Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 478

Liu's people are very surprised to see Lin Kai.

In the past, Lin Kai's Liu family always came empty handed. This time, Lin Kai brought a gift. It's really rare.

In the face of Liu Qiao's sarcasm, Lin Kai as can't hear, put the gift directly on the table.

Seeing the gift, all the Liu family gathered together.

Uncle Liu Qiang glanced at it and showed a look of disgust: "what are these things? Isn't it some kind of stall? "

Lin Kai took out two Chinese cigarettes from the bag and handed them to Liu Qiang.

"Uncle, I know you love smoking. It's yours."

After that, Lin Kai put Chinese cigarettes on the table.

Liu Qiang took a look at the Chinese cigarette, but he didn't appreciate it: "Oh, I don't dare to ask for the things you sent from Lin Da Shao! Is this a serious cigarette? Who knows? "

Chinese cigarettes are not cheap. Two cigarettes cost thousands of yuan.

Lin Kai doesn't care whether Liu Qiang is appreciative or not. He has given this gift. Would you like to have it or not.

Later, Lin Kai took out a high-quality gift box and put it in front of his second uncle Liu Yong: "this is a watch."

Smell speech, second uncle Liu Yong opened the gift box in front of everyone.

After opening the gift box, I saw a very luxurious diamond watch lying in the gift box, Rolex's!

Green water ghost!

Rolex green water ghost, if it is genuine, it will cost hundreds of thousands!

Is Lin so generous?

Although Liu Yong's second uncle earns one million yuan a month, his watch of several hundred thousand yuan is also a very valuable gift for him.

"Fake?" Liu Yong threw his watch on the table in disgust.

He raised his eyebrows: "Lin Kai, although you have money in the Lin family, as far as I know, your pocket money is under control, right? Can you afford to buy Rolex

After that, Liu Yong disdained to smile.

Uncle Liu Qiang also sneered: "ha ha, I really think we can fool the Liu family by bringing some fake goods here? Who is a fool? "

Liu Qiao held his arm and rolled his eyes: "Lin Kai, you are really promising! Try to fool us with some fakes. "

"Are we good to you? You really let us down! "

Regardless of Liu Qiao's ridicule, Lin Kaisi takes out a gift from the gift pile and puts it in front of Liu Qiao.

It was a necklace that Lin Kai bought specially for Liu Qiao.

Worth hundreds of thousands!

The brilliant diamond necklace is very beautiful. There is a diamond pendant on the silver necklace, which is not a broken diamond, but a complete diamond!

After seeing such a big diamond, Liu qiaogen didn't even touch it.

"Hehe, when I Liu Qiao didn't know the goods?"

"Your little aunt, I have a lot of jewelry!"

"I can see at a glance whether it is genuine or fake!"

"A diamond of this size is worth at least 500000 yuan. Lin Kai, can you afford it? Is it interesting to fool me with fake goods

After that, Liu Qiao threw the diamond necklace directly into the garbage can.

Liu Qiang sneered and threw two Chinese cigarettes into the dustbin.

Liu Yong is disdainful to put Rolex into the garbage can, did not look at it.

Lin Kai looks indifferent. Don't you say I have no intention? Now my heart has been sent. Even if you throw them all away, it has nothing to do with Lin Kai!

At that time, Lin Kai took out the blue and white porcelain given by master Ku.

Open the package of blue and white porcelain, a very beautiful blue and white porcelain vase was displayed in front of everyone.

Blue and white porcelain looks very beautiful and well preserved. The lines of blue and white porcelain are random without losing atmosphere. The shape of porcelain bottle is very symmetrical. It can be said that it is the best of blue and white porcelain.

"Grandfather, this is for you, blue and white porcelain of Tang Dynasty." Lin Kai Dao.

Liu Futong squints at the blue and white porcelain sent by Lin Kai.

Liu Futong knew about antiques. At that time, he took a magnifying glass and looked at it for a long time.

Finally, Liu Futong touched his beard and curled his lips: "it's a good imitation! Even I can't see the slightest flaw! "


Liu Futong looked at Lin Kai and sneered: "ha ha, if it's really blue and white porcelain of the Tang Dynasty, it's worth no less than 800 million yuan!"

"Linkai, do you have so much money?"

"So, it's a fake! Parallel goods

"Lin Kai, Lin Kai, you really let me down. You even use some fake goods to prevaricate us. Do you really think we are fools?"

Liu Futong taunts and pats the table, which makes Longyan angry.

Liu Qiang see his father angry, directly raised the blue and white porcelain on the table, mercilessly fell on the ground.

With a crack, the blue and white porcelain split into pieces.Liu Qiang vomited a mouthful of thick phlegm on the debris and said in a cold voice: "since it's a fake, it's just to drop it!"

"Some people are really upset and kind!"


In the face of Liu Qiang's ridicule, Lin Kai is still indifferent. Even if a billion blue and white porcelain is smashed, he doesn't blink.

At that time, Lin Kai took out his last gift, a bracelet for his grandmother.

Lin Kai took out Long Feng Chengxiang, this bracelet, worth 35 million! It's the best of bangles.

Lin Kai put the gift box in front of grandma. Finally, a smile appeared on his face: "grandma, this is what I gave you. Have a look."

Grandma Liu also laughed and nodded: "ah! I like it even if it's a stone

With that, grandma Liu opened the gift box and saw a bracelet made of pure silver lying in the gift box.

The bracelet is very beautiful. It depicts a dragon on one side and a phoenix on the other. The position of the Pearl in the middle is a green gem. The dragon and Phoenix are auspicious!

Seeing such a beautiful bracelet, grandma Liu couldn't put it down.

Liu Qiao said with a sneer: "ha ha, the bracelets are bright, they are almost luminous, can't be made of stainless steel?"

Lin Kai glanced at Liu Qiao and said, "Auntie, the things I sent you are all true. There is no doubt."

"Really?" Liu Qiao held his arm and laughed: "you can send real things, sows can go up the tree, do you think we are all fools?"

Liu Yong sneered, picked up the kettle and poured the boiling water into it.

There was a stab, and the Rolex watch and necklace were all scrapped.

Liu Yong also wanted to throw grandma Liu's bracelet in, but Grandma Liu tried to protect it.

"What rubbish, we don't want! Lin Kai, we can't bear your kindness! "

"Go back and tell your father when to share half of the shares of Lin's group with us, and then give gifts!"

Lin Kai's eyes at this time have been completely cold down: "my Lin family owes you Liu family? In this case, Lin Kai says goodbye

After that, Lin Kai turned around and walked out of the living room.

"Xiao Kai!" Grandma Liu sees that Lin Kai is going to leave. She just wants to get up and stop Lin Kai, but she is pushed back on the sofa by Liu Qiao.

"Oh, Ma, just the white eyed wolf. If you want to go, let him go!"

"Can't you tell? He couldn't get along on the island, so he gave gifts to flatter our Liu family

"He must have provoked some big people he couldn't afford, and wanted to seek the protection of our Liu family."

"Such a coward, we'd better stay away from him!"

Liu Qiaogang said this, only to see in the television, broadcast the latest news of the island.

"According to the latest news, at the island's triennial auction, a piece of blue and white porcelain of the Tang Dynasty was sold at a price of one billion, and the buyer bought it anonymously..."

"At the same time, in the Changkong shopping mall, a young man bought a bracelet with the supreme black card of Changkong group, but the salesman questioned that the card was a fake card..."

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