Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 463

With just one punch, Lin Kai solved a strong man.

The others were stunned, but they still jumped at Lin Kai without hesitation!

Linkai turned and sneered.


A dark shadow flashed by, and Lin Kai caught a strong man!

The burly man didn't have a coat on, but Linkai grabbed his muscle directly, which made him show his teeth in pain.

Then, Lin Kaiyi hit him in the stomach.

The strong man spat out a mouthful of blood, covered his stomach, and fell to the ground, motionless.

Lin Kai's strength is too overbearing. These strong men weighing 100 kg can't withstand Lin Kai's punch!


At this time, see a stool in Lin Kai's head, Chang Weiwei can't help but exclaim.

That's a solid wood stool! If a stool falls down, Lin Kai will surely bleed!

But Lin turned around and gave the man a cold look.

Lin Kai didn't even lose a hair!

And the burly man took a subconscious step back.

"Fuck you!" Lin Kai scolded and kicked the past.

Lin Kai's speed, the strong man simply can't respond, a foot was kicked out several meters away!

It's just a few breathing Kung Fu. The younger brothers behind brother Bao are all put down by Lin Kai alone.

But the leopard elder brother looks at Lin Kai in situ foolishly.

He was stunned. How can this boy fight? His brothers, he was so relaxed all down?

Although brother Bao was surprised, he was not afraid.

Because he can be under brother Kun for such a long time, but also mixed to the big brother level, he also has two brushes.

Brother Bao is also a practitioner.

He once studied art in Shaolin Temple and learned the iron cloth shirt of Shaolin Temple. Over the years, he has been practicing hard. He thinks that his iron cloth shirt has reached the perfect level.

At that time, brother leopard pinched his hands and made a crackling sound.

"Boy, can you fight? Today, brother leopard will let you open your eyes and let you see what a real iron cloth shirt is

Said, leopard brother a horse step down, hands in the air waved a few times, take a deep breath, hands push out!


Leopard elder brother a big drink, see his body muscle, high heave, look full of explosive force.

"Come on! I'll give you a punch

Lin Kai tilted his head and looked at brother leopard as if he were looking at a fool.

At that time, Lin Kai hit a punch at random, and he called out. Lin Kai's punch directly hit brother Bao's chest!

And leopard brother's face is white, a mouthful of blood spurts out directly, at the same time, his body also flies upside down!

Fly out directly five meters far, fell on the ground, struggled a few times, fainted in the past.

Brother Bao's iron cloth shirt is just like playing in front of Lin Kai.

Brother Bao and his men are all put down by Lin Kai.

And Chang Weiwei also stupidly looks at Lin Kai. Lin Kai has saved her twice.

It is true that a hero can give a girl a good impression. In addition, Lin Kai is also handsome. At that time, Chang Weiwei's heart feels a little bit like a deer bumping around.

Peach blossoms seem to come out of my eyes.

Look at manager Wang next to him. Wang Gang is already stupid.

Yesterday I heard that a new comer could play several games. He didn't believe it, but now after watching Lin Kai's performance, he believed it.

A few play with the same, even leopard brother such an expert, he was a blow down!

This boy is a cruel character!

I didn't respect him so much just now. Can't this boy beat me?

Wang Gang thought that his legs were shaking.

But he thinks highly of himself. Lin Kai is not interested in him at all. He doesn't even look at him.

I saw Lin kaiquite concerned to see Chang Weiwei: "Weiwei, are you ok?"

Being called Weiwei by Lin Kai, Chang Weiwei's heart suddenly jumped, her small face also began to turn slightly red, she shook her head.

"It's OK, Lin Kai. Thank you. After work in the evening, I must invite you to dinner." Chang Weiwei looks at Lin Kai gratefully, with a trace of worship in his eyes.

Lin laughed and helped Chang Weiwei twice. She invited herself to dinner. If she didn't go, she would be embarrassed.

Just want to agree to come down, but Lin Kai received a short message from Liu Qiao.

Take out a mobile phone to see, Liu Qiao unexpectedly wants Lin to drive back to eat.

Lin Kai is quite surprised. Don't the Liu family hate themselves? Why do you have to go home for dinner now?

Maybe it's my grandmother pleading.

"I have something to do today. Tomorrow, I'll invite you." Lin laughs.Chang Weiwei smell speech, quite lost nodded: "that's OK."

"If the boy dares to revenge on you in the future, call me and I'll help you clean up the scum." Lin Kai smiles.

Chang Weiwei wiped her tears and laughed: "OK."

Then, Lin Kai took a cold look at Wang Gang.

"Why don't you go and mop the floor?"

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Wang Gang did not dare to retort and nodded: "yes, yes, yes..."

Later, the leopard brothers were sent to the hospital.

Chang Weiwei did not resign and continued to work in the near water Pavilion.

But Chang Weiwei knows that her life may be in danger these two days.

After all, it's brother leopard!

After work in the evening, Lin Kai stands at the gate of the water pavilion with a smile on his face.

"Upgrade points and attribute points are really fast

Just now, Lin Kai saved Chang Weiwei and added 30 upgrade points and 30 attribute points to Lin Kai.

For, this task is simply welfare, good work can get upgrade points and attribute points.

That's right.

Lin Kai's eyes suddenly brightened. He taught a thug that he could get so many upgrade points and attribute points. What if he went to charity?

Give money!

If you have so much money and donate one billion yuan, can you get countless attribute points?

Good idea!

At that time, Lin Kai couldn't wait to take a taxi. He wanted to go back to the Liu family and discuss with his grandmother.

Grandma must know a lot of big people in the island. When the time comes, she will find a trustworthy charity organization and donate one billion yuan!

Half an hour later, Lin Kai returned to the Liu family.

Entering the ancient Liu family and smelling the fragrance of traditional Chinese medicine will give people a feeling of returning to ancient times.

In the restaurant, all the Liu family are having dinner.

There is a very nutritious dinner table on the mahogany table.

Fried vegetables, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, hairy crab, stewed beef with potatoes.

It's all home cooked.

Seeing the appearance of Lin Kai, the whole restaurant immediately became quiet.

Lin Kai saw that everyone looked at himself. Except for grandma, everyone looked at him unfriendly.

"Well, the big man is back?"

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