Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 479

As soon as the news on TV came out, people's eyes of the Liu family were attracted to the past.

Blue and white porcelain of Tang Dynasty?

The blue and white porcelain of Tang Dynasty on TV seems familiar!

All of a sudden, everyone looked at the broken blue and white porcelain on the ground.

this blue as like as two peas in the TV set!

Liu Fu Tong was excited and trotted to the blue and white porcelain. He picked up a piece of debris and looked at it carefully. After a long time of observation, Liu Fu Tong's hands shaking with the pieces.

"This..." Liu Futong stammered and could not speak. His face turned pale in an instant, as if he were ten years old.

Liu Qiao and others rushed around and helped Liu Futong.

"Dad, what's the matter?" Liu Qiang is quite concerned.

When Liu Futong spoke, his voice was trembling: "this is true!"

"It's real! It's not a copy! "

"I said why I can't see a flaw. This blue and white porcelain is the same as the blue and white porcelain in TV!"

Liu Futong almost roared.

His heart, that is a pain!

Blue and white porcelain with a value of one billion yuan was dropped like this?

The faces of all the people in the Liu family suddenly turned pale.

Their Liu family is just a billion small families. The blue and white porcelain worth 1 billion yuan can promote their Liu family to more than one level!

But now, let their Liu family's chance to make a great success has been smashed by their own hands!

Liu Qiang, who broke the blue and white porcelain, looked at the pieces of blue and white porcelain on the ground, and fell into meditation.

We've cut off a billion dollars with our own hands!

"How can Lin Kai have a billion dollars? Is it difficult to Has he taken over the assets of the Lin family Liu Qiao a face can't believe, stammered to ask a way.

Everyone in the Liu family looks ugly.

After confirming that the blue and white porcelain sent by Lin Kai was genuine, Liu Qiang rushed to the garbage can and took out all the gifts scalded by boiling water.

Later, Liu Qiang took out his mobile phone and inquired about Rolex.

After logging on the official website to verify, Liu Qiang was dumbfounded and sat down on the ground.

"Green water ghost, Rolex, genuine product, price Eight hundred thousand! "

That's a watch worth 800000!

They were treated as garbage and thrown into the garbage can.

Although the Liu family is rich, it is not so rich that even the 800000 watches are not in the eye.

Liu Qiao smell speech, also be in a hurry that a necklace to pick to pull out.

Later, Liu Qiao also inquired about the authenticity of the necklace.

After inquiring the truth and falsehood, Liu Qiao was also dumbfounded.

"Zhu Dafu's diamond necklace, with a price of 1.8 million..."

Liu Qiao is stupid.

The 1.8 million necklaces, now scalded by boiling water, have faded!

Liu Qiao is rich, but for her, 1.8 million yuan is half a month's income!

Is Lin so generous?

Hand is tens of millions of gifts!

Those two Chinese cigarettes need not be verified. They must be genuine.

But now these expensive gifts have been thrown into the dustbin and scalded with boiling water.

Now, these expensive gifts are all rubbish!

The most distressing thing is the blue and white porcelain worth one billion yuan!

One billion! For the Liu family, it can be said to be a windfall!

Although the Liu family is a billion family, its working capital is not as exaggerated as one billion.

That blue and white porcelain can make the overall strength of the Liu family rise several grades!

But now, in addition to grandma Liu's bracelet, other gifts, all become waste!

At this time, everyone looked at the bracelet on grandma Liu's wrist.

It's called longfengxiang. It's worth five million Liu Qiang read the news, look very ugly, said.

The eyes of the people who looked at the bracelet glowed, 35 million, which is not a small number.

If the bracelet is sold, the Liu family can open at least five or six large Chinese medicine shops!

Now that they have lost a billion yuan worth of blue and white porcelain, they can only cherish the bracelet on grandma Liu's wrist.

"Mom, it's useless for you to keep this bracelet. Why don't you give it to us?" Liu Qiao sat beside grandma Liu and asked.

But Grandma Liu covered the bracelet on her wrist: "no way! This is a gift given to me by Xiao Kai. I can't give it to you! "

"We don't trust Lin Kai's gifts. We'll keep them for you first." Liu Qiang also said at this time.

Grandma Liu put the bracelet tightly: "I'm old, but I'm not confused! Xiaokai's kindness is all taken as a donkey's liver and lung by you"Which of the gifts Xiaokai gave you was not his intention? That blue and white porcelain, worth one billion! But you have broken it with your own hands

"Your words are still so ugly. I'm sure you won't visit our Liu family again in the future!"

"This bracelet was given to me by Xiaokai. I won't allow you to sell it!"

After listening to grandma Liu's words, in addition to regret, people hate Lin Kai!

As long as they knew that all the luxuries Lin sent were expensive, where would they be willing to throw them into the garbage can?

At the same time, they hate Lin Kai from the bottom of their hearts. What a valuable gift they gave us? Why didn't you tell me earlier? We threw the gift into the dustbin like rubbish.

They hate Linkai. There's no reason, just hate!

"Lin Kai must have stolen Lin's money!" At this time, Liu Qiang suddenly said indignantly.

"If he had inherited the property of the Lin family, how could he have come to the island?"

"He must have stolen the money from the Lin family and didn't dare to be cool in the north of the river, so he came to our island!"

Liu Qiang made a sound analysis.

After listening to Liu Qiang's words, everyone nodded. Liu Qiao's eyes lit up: "that's good!"

"How could this boy have so much money? Now, except for such a reason, it's impossible to explain why he has so much money! "

"This boy has always been a coward since he was young. He is a dandy, but he can't support him."

"There is no explanation for the money except that he stole it!"

Liu Qiao's statement, let everybody's heart all feel better.

Liu Futong sneered: "ha ha, I'll call his father now to expose his bad behavior!"

"I will laugh at Lin ting! Let him know that his son is a lazy thief who likes to show off

After that, Liu Futong took out his mobile phone and dialed Lin Ting's call. Soon after, the phone was connected.

"Hello? Father in law? " Lin Ting's voice came over the phone.

After the phone was connected, Liu Futong's anger came up all of a sudden. Just now he broke the antique's anger, and all of a sudden he scattered it to Lin ting.

"Lin Ting! This is the good son you taught? Steal your Lin family's money and come to our island! Another billion dollars for antiques! "

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