Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 493

No matter what the truth is, Yang Mi only believes what Li Ming said.

Because Li Ming is a famous western medicine in Island City, she believes that Li Ming will not cheat her.

But Lin Kai looks so young, and he's full of street goods. Can such a person understand medical skills?

Even if you don't have a medical qualification certificate, do you dare to use needles on your father?

If something happened to her father, she would never let Lin Kai go!

Li Ming also made a sneer on the side, showing a smile of schadenfreude.

He just can't stand Lin Kai!

Because, he despises Chinese medicine!

He even despises the young people who study Chinese medicine. Today, he wants to let Lin Kai know that there is no good end for those who study traditional Chinese medicine!

Lin Kai was also angry and laughed at Yang Mi's words.

What a joke!

She saved her father, not only defeated several killers, but also pulled her father back from the ghost door.

She didn't thank herself, but she had to bite herself.

Say you're shameless?

Who are the shameless people?

For a moment, Lin Kai's eyes became cold.

"Whatever you think."

After that, Lin Kai turned and wanted to leave.

But at this time, another black Mercedes Benz stopped in front of Lin Kai, the door opened, and four strong men in suits came down from the Mercedes.

Four strong men in suits and leather shoes blocked Lin Kai directly.

Yang Mi doesn't want to let Lin drive away!

Lin Kai turned his head, glanced at Yang Mi and asked, "what do you mean?"

What do you mean Yang Mi also laughed: "ha ha, you dare to touch my father, today you must have an account!"

"I said, I saved your father! You don't agree, but please let me go Lin Kai's tone is not very good.

"You saved my father? What a joke

Yang Mi held his arm in his arms and looked like he was standing high above.

She pointed to Li Ming and said, "do you know who this one is? Li Ming, the attending doctor of our island city central hospital

"He saved my father!"

"It has nothing to do with you!"

"Do you think your two broken needles can save my father?"

"Don't make a fool of yourself!"

Yang Mi's words, that is an ugly.

The little girl rescued by Lin Kai came to Yang Mi's side.

The little girl pulled the corner of Yang Mi's coat and said, "sister, don't say this brother, this brother is a good man."

After listening to the little girl's words, Yang Mi picked up the little girl, and her eyes finally became gentle.

"Xinxin, you are still young. Don't be cheated by these bad people. He is not a good man. He is a big liar, a big liar without education!"

Smell speech, Xinxin looked at Lin Kai, some hesitation in big eyes, she didn't know whether to believe her sister's words.

In her heart, she felt that Lin Kai was a good man.

Yang Mi turned and looked at Lin Kai again. His eyes became cold again: "now, please give us an explanation, or I will never let you go!"

Yang Mi's voice cooled down.

"What do you want to account for?" Asked Linkai.

Without any hesitation, Yang Mi said, "my father is fine today. I will not embarrass you. Please apologize to my father immediately and promise you that you will never use medical skills indiscriminately in the future."

After listening to Yang Mi's words, Lin Kai has no choice but to smile and shake his head.

"I'm sorry, I won't apologize. I saved your father, whether you admit it or not. Besides, my medical skills are for saving people, not for showing off."

After saying this, Lin Kai also took a meaningful look at Li Ming.

Li Ming's eyes were cold at that time.

"You don't apologize?" Yang Mi held her arm and narrowed her eyes.

Lin Kai stood up straight, without any fear: "I'm good. Why should I apologize?"

"No apology? OK, I'll make you pay today! Let you know what the end of youth is Yang Mi waved his hand and said in a cold voice.

As soon as Yang Mi waved his hand, the four strong men in suits behind Lin Kai immediately approached Lin Kai. They raised their fists and were ready to beat Lin Kai!

But Lin Kai's eyes narrowed. As they raised their fists, Lin Kai instantly moved!

I saw Lin Kai's body like a flash of lightning, so fast that people can't see the figure clearly!

After brushing, Lin Kai turned back and kicked on a strong man's chest.

The strong man was kicked out like a shell!

Later, Lin Kai swept down the other three strong men with a sweeping leg.It took Lin Kai less than a second to finish.

It's just a second to put down four well-trained bodyguards without any hesitation.

This is the horror of Lin Kai's skill!

The scene was silent.

Yang Mi looked at the fallen bodyguard foolishly. He was also stupid.

How can this boy fight? Yang's bodyguard can't even pass a move?

Lin Kai looks at Yang Mi with a bad look.

As Yang walked closer, he rubbed his hands open.

At this time, Yang Mi finally knew that he was afraid and stepped back.

"What do you want? I'm Miss Yang! Chairman of Yang Group! If you touch me, you're dead! "

Although Yang Mi's tone is fierce, his expression has already had a trace of recognition.

Lin Kai's eyes narrowed and approached Yang Mi, almost four eyes facing each other, and he could even feel each other's breathing sound.

Lin laughed: "ha ha, you should be glad that I don't beat women."

After that, Lin Kai glanced at the man on the ground and said, "his wound has not recovered yet. Although it is not a big problem now, as long as you move, the broken rib will pierce the lung lobe. At that time, the immortal will not be able to save him!"

After that, Lin Kai didn't stop at all and strode out of the crowd.

After seeing Lin Kai go away, Yang Mi breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she rolled her eyes and said, "cut! Who do you think you are? You're right. You really treat yourself as a miracle doctor? "

"If you dare to beat my Yang family, you will die!"

"Xiong Da, please tell my brothers to dig three feet. I have to find out his details. I must ask him to pay a heavy price."

"Yes Yang Mi's words, saw Lin Kai down a bodyguard painfully agreed.

Later, Yang Mi looked at Li Ming and asked, "Doctor Li, is that boy's words just now a bunch of nonsense?"

Dr. Li nodded with a smile and said, "yes, Chairman Yang, although my father's chest was injured and his rib was broken, it was not as serious as he said."

"After a month's cultivation, you can recover without damaging the lung lobe."

"That boy is a mountain village man who doesn't know anything. Chairman Yang doesn't have to take such a person to heart."

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