Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 494

After leaving the scene of the accident, Lin Kai took a taxi and returned to the hotel.

Another good thing was that Lin Kai got 100 upgrade points and 100 attribute points.

Now Linkai has 1490 attribute points in total!

With so many attribute points, Lin Kai needs to strengthen himself!

After returning to the hotel, Lin Kai took a bath, changed into clean clothes, and lay on the bed, taking a look at his own attributes.

Host: Lin Kai

age: 19

gender: male

strength: 200

speed: 200

reaction: 200

physical strength: 200

defense: 300

heart of the strong: 0 / 100

skills: Golden pupil (gold), watermelon (silver), balloon (silver), Ganoderma lucidum (gold), tortoise (bronze), mountain stone (silver), Yuli (white) The ability of extracting ability of wild ape (silver), rhinoceros sticking to mountain (silver), crow (silver) and Flathead brother (semi divine level) (not available)

self created skills: Ghost attack (silver)

upgrade point: 1910

attribute point: 1490

this is Lin Kai's current attribute.

There are many upgrade points and property points.

Now, Lin Kai is ready to upgrade his properties!

Only 300 points can be used to extract all the attributes.

Therefore, Lin Kai should add all his defense attributes to 300 points!

Four hundred attribute points disappeared immediately, but Lin Kai still had 1090 attribute points, so strong!

Lin Kai is going to add each attribute to 500 points!

In this way, Lin Kai still has 90 attribute points left, which are not moved for the time being.

After deciding to add more points like this, Lin Kai directly clicks to confirm.

In his ear came the sound of the system.

"The process of adding points may be very painful due to too many points added. Are you ready for the host?"

Lin Kaizhong nodded. In order to make himself stronger, he could bear it!

At that time, Lin Kai said, "I'm ready. Come on."

As soon as Lin Kai's voice dropped, his attributes began to grow stronger.

Then, a burst of pain came, and Lin Kai's internal organs and bones changed.

Even the flesh and blood and cells have undergone subtle changes.

Lin Kai's strength is strengthening, and his reaction and speed are also strengthening. Now Lin Kai is strengthening everywhere in his body!

The pain brought to Lin Kai is also unbearable to ordinary people.

At this time, Lin Kai only felt that his internal organs seemed to be engulfed by insects!

The muscles all over his body hurt like a knife!

This kind of feeling is really too tormenting!

At that time, Lin Kai let out a roar!

Fortunately, the sound insulation of the hotel is very good, otherwise it can frighten the young people next door who are haha!

Ten minutes later, Lin Kai was sweating profusely, and his clothes and sheets were wet with sweat.

Twenty minutes later, Lin Kai was pale and lying in bed, numb.

At this time, Lin Kai finally understood the feeling that life is not like death!

One day later, Lin Kai breathed a sigh of relief, and the pain finally disappeared. Lin Kai finally finished adding points!

Lin burst out laughing.

"Ha ha, ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha

Lin Kai began to laugh wildly.

Although the process of strengthening is very painful, but the feeling of strengthening is really cool!

Open your own property list and see that Lin Kai is much stronger than before!

Host: Lin Kai

age: 19

gender: male

strength: 500

speed: 500

reaction: 500

physical strength: 500

defense: 500

heart of the strong: 0 / 100

skills: Golden pupil (gold), watermelon (silver), balloon (silver), Ganoderma lucidum (gold), turtle (bronze), mountain stone (silver), Yuli (white) Lin Kai was excited by the ability to extract from the wild ape (silver), rhinoceros close to the mountain (silver), crow (silver) and Flathead brother extraction ability (demigod level)

self created skills: Ghost attack and kill (silver)

upgrade point: 1910

attribute point: 90

the most exciting thing for Linkai is the extraction ability of Pingtou brother, which has changed from unavailable to available!

Although the CD time of this skill is relatively long, each time it is used, it can only double the attribute time of 10 minutes for the forest.

But for Lin Kai, it's enough!

Each attribute has reached 500 points. After using the extraction ability of Flathead brother, you can achieve 1000 points of terror!This is Lin Kai's abnormal strength now!

Now against Ye Nantian, Lin Kai feels that he can beat Ye Nantian!

Glancing at his upgrade point, Lin Kai feels that he can now upgrade silver skills!

Having a look at all his skills, Lin Kai wants to upgrade his attack means because he has to face Ye Nantian.

And Lin Kai's strongest attack means is undoubtedly the rhinoceros close to the mountain.

It takes 1000 points to upgrade a skill. Lin Kai no doubt chooses to upgrade rhinoceros close to the mountain!

"System, help me to upgrade rhinoceros to gold level

Lin Kai's words, the system immediately agreed: "OK, you wait a moment."

Ten minutes later, a series of new data are transmitted to Lin Kai's mind. Lin Kai is glad to know that he has mastered the brand-new rhinoceros sticking to the mountain.

"Longicorn meteor impact, gold level skills, after use, the highest can play a longicorn meteor impact on the earth's general power!"

After seeing his new skills, Lin Kai nodded with satisfaction.

He is very satisfied with this skill.

It sounds like a bully.

At this time, Lin Kai is so strong.

With the remaining 910 upgrade points, there is no way to upgrade silver skills to gold level, so Lin Kai plans to keep these 910 upgrade points.

After all this, it was the morning of the next day.

Lin Kai dragged his tired body into the bathroom and washed his body.

Let aunt cleaning change the sheets.

When cleaning aunt changes the sheet, she always looks at Lin Kai with a very strange look.

Before leaving, cleaning aunt also recited a sentence: "now the young people, also too unrestrained."

Lin Kai couldn't laugh or cry. After aunt cleaning left, Lin Kai lay in bed and fell asleep.


Two bodyguards in black suits stand at the entrance of an advanced single ward in the Central Hospital of the island.

And inside the ward, there was a man.

A middle-aged man, a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, was pale. Although he was seriously injured in bed, his expression was still not angry.

He is the master of the Yang family, Yang Jianxiong!

Beside him, there were several people standing.

Yang Mi, the eldest daughter of Yang Jianxiong.

Yang Xinxin, the second daughter of Yang Jianxiong.

Li Ming, the most famous doctor in the central hospital.

And his wife, Yang Jianxiong.

At this time, Yang Mi could not help crying: "Dr. Li, you said my father is OK? Don't you say you can take care of them in a month

"How come it's a lung injury, and it's going to die soon?"

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