Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 490

At this time, a dull bang, that strong man's machete, was held by one hand!

The sharp blade of the machete was right on the man's hand, but miraculously, the man's hand did not bleed.

The strong man was also stunned. When he looked up, he saw a handsome young man looking at him with disdain.

"Even a little girl, are you still a human being Lin Kai asked coldly.

It's Lin Kai who is coming!

This is clearly a murder!

Lin Kai couldn't bear to see that the group of people actually attacked the child, so he saved the little girl's life.

After seeing Lin Kai, the little girl subconsciously climbs behind Lin Kai. Now only Lin Kai can give her a sense of security.

On the road not far away, people also exclaimed. No one thought that someone would come forward in such an emergency!

However, many people still shake their heads. Lin Kai's spirit is worth learning. However, these strong men are not easy to provoke at first sight!

The strong man looked at Lin Kai and narrowed his eyes: "who are you? How dare you take care of our affairs? "

The four strong men behind him approached Lin Kai with machetes, and their eyes were not good.

Lin Kai said coldly, "I don't care who you are. It's wrong to hurt children."

"Then you die!" The strong man is obviously also a cruel role. If Lin Kai dares to block the road, he dares to kill him!

At that time, the strong man pulled out his machete and wanted to take it out of Lin Kai's hand!

But he pulled hard and found that the machete did not move!

Lin Kai's hand, like a vice, clamped the machete.

Lin Kai was quite disdainful with a smile: "with your strength like this, do you want to come out and chop people?"

After that, Lin Kai gently exerted his strength and heard a click. The machete in the strong man's hand immediately broke in two!

The strong man looked at the machete in his hand and his eyes widened.

My own knife is a real chopper! He's tried it. There's nothing wrong with chopping stones. The quality of the machete is very good.

But now Lin broke his hand?

How abnormal is this man's strength?

In the heart of a strong man, ten thousand grass mud horses gallop past.

And the road people also issued a cry of surprise, Lin Kai's strength is really amazing!

"It's a practitioner, but it's no use!" The strong man directly threw down his machete. With a wave of his hand, the four brothers behind him stood beside him.

As soon as the five men appeared, passers-by screamed.

"Butcher on a rainy night!"

When the word butcher appeared on a rainy night, the faces of all the people on the scene changed greatly.

Because these four words can be said to be the nightmare of the island people!

Two years ago, the gang of butchers committed crimes on rainy nights. On rainy nights, they came out to kill people. That year, the streets of the island were flooded with blood.

The butcher on a rainy night has become a nightmare for island residents!

In the past two years, the butcher on rainy night disappeared. We all thought that these five people would not appear, but no one thought that they could see the butcher on rainy night here!

Lin Kai also frowns. Naturally, Lin Kai has heard of the butcher's name on a rainy night, but he didn't expect to be met by himself.

"Ha ha, do you know who we are? Butcher on a rainy night! Now, boy, I'm going to give you a chance to end it yourself. "

Rain night boss sneers.

At this time, the second son of the rainy night held his arm and said: "boss, what's the cost of talking with him? It's over if you just kill it? Anyway, we're not killing one or two people. "

"More is not more, less is more."

Five people look at Lin Kai with indifference, and do not open Lin in their eyes.

Even if Lin Kai has a little strength, what? They still don't open Lin in their eyes!

Because they are murderers of countless rainy nights! Their strength is not comparable to that of a child.

Lin Kai tilted his head and laughed: "butcher on a rainy night, right? Well, today is the day you were arrested. "

After that, Lin started.

Lin Kai took the initiative to attack!

See Lin Kai's fingers, do not know when a black finger tiger appeared!

Although the tiger is swarthy, it exudes a strong murderous spirit!

Lin Kai is going to kill!

The butcher on a rainy night, Lin Kai will never spare them because they are demons who kill countless people!

Lin Kai's speed is really too fast, almost instantly came to the boss in front of the rainy night.

Rain night boss did not react to come over what is going on, only saw Lin Kai's finger tiger has come to his eyes!


Lin Kai's finger tiger directly fell into the eye socket of the boss on rainy night. At that time, the boss of rainy night sent out a burst of pain. One of his eyes was hit by Lin Kai on the spot!This is still the result of Lin Kai's leniency. Otherwise, Lin Kai can blow his head with one blow!

Later, Lin Kai kicked the boss of rainy night to fly out!

On a rainy night, the butcher and others all changed their faces. They raised their machetes in their hands and cut to the forest.

But Lin's speed, they can't catch up!

Almost instantaneously, Lin Kai almost immediately moved to the second in front of the rainy night and punched him in the abdomen.

With a muffled sound, Lin Kai punches the body of the second on a rainy night into the air. His body gradually becomes shrimps, his eyes widen and a mouthful of blood gushes out.

Fly several meters with one punch!

Bang, the second landing on a rainy night, more than 200 kg of strong men, at this time, life and death is unknown.

On a rainy night, the old man's face changed a lot. He knew that he met a stubble today.

But he didn't panic. He threw down his machete and pulled out a pistol from his waist!

He opened the safety of the pistol, aimed at Lin Kai, and sneered: "boy, you can beat your mother!"

"But is your head as hard as my bullet?"

Lin Kai looks at the third in the rainy night, and his eyes are a little funny.

Rain night old four and rain night old five also threw down the machete in the hand, took out the pistol from the bosom.

"We didn't want to use a gun, but you forced it."

"Boy, in a moment your head is like this watermelon."


Said, the rainy night old four shot in a roadside stand on a watermelon, only to see that watermelon burst at that time, the red pulp scattered all over the ground.

On a rainy night, the corner of his mouth showed a cruel smile.

"See? That's what happened to you! That's what you're going to do with your bravado

Facing the three men's pistols, Lin Kai smiles. He reaches out his hand and points to his forehead. His face shows a scornful smile.

"See? Call here. "

As soon as Lin Kai's words came out, the butcher was stunned on a rainy night, and the passers-by around him were also stunned.

Isn't it a little too arrogant?

"You're not afraid to die, boy?" Rainy night old three eyes cold, asked.

Lin Kai smiles: "I'm afraid! But can you kill me? "

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