Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 435

Feng Ming was so stupid that he never thought that he had offended such a huge existence!

Even Tiger Wang's family can easily handle it. If you want to crush yourself, isn't it as simple as squeezing an ant?

For a moment, Feng Ming's forehead was sweating.

He began to get nervous and trembled uncontrollably.

Everyone at the scene was shocked.

No one thought that the famous Wang tiger and Feng Ming were like two wastes in front of Lin Wudi.

They couldn't resist Lin Wudi at all.

Lin Kai glanced at Feng Ming, and a chill appeared in his eyes.

If he dares to make Tianguo an idea, Linkai will not let him feel better!

At that time, Lin Kai said in a cold voice: "Wang tiger, this old boy wants to make my girlfriend's idea, how to deal with it, you can do it at your discretion!"

Smell speech, Wang tiger whole body slightly tremble, he understand what Lin Kai this sentence means.

If you dare to beat his girlfriend's idea, Lin Kai wants him to destroy Feng Ming's lifeblood!

Although his relationship with Feng Ming is not so strong, Feng Ming is his cousin after all! How can Feng Ming see his family after cutting off his lifeblood?

But Lin Kai's orders, he did not dare to resist.

He has to carry it out!

At that time, Tiger Wang nodded heavily.


After listening to Lin Kai's words, Feng Ming is stupid. Do you want to cut off his lifeblood?

Is he still a real man?

The tears fell down and Feng Ming was really stupid.

"Master Lin! Mr. Lin, give me a chance

"Lin Ye, I am wrong!"

"Lin Ye, I am wrong!"

At this time, Feng Ming, like a pug, kneels at Lin Kai's feet and constantly pleads with him.

Lin Kai ignored Feng Ming directly.

As soon as Wang tiger waved his hand, two men immediately dragged Feng Ming down.

Soon after, only a burst of heartrending screams came, and then there was no movement.

This is what offends Lin Wudi!

The crew were shocked by Lin Kai's iron and blood wrist.

Director Feng Dagang dare not look down on Lin Kai at this time. Lin Kai is so strong!

The background is really too deep. Even great figures like Wang tiger are very respectful to him. Lin Kai must have a great future.

Look at Tian Guo. After drinking that glass of liquor, I'm almost drunk at this time.

Small face red, eyes are very blurred, lying on a table, mouth still chanting what drunk words.

When Feng Ming made such a fuss, Lin Kai didn't have the heart to continue eating. At that time, Lin Kai picked up Tianguo and left the third floor.

Ten minutes later, Lin Kai and Tian Guo have returned to the capital of the famous city.

In the villa, Lin Kai embraces the field fruit which is scalding all over, and comes to Tian Guo's room.

this is Lin Kai's first entry into Tian Guo's room. As soon as he enters Tian Guo's room, Lin Kai can't help but keep his old face red.

Tian Guo's bed was littered with several close fitting clothes, pink underwear and some very revealing bikini suits.

I didn't expect that!

It seems that Tian Guo is so pure, but in fact she is taking a sexy line!

Tian Guo put on the bed, Lin Kai just want to leave, did not expect Tian Guo but a grasp of Lin Kai's wrist.

At this time, Tian Guo, already drunk on her face, hugged Lin Kai's arm and said vaguely, "Lin Kai, don't go..."

Lin Kai smelled the speech and sat by the bed: "you are drunk. Have a rest early."


Tian Guo rubbed Lin Kai's arm and said, "Lin Kai, you fool, can't you see that I treat you Is it interesting to you? "

"You don't take the initiative at all. Is it my mother who is not attractive?"

"You You wood... "

Said that, the corner of the mouth of the fruit shed a glimmer of crystal saliva, she fell asleep.

Lin Kai gently took out his arm, covered the quilt for Tianguo, and left Tianguo's room.

Tian Guo is interested in himself. Can't Lin Kai see it? Of course, Linkai can see it.

I'm not sure whether Tian Kailin intended it or not.

So Lin Kai did not dare to accept Tian Guo's pursuit.

The task has been completed. Tomorrow is the day to return to the southeast military region.

After staying in Jinling City for such a long time, Lin Kai felt that he was getting sick.


The next day, early in the morning, Lin Kai was awakened by a scream.


A muffled sound, only saw the field fruit a foot to kick open the door of the forest, rushed in in in a hurry.

But Lin Kaizheng looks at the field fruit that rushes in.Tian Guo was wearing a white vest on his upper body and a pair of black shorts on his lower body. His tender white skin was directly exposed in front of Lin Kai.

Tian Guo's small face is full of anger.


"Why is my clothes missing?"

"I got up early this morning and found I don't have any clothes on me

"What did you do to me yesterday?"

Tianguo a face of shame and anger, a little red, she is angry, and shy.

In the morning, I found that my clothes were missing. I told Tian Guo that I should be angry. I am a very reserved girl.

But the sensibility and let Tian Guo have a kind of excited feeling, this idiot took off his clothes!

Lin Kaiyi looks confused.

"What clothes? I didn't take off your clothes Linkai scratched his head.

With that, Lin Kai got out of the bed, but he forgot that he only wore a pair of shorts.

At that time, the explosive muscles in Linkai's upper body were exposed. They were strong, well-defined and not exaggerated.

And Linkai's skin color is also relatively white.

Look at Lin Kai's legs. They are long and strong. The thighs are full of muscles, full of explosive force.

Seeing this kind of Lin Kai, Tian Guo's anger suddenly disappeared.

Her face turned red with a brush.

I saw Tianguo faltering for a long time without saying a word.




"We're going back to the military area soon. Pack up quickly!"

With this sentence, Tian Guo stamped his foot and left the room of Lin Kai in a hurry.

He was about to return to the military area. Lin Kai packed up his clothes and asked Ah Fu and his men to go back to Aomen. They were ready to start.

At noon, Lin Kai and Tian Guo got on the plane back to Jiangbei.

In the afternoon, after getting off the plane, Lin Kai and Tian Guo went back to the southeast military region by bus.

As soon as he returned to the southeast military region, Lin Kai received a phone call from his chief, he Zhijun.

Chief he Zhijun asked Lin to come to his meeting room.

Lin Kai put on his uniform and came to he Zhijun's office.

In he Zhijun's office, he sits behind his desk and drinks tea.

Lin Kai, dressed in military uniform, stands upright in front of he Zhijun.

"Report! Major Lin Kai has completed the task and asked to return to the team! "

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