Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 489

As soon as Lin Kai left the Red Cross, he came back.

At this time, Lin Kai was so excited that he decided to donate all the remaining 9.8 billion yuan!

Because it is too fast to upgrade points and attribute points in this way!

If you donate all of your 9.8 billion, will there be 1000?

1000 points, enough for Linkai to make himself stronger!

Even if 10 billion is not a small amount for Lin Kai, it is worth it in order to make himself stronger and revenge!

At that time, Lin Kai went back to the red cross again. He wanted to donate all his remaining money!

"Manager Wang, I want to donate another 9.8 billion!" Lin Kai said seriously.

Manager Wang was so stupid that Lin Kai had to donate another 9.8 billion yuan?

Just now Lin Kai donated one billion yuan, which was enough to shock manager Wang. One billion yuan is the largest donation that the Red Cross Society has ever received!

And Lin Kai has to donate another 9.8 billion!

That's more than 10 billion!

It seems that no one in China has donated more than 10 billion yuan, right?

How hard is it to donate more than 10 billion yuan?

How deep is this person's background? Not even 10 billion.

Is this man the son of the richest man in the world?

Otherwise, how can we not even pay attention to more than 10 billion?

In the heart of manager Wang, it was a shock.

At this time, Liu Qiao in the side hate that is a gnashing teeth.

She looks at Lin Kai's eyes. It seems that she can eat people. She wants to kill Lin Kai now!

Lin Kai refused to lend her money or help the Liu family, but now Lin Kai has donated more than 10 billion yuan to the Red Cross!

That's more than 10 billion! Her Liu family has not accumulated more than 10 billion over the years!

More than 10 billion yuan, enough to let their Liu family squeeze into one of the island's top ten families, and now Lin Kai has donated all of them!

Liu Qiao that is an envious jealousy hate!

"Are you sure? Mr. Lin Manager Wang's voice was shaking.

If Lin Kaizhen donates more than 10 billion yuan, the poor children on the island will be saved. Almost a lot of schools can be built, and the life of poor children can be improved.

Linkai will become a good man on the island!

"Sure." Lin Kai said seriously.

"Please swipe your card." Manager Wang pushed the card machine to Lin Kai again.

Lin Kai swiped his black card up again and entered the password. Lin Kai donated all the rest of the money!

At that time, Lin Kai's ear received the sound of the system.

"Host, Congratulations, you have done another great good thing. The system rewards you with 1000 upgrade points and 1000 attribute points."

After listening to the system, Lin Kai was so happy that he almost wanted to jump up!

It's so cool!

It's more than 10 billion yuan for upgrading!

Although money is very important to Lin Kai, who is Lin Kai? Lin Kai is the eldest young master of the Lin family! Sooner or later, Lin Kai will go back to inherit 100 billion yuan.

Although it is painful to spend more than 10 billion yuan, it is not unacceptable.

One side of Liu Qiao see that is a gnashing teeth, she hate ah! She hated Lin Kai for donating more than 10 billion yuan to her.

Also do not help her Liu family through the difficulties, her heart, hate that is a hate to the bone.

If she could, she would like to kill Lin Kai!

After donating more than 10 billion yuan, manager Wang's attitude towards Lin Kai is respectful. He would like to treat Lin Kai as his father.

As a manager of the Red Cross Society, his clients donated more than 10 billion yuan, and he could get some commission more or less.

So he was very excited.

After donating the money, Lin Kai takes a rather amusing look at Liu Qiao and goes straight out of the Red Cross.

Liu Qiao watched Linkai walk out of the Red Cross. She stomped her foot and followed him out.

She vowed that she would pay the price Lin Kai should pay when the Liu family got through this difficult time!

Let him know, do not help the Liu family, the end is how miserable!

After leaving the Red Cross, Lin took a taxi and was about to go back to the hotel.

Because Lin Kai can't wait to upgrade!

Now Lin Kai has more than 1000 attribute points and more than 1000 upgrade points. When he thinks about upgrading, he feels like he is boiling with blood!

That kind of stronger feeling, it's really cool!

But before returning to the hotel, the car suddenly bumped, and then came a bang from the front convenience.

There's an accident ahead!

A sudden brake sounded and the taxi stopped in an emergency.Lin Kai got off the bus in a hurry. As soon as he got off, he saw a silver Rolls Royce at the crossroads ahead, which was knocked down by a big truck!

The silver Rolls Royce was a disaster. The front of the car was deformed and it was smoking. It seemed that it was about to explode.

There was a commotion around.

At this time, from the silver Rolls Royce car, climbed out of a small girl, a dark face, sitting on the ground crying.

"Who will save my father? Who's going to save my dad? Wuwuwu... " It was a tragedy for the little girl to cry.

Passers-by around just wanted to help the little girl, but at this time, several people got off the back of the truck!

Several very strong men of great stature, each of whom was very strong, and had a machete in his hand.

They came to Rolls Royce and had a glimpse of the man in the driver's seat.

"This time, Yang Jianxiong should die?" A strong man sneered and said.

Next to a strong man replied: "ha ha, it's OK. If he doesn't die, pull it out and cut him to death!"

This is a murder!

The onlookers were far away from this group of people, for fear that they might hurt themselves.

The little girl cried even more when she saw these big men.

Several strong men also looked at the little girl with a cruel smile on her face.

"Is this Yang Jianxiong's little daughter? How lovely it is A strong man came to the little girl and pinched her face with his hand.

The little girl was too scared to move.

The little girl looked like she was only three or four years old. Her face was full of collagen, with two braids on her head and a red skirt.

But now the little girl looks a little embarrassed, there are several wounds on her body, blood has soaked her little skirt.

At this time, the strong man sneered and raised his machete: "it's a pity that all the people in the car are going to die. If you are so cute, I'll let you die more happily."

After that, the strong man raised his machete in his hand, and with a cruel smile, he cut down directly!

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