Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 462

When Wang Gang heard the speech, he was sweating.

This leopard brother has a certain influence on the island. Even if Liu Qiao, his boss, sees him, he has to please him.

If he wants to fire himself, it's really just a phone call.

Thinking of this, Wang Gang nodded and bowed: "brother leopard, who made you unhappy, you said to Xiaogang."

The leopard elder brother hears the speech, the color Mi Mi Mi looked to Chang Weiwei, the meaning is self-evident.

And Wang Gang is also a human spirit, leopard brother want to do, he can see at a glance.

He is in favor of Chang Weiwei!

At that time, Wang Gang looked at Chang Weiwei, quite serious way: "Chang Weiwei, you go to give leopard brother press."

Chang Weiwei looked at Wang Gang wrongly: "manager Wang, but I can't massage..."

Manager Wang is Chang Weiwei's top boss. As the saying goes, a senior official kills people. Wang Gang's words are orders to Chang Weiwei.

"No?" Wang Gang sneered: "no, can't you learn? What do you do in the water pavilion? It's for you to serve the guests! "

"Now go and give brother leopard a massage! It's your pleasure to see you

Manager Wang reprimanded him and gave Chang Weiwei no chance to refute.

In his opinion, Chang Weiwei is just an ordinary girl. Even if she is spoiled by brother Bao, what's the matter?

It's her honor to be spoiled by brother Bao!

Leopard brother at this time has some impatience: "Damn, pretend pure, right?"

At that time, brother Bao stretched out his hand. The burly little brother behind him handed him a pile of red banknotes. It seems that it should be about 30000 yuan.

Leopard brother directly threw the 30000 yuan on Chang Weiwei's face.

With a click, 30000 yuan fell to the ground.

"Don't you want money? What kind of high? Is this money enough for you to serve brother leopard Brother Bao hugged his arm and sneered.

There is no woman who doesn't love money in the world. Brother Bao believes that once his money comes out, Chang Weiwei will stick himself up!

Chang Weiwei also stopped sobbing at this time. Her face became cold. She looked up at brother Bao and manager Wang.

"Sorry, I'm finance, not miss!" Chang Weiwei said in a cold voice.

Chang Weiwei suddenly hard gas, manager Wang angry!

If you offend brother Bao, he can't be a manager any more!

"Presumptuous! How do you talk to brother leopard? Do you want to quit? " Wang Gang points to Chang Wei's nose angrily way.

Chang Weiwei took a cold look at Wang Gang, directly threw down the document in his hand, and said: "I don't do it!"

She's a girl from college.

It's impossible for her to exchange her body for money!

At that time, Chang Weiwei turned around and left.

See this scene, leopard brother is also a sneer: "ha ha, want to go away?"

At that time, leopard waved, and his men readily understood.

Several strong men surrounded Chang Weiwei directly, leaving Chang Weiwei helpless!

"Want to go? Have you got my permission from brother leopard? " Brother Bao holds his arm and comes to Chang Weiwei.

"Hard and soft, right? Have backbone, bring it in for me

At the command of brother Bao, several strong men made obscene laughter, and several people directly took Chang Weiwei to the massage room.

They're going to be strong!

Chang Weiwei was flustered at that time. After all, she was just a little girl. She had never seen such a fierce scene.

Several big men dragged her to a dark room. Chang Weiwei was scared to cry at that time.

I saw Chang Weiwei struggling, with his hands patting these strong men, but all this, are useless.

Manager Wang on one side looked at it with his arms in his arms and said nothing. Even he was still laughing with schadenfreude.

Yes, he also liked Chang Weiwei, but Chang Weiwei pretended not to understand his hints and refused him as a manager.

Now, brother leopard is in love with you. I see how you still pretend to be tall!

After today, you are a whore!

And Chang Weiwei's face is full of despair. Before being dragged into the massage room, Chang Weiwei sees a person.

This person, she is very familiar with, he is Lin Kai!

Linkai was standing behind her with a mop.

Chang Weiwei looks at Lin Kai like a prayer. She hopes Lin Kai can help her. Now only Lin Kai can help her.

And Lin Kai is a man who can't help others? Even if there is no task, Lin Kai will do the same!

Because Lin Kai is a soldier of China!

At that time, Lin Kai directly grasped the hand of Chang Weiwei.

"My woman, do you dare to move?" Lin Kai asked coldly.When Lin Kaiyi talks, everyone looks at Lin Kai. After seeing Lin Kai, they are obviously stunned.

Lin Kai is dressed in the work clothes of the water Pavilion and holds a mop in his hand. At first glance, he is the staff of the water Pavilion.

How dare he manage the affairs of brother leopard? You know, brother leopard is near the water Pavilion. It's a bully!

Guan Bao brother's business, that is simply looking for death!

Leopard's eyes narrowed, looked at manager Wang, a face dissatisfied.

Wang Gang also looked at Lin Kai. Naturally, he knew Lin Kai as a thorn. As soon as he came to the water Pavilion, he beat another manager.

But Wang Gang is not afraid of Lin Kai!

Liu Qiao is only a poor relative. Even if Liu Qiao is here, she should be respectful to brother Bao. Besides, Lin Kai is just a poor relative of her?

"Linkai, you want to die, don't you? How dare you take care of brother Bao

At that time, Wang Gang said coldly.

Several strong men all look at Lin Kai with a look of impotent. They are ready to start!

Lin Kai glanced at Wang Gang and said in a cold voice, "you're not worth living as a scum like a dog or a pig!"

"Do you deserve to be the manager?"

"I don't deserve it or not, you don't care!"

"You're dead in the business of brother leopard!"

Manager Wang sneered and took two steps back.

Brother Bao looked at Lin Kai coldly and waved directly: "fight me!"

With the order of brother Bao, several strong men all flew to Linkai, and the powerful fists ran directly to Linkai's face.

Lin Kai is not afraid of these big men. He guards Chang Weiwei behind him and blows his fist into the chest of the big man in front of him!

Lin Kai looks so thin and weak. How powerful can he be?

What if I was beaten by him? Can he kill me?


With a muffled sound, Lin Kai punches at the burly man, but in an instant, the big man widens his eyes!

The body instantly turned into a shrimp like, a mouthful of blood directly spurted out!


The strong man's body was beaten three meters away by Lin Kaiyi. He fell to the ground and did not know whether he was alive or dead.

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