Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 530

He Zhijun excitedly hung up the phone, and then picked up his mobile phone to contact Lin Kai.

Qingming Lake soon restored its former tranquility. For outsiders, it was just an hour of traffic jam on the way to Qingming lake.

But for the powerful circle of China, there is a man who will become famous in the first World War.


After leaving Qingming lake, Lin Kai took a taxi back to the hotel.

Soon after, there was a knock on the door.

Lin opened the door and saw his old chief, he Zhijun, standing outside.

"Hello, chief!" Lin Kai paid a military salute.

He Zhijun amiable smile: "do not see outside, Comrade Lin Kai, there is a person to see you."

"Who?" Asked Linkai.

He Zhijun glanced at the room and said with a faint smile, "you will know in a moment."

After that, he Zhijun patted Lin Kai on the shoulder, winked at Lin Kai, and said, "Linkai, you should seize this opportunity to win honor for our Southeast military region."

He Zhijun showed a meaningful smile and turned away.

Lin Kai is at a loss.

Someone wants to see himself? Anyone here?

With doubt, Lin opened and closed the door and returned to his room.

Just lying on the sofa, Lin Kai frowned and sniffed the air.

Strange, how can there be a faint smell of cigar?

Looking at the table, I saw a cigarette end in the ashtray on the table.

I didn't smoke!

Lin Kai's spirit became tense.

Can enter the room under their own eyelids, and also quietly smoke a cigarette, this is an expert!

Is it the Ye family's revenge?

So fast?


At this moment, a sudden voice rang out.

The voice is extremely hoarse, can't tell whether it's a man or a woman, only gives people a sense of horror.

A man came out of the bathroom.

Looks like a man.

Wearing a strong black dress, similar to night clothes.

Wearing a cap on his head and a mask on his face, he couldn't see his face clearly.

Lin Kai can only see his eyes, which are beautiful and divine.

He walked as if floating, there was no sound at all. He put his hands in his pockets and came to Lin Kai's face and sat down.

"I'd like to introduce myself to Jiulong Mountain, the ninth mountain's length, code name, Kui."

Kui took out the certificate from his pocket and pushed it to Lin Kai.

Lin Kai picked up the certificate and looked at it, showing a suspicious look on his face.

This is a kind of certificate that Lin Kai has never seen before. It is black. There is no real information about him on the certificate, only his code name and position.

Jiulong Mountain, long mountain?


"Confused, right?" Kui's voice is smiling.

"That's right." Linkai nodded.

"Jiulong Mountain is the nine mountains of a primitive forest. Jiulong Mountain is not only the nine mountains, but also the most mysterious organization in China."

"You can understand it as the secret organization around the ancient emperor."

"Jiulongshan is directly under the control of the supreme power of China."

"And the members of Jiulongshan are not ordinary people."

"Their bodies, they've all mutated."

"Some people, have super high vision, some people, have great strength."

"People who have had these gene mutations will be admitted to Jiulongshan, and then they will be genetically modified by Jiulongshan to become super strong."

"Ye Nantian, member of the eighth mountain of Jiulong Mountain."

After listening to Kui's words, Lin Kai feels that the door to a new world has opened to him.

It sounds like a roaring bull in Jiulong Mountain!

"Huaxia, how could there be such an organization?" A little surprised.

"Of course." Kui nodded.

"Ye Nantian, do you think he is very strong? The goods at the bottom of the eighth mountain are just a superhero pushed out by Jiulongshan. "

Hearing this, Lin Kai's chin almost fell to the ground.

Ye Nantian's strong role in Jiulong Mountain is just the bottom goods?

It seems that there are many strong people in Jiulong Mountain!

For example, the Kui in front of him, that is, Lin Kai's warning cat's eye didn't remind Lin Kai, which made Lin Kai feel relieved.

He gave Lin Kai the feeling, only two words, dangerous!

He can be silent into his room, but also means that he can kill himself quietly!

"How about it? Are you interested in joining Jiulongshan? " Kui asked.

Lin Kai thought for a moment and then asked, "does joining Jiulongshan mean that I am not a Chinese soldier?"Kui smelled the speech, with a smile in his eyes, and shook his head: "Jiulongshan, strictly speaking, is also a military organization."

"It's just that Jiulongshan is special and unknown to the world, but you are still a soldier of the Chinese nation, serving in Jiulongshan."

"And your rank in the southeast military region will be retained, and in Kowloon mountain, you will have a new rank."

"What are the benefits of becoming a member of Jiulongshan?" Asked Linkai.

Kui patiently explained: "benefits? A lot. "

"First, wages. Of course, your Lin family is not short of money. Every member of Jiulong Mountain earns hundreds of millions every year."

"Second, leisure. Unlike the soldiers of the general military region, the members of Jiulong Mountain only need to carry out tasks every day except training. In Jiulong Mountain, you may only work three or four days a month."

"Third, supreme power. Jiulongshan has the right to act first and then to act afterwards. As long as it is found that someone in the state of Huaxia has done something that is totally ungodly, such as killing people, committing huge corruption, and mastering the evidence, they can all be brought to justice on the spot."

"Fourth, in Jiulong Mountain, you can accept genetic modification to make your strength even higher."

"Fifthly, only in the world of the strong, can you become stronger!"

After listening to Kui's words, Lin Kai is already excited.

It's just that leisure has already attracted Lin Kai's attention.

It's just three or four days a month. It's so beautiful!

"If you agree, please sign the agreement."

Kui pushed an agreement to Linkai.

Lin Kai picked up the agreement and looked at it.

Fortunately, Lin Kai was not illiterate in his last life. He could understand all the treaties in the agreement.

Basically no problem.

If you disagree with such a good thing, what are you waiting for?

Without saying a word, Lin Kai picked up a ballpoint pen and signed the agreement directly.

"I agree to join the Jiulongshan organization!"

Listen to Lin Kai's words, Kui smile: "from now on, you are a member of the ninth mountain of Jiulong Mountain."

"Welcome to Jiulongshan. Your ID card is still being processed."

"By the way, the Ye family in the capital city is not good at stubble. Be careful of their revenge. Ye Feng is not the strongest of the Ye family. There are several old abnormal people in the Ye family who have not been born."

"Would you like to come back to Jiulong Mountain with me to avoid the wind?"

Smell speech, Lin opened the corner of the mouth showed scornful smile: "no, just a few small fish shrimp."

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