Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 466

In the luxurious villa near the sea, the decoration is very luxurious, leather sofa, crystal chandelier, the whole villa is filled with the taste of money.

In the living room, I saw brother leopard with bandage on his chest, standing in front of a middle-aged man very depressed.

The middle-aged man was barehanded, with a dragon tattoo on his upper body, a pair of black shorts on his lower body, and a fist band tied to his fist.

He was muscular and explosive, with a Chinese face, a cold face and a scar on his forehead.

He is the Kun elder brother who makes the whole island scared.

Brother Kun, originally named Wang Kun, was born and raised on the island. He was an orphan. When he was a child, he was a gangster. Because of his ruthlessness and loyalty, he soon made some achievements on the island.

Up to now, Wang Kun has been the underground master of the island!

Wang Kun is waving his fist in the living room. He is a master of Thai boxing!

His master is a master of Thai Boxing!


I saw Wang Kun hit the stake with a fist, and the wooden pile with the thickness of someone's waist made a click sound. It seemed that Wang Kun's huge strength could not be withstood!

Leopard stood aside, afraid to speak.

After playing a Thai boxing, Wang Kun wiped his sweat with a towel, sat on the sofa and took a sip of coke.

"Lin Kai, I've sent someone to solve it." Wang Kun said lightly.

Brother Bao nodded cautiously: "thank you, brother Kun..."


Leopard brother this sentence just said, saw Wang Kun stand up, directly give him a punch!

This blow knocked leopard down on the ground. He opened his mouth and spurted out blood. There were two teeth in the blood.

"Brother Kun..." Brother leopard got a blow, but he didn't dare to get angry.

"Even a 19-year-old kid can't beat him. Shame!" Kunge said coldly.

"Yes..." Leopard stood up from the ground, lowered his head, and did not dare to refute.

Bang bang bang!

Just then, there was only a knock on the door.

Brother Bao and Wang Kunqi brush brush to look at the door of the villa.

Around Wang Kun's villa, there are more than 100 hardcore thugs. They can only make phone calls and never knock on the door.

Nobody dares to knock on brother Kun's door!

"Who?" Brother Kun, I squint.


The door of the villa was opened, only a few people were kicked in.

These men, dressed in black and in a mess, had their masks torn off. These are the people Wang Kun sent to assassinate Lin Kai!

Wang Kun looked at the door of the villa with an alert face.

A young man, with his hands in his pockets, came in from outside the villa.

The comer was handsome, tall, smooth and delicate as a girl's, with a cynical smile on his mouth.

It's Lin Kai who is coming!

"You want to kill me even if you want to send them to me?"

With a crash, several silencing pistols were thrown on the ground by Lin Kai.

At this time, the killers quickly stood up and stood in front of brother Kun. They lowered their heads, blushed and said nothing.

Brother Kun looked at the killers in front of him. He didn't react for a long time.

What's the situation? The killer sent out by himself failed to kill?

You know, few people who Kunge wants to kill can survive!

The other side is just a 19-year-old hairy boy, four professional killers with guns, but they didn't even kill such a little fart?

Even if the assassination fails, Wang Kun can understand it. But what does Lin Kai mean when he finds Wang Kun's nest?

Why did Wang Kun assassinate him?

For a while, Wang Kun was a little confused about Lin Kai's brain circuit.

Leopard's eyes turned red when he saw Lin Kai.

Brush once, leopard brother directly stood up: "you still dare to come to the mother?"

It can be said that when enemies meet, brother Bao clenches his fist. Because of Lin Kai, he will be scolded by his boss!

Lin Kai said with a smile: "Oh, why don't I dare to come? If you dare to send killers, I will let you know what cruelty is

Wang Kun heard the speech and sneered: "ha ha, you are my Wang Kun's nest, is the place where you say you will come?"

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!

With these words, Wang Kun patted his hands.

Around this villa, there are hundreds of elite Wang Kun's men, who are fierce fighters who have seen blood!

So many people, want to kill a Lin Kai, is it not easy to catch?

But under his three applause, no one rushed in from the door.

Wang Kun's face turned black and clapped his hands again.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!

There were three more applause, but no one rushed in from the door.This time, Wang Kun was angry: "you are such a group of bitches! Are you coming in? "

No one came in.

Lin Kai smiles. He opens the door of the villa and asks, "are you calling them?"

Wang Kun and Bao brother both looked out of the villa. After seeing the scene outside the villa, they were shocked!

In the courtyard outside the villa, a man in black with socks in his mouth was thrown on the ground.

There are hundreds of people!

These people wriggled their bodies, unable to make a sound, their hands and feet were tied by ropes.

There are more than a hundred people in the black mountain!

After seeing this scene, Wang Kun's eyes almost glared out.

How did Lin Kai do it?

In silence, he put down all of his more than 100 men and tied them up.

Isn't he a fairy?

Or did he not come alone?

The four killers captured by Lin Kai dare not look at Lin Kai.

Because they saw with their own eyes how Lin Kai dealt with these thugs.

Lin Kai's speed is like a ghost. His fist is very heavy. One punch can bring down one person!

Lin Kai defeated all the more than 100 people without any effort!

They found those ropes for Linkai.

Too strong, too abnormal, in front of Linkai, they did not even have the desire to escape.

Because they know that they can't run away!

Wang Kun's face changed greatly. He knew that he had met the stubble today!

"You didn't come alone?" Wang Kun asked, squinting his eyes.

He didn't believe that Lin Kai came by himself. Could he put down more than 100 of his hands in silence?

Lin Kai must have come prepared!

Lin Kai hugged his arm and said, "I came alone!"

"Wang Kun, I give you two choices now!"

"The first choice, surrender to me."

"The second choice, I'll let you see Yama!"

"Those who want me to die will either submit to me or die!"

In Lin Kai's eyes, there was a chill.

Those who want him to die must pay a heavy price!

Hearing this, Wang Kun stood up and moved his muscles.

His Thai boxing is not learned for nothing!

"I'll take the third, you die!"

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