Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 531

Soon after, Kui left the room quietly.

He did not leave any contact information, but want to come to his ability, should be able to find Lin Kai at any time.

The capital city is a place full of fish and dragons.

The capital is the capital of China. The water is very deep. In this place, there are all kinds of forces, including huge families as big as the dragon's family, and there are street scuffles.

Lin Kai needs to stay here for a while.

In the evening, Lin opened a hotel and went to see his parents and reminiscences with them.

Later, he met the comrades in arms of the wolf squadron and long Xiaoyun.

After saying goodbye to them, Linkai went back to the hotel to have a rest.

After that, he got up the next morning and washed the toilet.

Lin Kai couldn't get used to the breakfast provided in the hotel, so he wanted to eat in the breakfast shop not far from the hotel.

Arrived at the breakfast shop, the breakfast shop is not big, but there are many customers, business is booming.

Lin Kai found a seat and sat down. He ordered a bowl of soybean milk and two steamed stuffed buns. He ate them happily.

After breakfast, Lin Kai took out ten yuan and handed it to the owner of the breakfast shop.

The owner of the breakfast shop is an amiable old man. He is in his sixties. His neighbors call him Lao Li Tou.

Old Li takes Lin Kai's ten yuan with a smile, takes out his wallet and prepares to change for Lin Kai.

At this time, only heard a whoosh, Lao Li Tou's purse was suddenly snatched by a young man.

The breakfast shop, which was very busy, was quiet in an instant.

Everyone is very tacit agreement to put down the dishes and chopsticks, quietly fled the breakfast shop.

At the gate of the breakfast room, there were seven or eight gangsters.

One by one, they wear black leather jackets, tights and pea shoes, and their hair is colorful.

The leading gangster was a green haired man in his twenties. He opened Li Tou's wallet, took out a stack of change from it and put it directly into his pocket.

"Lao Li Tou, it's time to pay the public security management fee!" The green hair condole says.

The so-called law of public security administration is actually the protection fee.

Old Li Tou saw that his money was robbed, and the smile on his face became bitter at that time.

"Boss, this is my income in recent days. I'm going to pay the rent soon. Do you think you can keep some..."

As soon as Lao Li's words were finished, green hair's face changed.

He glared at old Lee.

He also patted his wrinkled face.

"Lao Li Tou, are you tired of living? Have you forgotten how your son got in? " Green hair is arrogant and domineering.

After listening to this sentence, old Li Tou's face changed and he did not dare to speak again.

Seeing that old Li Tou didn't dare to speak, green hair was very proud to smile.

With a wave of his hand, he said, "go! The next one

After that, Lvmao and other people are ready to leave the breakfast shop.

At this time, Lin Kai quietly appeared in front of them.

Lin opened his hands and put a toothpick in his mouth. A man stopped green hair and other people.

The passers-by around the crowd exclaimed.

Where is this guy from? How dare you interfere with green hair's business?

Looking up, Mao stopped to drive.

"Who the hell are you? Get out of the way Green hair is very impatient scold a way, push on the chest of Lin Kai.

But push, green hair found that Lin Kai did not move.

Lin Kai looked at green hair coldly: "give the money back to the old man."

Hearing Lin Kai's words, green hair and other people froze for a few seconds, laughing.

"Ha ha! You want to be a hero

"Want to help you when you see the rough?"

"Do you want to laugh me to death?"

Green hair and others burst out laughing and looked at Lin Kai like a fool.

Passers-by around also shook their heads. Lin Kai's spirit is worth learning, but now Lin Kai's past is no doubt a gift.

These green hairs and others are not easy to offend.

They fight every day and have rich experience in fighting. What's more, there are eight or nine of them. They can't beat one Lin Kai?

Seeing this, Lao Li came to Linkai in a hurry and protected him.

"I'm sorry, boss. I'm sorry. This is my new waiter. He doesn't know anything."

After that, Lao Li took Lin Kai's arm and squeezed his eyes at him.

That is to say, they are not easy to offend the Lord, give you a step, you go down!

And green hair and others look at Lin Kai provocatively, as if in ridicule Lin Kai.

Don't you want to help? Don't talk!But Lin Kai pulled away the old Li Tou who stopped him and said, "uncle, don't worry. I'll help you get back your money."

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Lao Li was not grateful, but was impatient at that time.

He stamped his foot indignantly and said anxiously, "what do you want? step on it! Don't offend these bosses

"These bosses kill people without blinking an eye and eat people without spitting out their bones!"

Lao Li was in a hurry and pulled Lin Kai to leave.

The boss of the breakfast shop is also a good man. He can't see Lin Kai suffer.

Meanwhile, the passers-by all around also made a burst of laughter, thinking that Lin Kai was a hard role. Now it seems that he is just a fool who is impulsive when his mind is hot.

Old Li Tou pulled Lin to one side and looked back at green hair and others.

"Boss, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm a waiter. I'll dismiss him later!"

In the face of old Li Tou's smile, green eyes turned, a bad smile.

Seeing him step by step close to old Li Tou, he said with a bad smile: "old Li Tou, OK! Have money to hire waiters? I suspect you have private money now! Give me another three thousand dollars

Hearing the words of green hair, old Li Tou was silly at that time.

He showed a smile that was even worse than crying: "boss, what you just took away is all my money. Where else do I have 3000 yuan?"

Green hair smell speech, sneer: "ha ha, don't take, right? If you don't, I'll smash your broken shop today

After that, green hair picked up a bench and tried to smash the breakfast shop of old Li Tou.

But at this time, Lin Kai stood out again.

This time, Lin Kai didn't say a word. He just raised his hand and fell down. With a slap, Lin Kai slapped the green hair's face!

Green hair was slapped by Lin Kai and fell to the ground directly. His face became red and swollen, and a trace of blood was shed from the corner of his mouth.

A slap, the green hair to smoke muddle forced.

Green hair's subordinates are all stupid. They didn't expect that Lin Kai would dare to fight their boss!

And Lin Kai pulled out a piece of toilet paper from one side, wiped his hands, and spit on the green hair's face.

"Didn't your mother teach you to respect the old and love the young?"

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