Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 465

Liu Qiao's words are very ugly.

Grandma Liu has a helpless smile. She wants to protect Lin Kai, but she doesn't dare to offend her poisonous daughter.

No way, she can only watch Lin Kai insulted by Liu Qiao.

Lin Kai put down his chopsticks and his face was livid.

"My own business is none of your business."

After that, Lin Kai got up and walked out of the restaurant.

Seeing Lin Kai leave, Liu Qiao rolled a white eye and cut: "cut, is that what a big man is? He's not willing to say a word about him? "

One side of Liu Qiang sneered: "ha ha, it's just a stinky boy who is still in infancy. It's good to leave. Brother Kun of the province finds us Liu family."

A few people all showed a smile of schadenfreude.

Lin Ting, Lin Ting, you son, you are in big trouble!

Kun elder brother one angry, your son absolutely can't walk out of the island! At that time, there will be no hundreds of millions. Don't think your son will return to Jiangbei safely.

Kunge is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Lin Kai clenched his fist and left the Liu family. At the dinner table, Lin Kai couldn't help but want to burst out, but he could not help it.

He told himself that it was grandma's family and his mother's family, and he could not disrespect them.

But Lin Kai told himself from his heart that he would never go back to the Liu family!

They don't think of themselves as their own people, or even see themselves as enemies.

It's just because Dad refused to give them half of the shares in the company.

Is it wrong for Dad to refuse them? The company is your own, that is, you are your mother's family. Why should we share half of your hundreds of billions of assets?

Lin Kaiwo, angry, left the Liu family.

After leaving the Liu family, it was getting late. Walking on the road, Lin Kai planned to rent a house and make it through the month.

All of a sudden, Lin opened his eyes and saw a man secretly looking at himself in the lane ahead.

Lin Kai's vigilance is very high. The man pretends to be walking, but his eyes are always staring at himself. There are hidden murders in his eyes.

So soon, is revenge coming?

Lin Kai disdains to smile. He's just a few punks. Do you want to embarrass him?

Lin Kai walked straight past and thought he didn't see it.

Sure enough, when Lin Kai came to the alley, several men in black flashed out of the alley.

With a dagger in his hand, the man in black killed Lin Kai!

Several people rush to Lin Kai in different directions. The bright dagger in their hands wants Lin Kai's life!

They are all wearing masks, eyes reveal the intention of killing, these people, are professional killers!

And Lin Kai stood in place, motionless, looking at these people with a sarcastic face.

The sound of slapping and pattering sounded. The daggers of these people were broken, and even sparks were struck on Lin Kai's body!

In the eyes of several people in black, there appeared a surprised look at the same time.

The Dagger's broken?

Is this guy in armor?

Without time to think about it, Lin Kai grabbed a man in black by the neck and lifted him up!

The man in black weighs 180 Jin! And Lin Kai is just like carrying a chicken. He just mentioned it!

The rest of the people in black subconsciously stepped back. They knew that this was a hard stubble.

"Say, who sent you?" Lin Kai asked coldly.

The man in black who was held by Lin Kai struggled wildly and beat his arm. However, he found that Lin Kai's arm seemed to be a mechanical arm without any reaction!

At this time, several other people in black also responded.

They are worthy of being professional killers. Seeing that the dagger is useless, they immediately took out the pistol from their arms!

It was a small caliber pistol with mufflers installed on it. Without hesitation, several people fired at Lin directly!

Puff, puff

There was a dull sound, and several bullets shot at Lin Kai.

But all the bullets were fired, and Linkai didn't move.

Lin Kai's eyes were cold, and he patted the man in black on the wall!

The walls were shaken, and the man in black slipped down from the wall. There was a bloodstain in human form on the wall.

Then Lin Kai looked at the other men in black.

The other men in black were dumbfounded at this time.

Even a pistol is useless for Lin!

A bullet can be fired on Linkai's brain!

At this time, they began to doubt whether the gun in their hands was a toy gun.


Escape, this is the first thought in their mind, the opponent is really too strange, even pistols are not afraid, the other party is a man or a ghost, they do not know.Several people scattered and ran away, but Lin Kai would not let them escape?

Lin Kai picked up a brick from the ground and threw it out. With a bang, a man in black was hit by the brick in the back of the head and was knocked down.

Then, Lin Kai ran out and broke out like a cheetah!

A man in black felt a strong wind coming from his ear. He was punched by Lin Kai and fell to the ground, and his head became dizzy.

The last man in black, caught up by Lin Kai, punched several meters away!

Four professional killers, all defeated by Lin Kai!

Soon after, they were piled up at the entrance of the alley. Lin Kai confiscated their pistols and pointed the pistol at the head of one of the men in black.

"Who sent you?" Lin Kai asked, squinting.

In the eyes of the man in black, tangled eyes appeared.

He is also afraid of death!

But he didn't dare to expose his boss's information, which was also a death!

Seeing that he didn't speak, Lin Kai also laughed: "Oh, I know if you don't say it. Is that Kunge who sent you here?"

Four people in black looked at each other, which was acquiescence.

"Take me to him." Lin Kai said in a cold voice again.

"If you don't agree, I'll send you to the West now!"

After Lin Kai finished this sentence, the eyes of the four men in black showed a look of fear. They began to shake their own ideas.

If you don't take him to see brother Kun, they are dead now!

Lin Kai saw that they didn't speak, and directly shut off the safety of the pistol, so he would shoot.

"No, no, no, no!"

Finally, the man in Black said, "I'll take you to see brother Kun."

"Go Lin Kaiyi picked up the man, and the others followed him and went to the deep alley.

Deep in the alley, there is a white van. This is their car. Lin Kai followed them to the van. They took Lin Kai to meet brother Kun.


Half an hour later, at the gate of a villa near the sea, the white van stopped.

This large villa near the sea, together with the courtyard, covers an area of 3000 square meters. This is the nest of brother Kun, the first villain in the island city!

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