Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 446

After listening to Xu Changkong's words, everyone looked at each other with strong envy and jealousy in their eyes.

This young man is really on the rise! Thanks to Xu Changkong, the future is bright!

Seeing Xu Changkong wake up, people also began to realize that this young man has real ability!

Just now, he looked as if he had a plan in mind. Now he thought about it, and he certainly didn't pretend to.

He must have some unique method to revive Xu Changkong.

He is not a liar, but an expert!

Director Wang's face was particularly ugly. He was beaten by a little fart boy.

He Wang director all helpless patient, a little fart child pressed two, incredibly good!

What a shame to him, director Wang!

Xu Lingling looks at Lin Kai gratefully. Lin Kai saves her father and is also her savior.

At this time, Xu Changkong said: "little brother, in order to repay you, you say, what do you want? I try to satisfy you. "

Looking at Lin Kai's appearance, he looked like a student. Xu Changkong didn't think too much about it. He asked directly.

The people around him exclaimed, which gave Lin Kai a chance to make a wish!

Countless envious eyes cast.

Lin laughed: "uncle, I don't want anything. Life is priceless and can't be measured by money."

Is Lin Kai short of money?

Of course not.

The tens of billions stolen by Cao Wanjin have already returned with capital and interest.

Hearing Lin Kai say such words, people around him look at him like a fool, and don't want anything?

What kind of high?

Xu Changkong can make you become a multimillionaire!

You don't want anything?

Xu Changkong smell speech, a face appreciate looking at Lin Kai, do not want money? There are not many such simple children in this world.

Xu Changkong nodded and asked again, "do you want to work in my company?"

Linkai shook his head again.

"No, uncle. You really want more. I don't want anything." Lin Kai said with a faint smile.

Judging from Lin Kai's appearance, he seems to really want nothing.

Xu Changkong appreciates Lin Kai more and more.

Lin Kai is also very handsome. It seems that he is young and kind-hearted. He is a good young man.

It's a pity that he is a disabled person. Xu Changkong shakes his head. If he is not disabled, Xu Changkong can even consider allowing Lin Kai to occupy their Xu family.

"Well, this is my Changkong group membership card. I'll leave you a souvenir." Xu Changkong took out a black membership card and said with a smile.

Lin Kaiyi saw that the membership card was not worth much money. He nodded and took it.

The stewardess said at this time: "please take your seat back. The plane will arrive at the Island Airport soon. Please check your seat belts."

Several stewardesses are very grateful to look at Lin Kai, after all, if there is no Lin Kai, they will face the danger of being fired.

This time, Xu Changkong sat beside Lin Kai.

Xu Changkong asked curiously, "little brother, how did you save me just now?"

"As far as I know, once this heart attack, without timely treatment of drugs or medical equipment, it is difficult to return to normal."

In the face of Xu Changkong's question, Lin Kai said with a smile: "the secret skill of family tradition should not be spread out to the public. However, uncle, I can definitely tell you that your congenital heart disease can be completely cured

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Xu Changkong's eyes brightened.

He is a congenital heart disease, from small to large, heart disease several times almost killed him.

If he can cure his heart disease, he doesn't care how much it costs.

Now hearing Lin Kai say this, he felt a flame of hope burning in his heart.

"What do you say, little brother?" Xu Changkong asked curiously.

Lin Kai said with a smile: "my family's ancestral acupuncture and moxibustion secret technique, a root removal."

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Xu Changkong is also dubious. Congenital heart disease is hard to recover. Lin Kai actually says that he can be cured. Xu Changkong is not very convinced.

But thinking of the warm current in Lin Kai's hand, Xu Changkong nodded with a try attitude.

"Little brother, what kind of price do you want me to pay to cure me?" Xu Changkong asked.

There is no free lunch in the world. In Xu Changkong's opinion, Lin Kai must have a purpose.

Lin Kai shook his head: "I don't want anything, just make a friend."

Lin Kai smiles. What he wants is attribute point and upgrade point! However, Lin Kai did not speak to Xu Changkong.

At this time, Xu Changkong felt that he could not see through the 18-year-old boy in front of him!

The eyes, like his peers.enigmatic.

This may be an outsider, Xu Changkong thought.

He did not dare to neglect, took out his business card: "when is the little brother free?"

Lin Kai took the card and put it in his pocket.

"After a week, wait for me to recover." Lin Kai replied.

"Then I'll wait for you at home." Xu Changkong laughs.


Soon after, the plane landed at the island airport. Lin Kai walked out of the airport in his wheelchair and remote control in one hand.

The island is the richest island in China. It is rich in resources, rich in seafood and developed in economy.

Although the island is small, it has many forces.

At the gate of the island airport, a black Audi car is parked there.

I saw a middle-aged man in sunglasses, leaning on the side of Audi, as if waiting for someone.

Linkai went straight to the wheelchair.

His name is Liu Kaiqiang.

"Uncle!" Lin Kai said hello.

Liu Qiang turns and looks at Lin Kai. After seeing Lin Kai sitting in a wheelchair, he frowns obviously.

"Linkai? Why are you like this? Is it hard to get beaten up again Liu Qiang's eyes, showing a playful smile.

Lin Kai knew that people in his grandmother's family always looked at him badly.

Except for my grandmother, others hate me very much.

"It's OK. I fell myself." Lin Kai Dao.

Liu Qiang moved Lin Kai into an Audi car, then drove the Audi car and left the island airport.

"You said you should not leave the eldest young master of the Lin family. What's the crime of running to our island? It's a real hassle. " In the car, Liu Qiang said very impatiently.

Lin said with a smile: "ha ha, I miss my grandmother."

"Miss my mother? You miss her. She doesn't have to miss you. Do you remember what you did to her last time? "

"If you don't come, it will be a blessing to us!" Liu Qiang some complain sarcastically way.

Every time Lin Kai, a dandy, came to the island, he left a lot of buttocks for the Liu family to wipe.

Over time, people in the Liu family hate Lin Kai very much.

In their eyes, Lin Kai is still the dandy and arrogant young master of the Lin family.

They don't like this kind of Linkai.

"Lin Kai, when you come to my house later, please respect your grandfather. If you dare to disrespect my father, be careful that I won't let you go back to Jiangbei!"

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