Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 434

As soon as the tiger appeared, the whole scene was silent.

Invisibly, Wang tiger's aura has awed the entire scene!

Although Tiger Wang said nothing, people could feel the invisible pressure.

Tiger Wang put too much pressure on them!

Because tiger king is a man eating demon!

There is no one in Jinling that he is afraid of!

Feng Dagang's face turned white after seeing Tiger Wang. He knew that Lin Wudi had no chance. Tiger Wang would not spare him!

And I might have a bad day.

Lin Wudi, Lin Wudi, who do you think is bad for you? You must provoke Mr. Feng.

Isn't it true that the old longevity man ate arsenic and wanted to die?

Feng Dagang's heart was full of despair.

Feng Ming was overjoyed to see Wang tiger, and ran over.

"Brother tiger, here you are." Feng Ming is so humble in front of Wang tiger.

But Wang tiger has a stiff face, obviously not in a good mood.

He glanced at the palm print on Feng Ming's face and frowned: "who fought? The other party doesn't know. Are you Feng Ming my cousin of Wang tiger? "

No wonder Feng Ming can call Wang tiger. It turns out that Feng Ming is Wang tiger's cousin!

Feng Ming gnashed his teeth and looked at Lin Kai: "that's him! Brother tiger, the boy is cruel! One slap knocked out both my teeth

After that, Feng Ming pointed to Lin Kai and said angrily, "little boy, don't you kneel down for me, brother tiger?"

The King Tiger hears speech, also is frowning to look at Lin Kai.

Wang Hu Hu's mood is depressing, because tomorrow, he will be formally arrested, and Lin Kai's task is over, which also shows that he is going to jail.

But Lin Kai did keep his word and won Wang tiger a life sentence.

Seeing that he will go to jail tomorrow, Wang tiger is also upset. Anyway, he will go in tomorrow. It's better to be crazy today!

It's unrealistic to kill a person, but it's OK to teach him a lesson.

As soon as he looked up, Tiger Wang saw Lin Kai. The murderous look on his face was solidified at that time.

Wang tiger showed a dull expression. It was actually him?

It's the evil star!

At that time, the king tiger was shivering all over. He was invincible!

His cousin, actually provoked Lin Wudi?

You know, the reason why Tiger Wang has come to an end now is that he offended Lin Wudi, but his cousin actually offended Lin Wudi?

Wang tiger still remembers that when Lin Kai called a company soldier, the battle was a terror.

This forest is invincible. It's not ordinary people!

At that time, Tiger Wang trembled all over.

But Feng Ming didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. At this time, he was still shouting in front of Lin Kai.

"Boy, I gave you a chance just now, but you don't cherish it. Now, my brother Tiger comes and tells you that you die..."


The fixed word in Feng Ming's mouth has not yet been said, only heard a crisp sound, Wang tiger is very angry to give Feng Ming a big mouth!

This big mouth is very loud, and I can see that the other side of Feng Ming's face is swollen, and the whole face looks like a pig's head.

Feng Ming got this slap, and he was in a muddle at that time.

He looked back at Tiger Wang, covered his face and showed an expression of grievance.

"Brother tiger, what are you doing beating me for?" Feng Ming asked pitifully.

"It's light to hit you!" The king tiger was very angry.

At that time, Wang Hu Hu snorted and went directly to Lin Kai. Without saying a word, he made a deep bow to Lin Kai.

"Lin Shao, I'm sorry that my cousin has offended you. I'll listen to you what you want to do with him!"

As soon as Wang tiger bowed, dozens of his younger brothers bowed to Lin Kai in unison.

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry!"

There was a chorus of apologies.

Lin Kai, with his hands back and a cold face, is like a younger brother in front of the famous King Tiger in Jinling City.

Everyone was shocked.

Did Tiger Wang bow to Lin Kai and apologize?

Tiger Wang, who is that? Jinling City the first ruthless! Even if Lin Kai is a rich second generation, he can't even afford to offend Wang Hu?

You know, these years by the King Tiger remediation rich second generation is not a few!

Lin Kai, however, can make Tiger Wang bow and apologize.

There is only one reason, that is, Lin Kai is more powerful than Wang tiger!

There are few people in Jinling City who are even more powerful than Wang tiger. Linkai is the top family in China. Even Wang Hu dare not offend him!At that time, the whole scene was shocked.

Originally shivering Feng Dagang, at this time also muddled.

Tiger Wang, bow to Lin Wudi to apologize?

Even the king tiger should be so respectful to Lin Wudi?

What kind of person is this invincible forest? Everyone is dumbfounded.

Even Feng Ming is stupid.

My cousin Wang tiger, who was afraid of in Jinling City these years? But now, Tiger Wang bowed to a young man and apologized.

"What are you doing, cousin?" At this time, Feng Ming asked in a trembling voice.

"Kneel down!" As soon as Feng Ming spoke, Tiger Wang immediately drank.

Feng Ming subconsciously knelt down on the ground, a face muddled.

Although he didn't know who Lin Wudi was, he had a feeling that he was in big trouble!

Wang tiger at this time hate iron not steel said: "even Lin Shao you dare to offend, you are tired of crooked?"

Feng Ming was not aware of Li and asked, "cousin, who is Lin Wudi in the end?"

"Who is Lin Shao? You don't deserve to know Lin Shao's background and identity! "

"But you know, your cousin, I'm going in tomorrow. Life imprisonment, Lin Shao helped me fight for it! "

After hearing the news, Feng Ming could not react for a long time.

My cousin, going in?

Life imprisonment?

When did my cousin, who has been tyrannical in Jinling for so many years, ever had an accident?

But now, my cousin is going in? And life imprisonment?

"What's the matter, cousin?" Feng Ming's face was a little pale.

If Tiger Wang goes in, he Feng Ming is totally lost!

"Lin Shao let me in." At this time, Tiger Wang sighed and said.

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Feng Ming was frightened to the stupidity at that time. He just sat down on the ground.

Lin Wudi let Tiger Wang in?

This forest is invincible, has such big ability unexpectedly?

You know, the relationship between King Tiger and Jinling is very hard. If Lin Wudi wants to let him in, he has to go in.

This shows that Lin Wudi is not an ordinary rich second generation. Behind him, there may be a very large family!

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