat with us? Get him out of here

"Yes! Boss Du, I strongly want to get rid of such scum! "


There was a loud noise.

Du Jinhu is also embarrassed.

Although he has great ability, which of you here has no strong backing?

It's not easy to solve the problem if people are angry.

It seems that Lin's life is not saved according to his situation!

He said that the painting given by Zhao Tianxing was fake.

Du Jinhu is not willing to make friends with people of bad character.

At that time, Du Jinhu said, "brother Lin, why do you say this painting is fake?"

Lin Kai smiles, stands up and comes to Du Jinhu's side.

Lin Kai patted Du Jinhu on the shoulder and said, "boss Du, I have nothing to give you for your birthday. I'll send you to avoid this disaster."

After that, Lin Kai picked up the authentic work of Tang Bohu on the table, stabbed it in front of everyone, and directly divided the original Tang Bohu into two!Everyone is staring at Lin Kai, who did not expect that Lin Kai actually tore up this piece of Tang Bohu's original work!

"What are you doing?" Zhao Tianxing was very angry. He patted the table and stood up.

Du Jinhu also glared at Lin Kai angrily. This is an authentic work of Tang Bohu! Du Jinhu likes this painting very much.

At that time, all the people present glared at Lin Kai, and the bodyguards at the door were ready to move.

Lin Kai put the painting on the table.

"There is no shortage of people who know how to draw."

"This painting, on the surface, is indeed and authentic."

"But if you look at the interlayer carefully, the front and back of the painting have a sense of age, just like the authentic works of the Tang Dynasty."

"But the middle interlayer can't be old, and the middle interlayer is completely new."

Hearing the speech, the people forced their anger and looked at the interlayer of the painting.

Sure enough, the interlayer is very new, and it doesn't seem to be handed down from the Tang Dynasty at all.

After seeing the interlayer, Master Liu also widened his eyes.


"This sandwich seems to be a work of modern craft."

After listening to master Liu's words, everyone was shocked.

Is this painting really fake?

How dare Zhao Tianxing give Du Jinhu a fake painting?

Du Jinhu also looked at Zhao Tianxing, his eyes were not good, dare to fool him, Du Jinhu, the end will be extremely serious!

And Zhao Tianxing is also shivering all over the body. At this time in his heart, he has already sent greetings to all the 18 generations of Lin Kai's ancestors.

This painting, of course, is a fake!

Where does Zhao Tianxing have the ability to find a real painting? Tang Bohu's original work, price has no market!

At that time, Zhao Tianxing reluctantly showed a smile: "Uncle Du, this painting is too lifelike, the younger generation does not understand painting, so he sent a fake painting to uncle, which was not intentional!"

"Ha ha." Zhao Tianxing's words just finished, Lin Kai then laughed.

Linkai took the picture and took out the lighter. With a click, the fire lit up. Linkai took the lighter and went to burn the painting.

But a magical scene happened. No matter how Lin Kai burned the painting, it would not be ignited.

What's more amazing is that the painting is still emitting a large amount of black smoke!

"Do you know why the painting smokes black?"

"Because the people who made this painting want to make it more of a sense of age and soul."

"So put this painting in the tomb for at least three months!"

"In this way, the painting gives the illusion of being old."

"What's more, this painting is full of Yin Qi. If you leave it at home for less than a month, those who live at home will fall ill and die of a severe illness."

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