Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 447

Liu Qiang does not give Lin face at all, cold voice says.

After all, every time Lin Kai came to the island, he could make a big fuss over the Liu family.

Lin Kai sat in the back and said nothing.

Thirty minutes later, Liu Qiang and Lin Kai arrived at the Liu family.

Liu's family, located on the island near the sea, has a deep house and large courtyard, with European style construction style and great atmosphere.

The whole Liu family, covering an area of more than 1000 square meters, is very heroic.

Entering the Liu's home, I could smell the fragrance of herbs.

Liu family is a medical family. The whole Liu family almost monopolizes the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum on the island.

Although it can't compare with the industry of the Lin family, the Liu family is also famous in the island.

After entering the Liu family, Lin Kai follows Liu Qiang all the way to the hall.

Inside the hall, several people were talking and laughing.

Sitting in the upper seat are two old people.

One is Lin Kai's grandmother and Liu's grandmother.

On the other hand, Lin Kai's grandfather is also the head of the Liu family. His name is Liu Futong.

There is also a man and a woman sitting at the bottom. The man is Lin Kai's second uncle, whose name is Liu Yong.

That woman is Lin Kai's little aunt. Her name is Liu Qiao.

Liu Qiang is a family of five.

Liu Qiang and Lin Kai walked into the hall, almost instantly, the laughter stopped.

Almost everyone stares at Lin Kai, and his eyes are like hell.

In particular, Lin Kai's grandfather Liu Futong is green.

Only grandma Liu looks at Lin Kai with a smile.

"Oh, my Xiaokai, you know you've come to see your grandmother." Grandma Liu came down from her seat with a kind smile.

Lin Kai also took grandma's hand and laughed from the bottom of his heart: "I don't want grandma, so I'm coming to see you."

After hearing Lin Kai's words, grandma Liu was a little surprised: "eh, Xiaokai, when did your little mouth become so sweet? It's not like you

Before Lin Kai came to Liu's house, it was an invincible look.

Today is so polite, it's really a ghost.

At this time, Lin Kai's second uncle Liu Yong hugged his arm and sneered: "ha ha, pretend to come out, don't worry, after two days, it will be revealed in its original form!"

Lin Kai's little Aunt Liu Qiao also showed a look of disgust: "did not expect, this small nest bag waste or come!"

Liu Futong, sitting on the seat, looked at Lin Kai with disgust on his face, as if he were looking at his enemy.

Liu Futong, with a cold face, frowned and asked, "Lin Kai, what are you doing in my Liu family?"

The tone of Liu Futong's speech was as if he were talking to a stranger.

Lin Kai politely said, "grandfather, I came to the island to learn medical skills."

"Learning medicine?" Lin Kai's words, the whole audience are very surprised to look at Lin Kai.

Lin Kai wants to learn medicine?

This sounds like a joke!

Who is Lin Kai? Young master of the Lin family! A real dandy.

Every time he came to the island, in addition to engaging in women, he was racing and gambling with other rich second-generation people on the island.

Such a dandy should learn medicine? Is that serious?

The atmosphere of the scene suddenly quieted down, and soon after, a burst of laughter broke out.

Everyone at the scene laughed!

Even Grandma Liu couldn't help laughing.

Lin Kai wants to learn medical skills, just like a dog saying he can't eat shit!

At that time, Lin Kai's uncle Liu Qiang laughed: "ha ha, you want to learn medical skills? Just you? Don't be kidding, Lin

"Who are you? Don't you know yourself?"

"Eat, drink, play, smoke, gamble, which one are you not good at?"

"You want to learn medicine? Forget it! Don't spoil the inheritance of our Liu family for hundreds of years! "

Liu Qiang said with great disdain.

Lin Kai's second uncle Liu Yong also laughed: "Lin Kai, you said you came to gamble, I believe you said you came to learn medical skills, I do not believe that you killed me!"

"Don't mess with us, you dandy. Give you a guest room. You can go where you like. Don't disturb us!"

The attitude of the first and second uncles was very bad.

First, they hate Lin Kai very much. If it wasn't for Lin Kai's mother's sake, they wouldn't even let him step into the Liu family!

Secondly, Lin Kai's father, Lin Ting, is not very good at dealing with them. At first, the lion of the Liu family asked the Lin family to share 50% of their shares. After Lin Ting refused, they had already hated Lin ting.

Naturally, they won't have a good opinion of Lin Kai.

At this time, grandma Liu touched Lin Kai's head: "Xiao Kai, don't be kidding. You can accompany grandma these days."Even Grandma Liu didn't believe that Lin Kai came to learn medicine!

Lin Kai's face was serious: "grandma, grandfather, uncle, second uncle, aunt, I really come to learn medicine!"

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Liu Futong said, "Lin Kai! Have you ever heard a word? A dog can't eat shit

"If the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam is crooked, your father Lin Ting is not a good thing, and you are certainly not a good thing!"

"Say it! Do you want to learn from our Liu family's medical skills and return to Jiangbei to broaden your medical industry in Jiangbei? "

"Pooh! I tell you, no way

Lin Kai's eyebrows are tight at this time. His grandfather's speech is too bad to hear!

However, the people of the Liu family do not understand the current situation of the Lin family. The Lin family is the largest family in the north of the Yangtze River. Their strength is beyond their imagination.

"Grandfather, I don't lack this money in the Lin family." Lin Kai said truthfully.

"You With a bang, Liu Futong patted the table and stood up directly. His eyes were wide and angry: "bastard!"

"I know that your Lin family has a great cause! Since the Lin family is so powerful, why do you come to our island? "

As soon as the old man Liu was angry, the whole scene people all looked at Lin Kai in unison.

Lin Kai's little aunt came over at this time. She looked up and down at Lin Kai and laughed, "I think this boy was driven by his father!"

"The boy must be dishonest in Jiangbei. His father bothered him, so he drove him here."

"Want to learn medicine? I think you want to play on the island under the guise of learning medicine? "

After listening to Liu Qiao's words, everyone nodded. Liu Futong also sneered and said: "ha ha, you are really a dandy. Lin Kai, you are doomed to have no future in your life!"

"However, you Lin family's big business is big, the family property that you left behind, also can let you spend a lifetime!"

"So, Linkai, you're really lucky!"

After Liu Futong's words, Liu Qiang echoed: "isn't it just a waste? Dad, it's needless to say that this boy can't make waves in our island! "

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