Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 488

Is this to look down on their Liu family?

"Oh, Lin Kai, you are so inflated!"

"One billion, do you have that much money?"

"Even if there is, are you willing to donate?"

"Don't pretend to be a fool in front of me. Do you think I'm a fool?"

Liu Qiao sneered and didn't believe that Lin donated one billion yuan at the meeting.

One billion is not a small amount even for a hundred billion family.

What's more, Lin Kai is not the owner of the Lin family. Where can he have a billion yuan?

The last time Lin Kai gave the blue and white porcelain vase to the Liu family, Liu Qiao found out that it was donated to Lin Kai by others.

Lin Kai gave it to the Liu family again.

Although I don't know why someone gave Linkai a vase worth 1 billion yuan, Liu Qiao thought that Linkai must not have 1 billion yuan!

Even manager Wang frowned. He didn't believe that Lin Kai had a billion dollars.

Because Lin Kai's age seems too young. One billion yuan is not a small amount.

"Are you sure, sir?" Mr. Wang asked.

Although he asked Lin Kai, manager Wang actually gave Lin a step down.

He saw that Lin Kai and Liu Qiao didn't deal with him, so he wanted to show himself in front of Liu Qiao.

After all, who will donate one billion yuan when he is free?

Customers who usually donate 100000 yuan are already big customers!

"I'm sure." Lin Kai smiles.

He is going to donate one billion!

"Ouch, you're acting like that!" Liu Qiao held his arm and laughed.

"If you can donate 1 billion today, I will eat my mobile phone!" Liu Qiao said in a big voice.

Manager Wang was also kind enough to remind him, "Sir, one billion is not a small amount. You'd better consider it carefully?"

Manager Wang still doesn't believe that Lin Kai has 1 billion yuan. Even if Lin Kai had 1 billion yuan, how could he donate it to the Red Cross Society?

If the average person owned 1 billion, I'm afraid he would have gone abroad!

This time, Lin Kai took out his own bank card directly and said, "swipe the card, I will donate one billion yuan!"

Lin Kai said again.

Seeing that Lin Kai was so sure, manager Wang couldn't refuse Lin Kai again. He had to stretch out his hand: "Sir, please come inside."

Said, Wang manager with Lin Kai into the Red Cross, Liu Qiao also quite shameless follow in.

"Ha ha, I want to see if you have one billion yuan!"

Came to an office, manager Wang took out the card machine, and Lin Kai also took out his own black card.

"Please swipe the card, sir." Manager Wang hesitated, but said.

After swiping the card for a while, there will be a prompt of insufficient balance.

Lin Kai will be very embarrassed.

Manager Wang also understands Lin Kai. After all, Liu Qiao is a shrew. Who doesn't want to be angry with such a shrew?

However, the donation of 1 billion yuan was forced by Lin Kai, who was destined to be a mistake.

Liu Qiao also stares at Lin Kai's bank card. She doesn't recognize that Lin Kai's card is a black card. She just sneers: "if Lin Ting donates one billion yuan, I still believe it's for the image of the Lin family."

"Lin Kai, what are you donating 1 billion for? In front of me

"You're doomed to be wrong today. Do you think I won't come in? Wrong, I just want to follow in! "

"I just want to see with my own eyes that you pretend to fail!"

"Swipe the card! The sound of insufficient balance will be heard immediately. "

Liu Qiao is holding an arm, a face arrogant way.

After swiping the card, Lin Kai typed in the password. Soon after, there was a pleasant voice: "the transfer is successful. The remaining amount is 9.8 billion."

As soon as the sound came out, there was no sound.

Manager Wang was shocked, and the smile on Liu Qiao's face gradually solidified.

Did the transfer work?

Did Lin Kaizhen donate one billion yuan?

Manager Wang is so stupid. One billion!

How many poor children can the Red Cross Society help!

How many poor children can build schools!

Lin Kaizhen donated one billion yuan!

Liu Qiao's heart, that is a shock.

One billion, Lin Kai actually has one billion, and Lin Kai donated the 1 billion!

Even if he donates one billion yuan, he does not intend to subsidize the Liu family and Lin's bank card balance, which still has 9.8 billion yuan!

This guy is a 10 billion dollar millionaire!

Liu Qiao's face turned red with a brush. She always thought that Lin Kai was a child with no skills, but now she found that Lin Kai's energy was beyond her imagination.

It seems that he has already begun to take over the assets of the Lin family. As soon as he sells, it is one billion yuan!Take 10 billion with you!

Liu Qiao's heart was as miserable as eating excrement. If she had a better attitude towards Lin Kai, she said that maybe Lin would hold a meeting to help the Liu family through this difficult time.

But now, even if Lin Kai donated one billion yuan, he would not help the Liu family.

It took a long time for manager Wang to respond: "Lin Linlin Thank you very much, Mr. Lin! "

Manager Wang took Lin Kai's hand, which was full of tears.

"How many poor children have you helped! You have made great contributions to China's poverty alleviation program Manager Wang said excitedly.

Lin said with a smile: "ha ha, should, should."

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin, you can add my wechat to this fund. I promise that every sum of money will be spent on poverty alleviation, so that you can see the progress of poverty alleviation in person."

Manager Wang said, took out his mobile phone, to add Lin open contact information.

"Red Cross, I can trust it." Lin Kai said with a smile.

Lin Kai has just donated one billion yuan. Liu Qiao's hair will be blown up immediately.

With a bang, Liu Qiao patted the table and said angrily, "Lin Kai!"

"Even if you donate one billion yuan, you won't help our Liu family, right?"

"Well, you white eyed wolf! I always thought that you didn't have a billion yuan, but I didn't think that you had one billion yuan, and you were not willing to help our Liu family! "

"Thanks to our Liu family's kindness to you, you repay kindness with resentment. You are not a thing!"

Smell speech, Lin Kai's eyes are also cold down: "first, my money, with your Liu family has no relationship."

"Second, whether you Liu family treat me well or not is clear to you."

"Third, even if I donate the 1 billion, I will not give it to the Liu family!"

After that, Lin Kai pushed Liu Qiao out of the Red Cross.

"Linkai! You wait for me, and you will be punished! " Behind him, came the scream of Liu Qiao.

Lin Kai didn't pay attention to it. After donating 1 billion yuan, he quickly walked out of the Red Cross.

"Congratulations, you have done another good thing, or a great good thing. You will be rewarded with 100 attribute points and 100 upgrade points!"

Hearing the speech, Lin Kai was excited at that time. He got 100 upgrade points and 100 attribute points for one billion yuan. It's so profitable!

At that time, Lin Kai turned around and roared: "wait! I will donate another 9.8 billion! "

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