Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 416


Israeli special forces just finished this sentence, Cao Wanjin directly slapped him on the head.


"In this world, all people's bodies are made of meat, so there is no iron!"

Cao Wanjin was very angry.

Are your subordinates confused today?

They used to be very smart!

Today, they actually said to themselves that Lin Wudi's body is made of iron. Isn't this a dream?

At this time, I don't know who yelled: "look! What a big bird

After that, everyone looked at the sky in unison.

Sure enough, in the sky behind them, a huge bird came!

And there's a very fast bird in the sky.

Cao Wanjin looked at the big bird and frowned: "such a big bird? How can I look like a man

Cao Wanjin did not find that the five Israeli special forces soldiers around him were all white.

As ACE special forces, their reconnaissance ability is naturally several times stronger than Cao Wanjin.

In the sky, it's not a big bird at all, it's a person!

Yes, it's the guy named Lin Wudi. He can fly!

"Chinese kung fu..." An Israeli special forces soldier, pale and his lips trembling.

"Chinese Kung Fu?" Cao Wanjin was stunned. He went to see the big bird in the sky again. Cao Wanjin's face suddenly changed.

It's not a big bird, it's a man!

It's invincible!

He flew over here!

How did he do it?

At that time, Cao Wanjin was shocked.

Now, he finally understands why his subordinates say that Lin Kai's body is made of iron. He can fly. It's not surprising that his body is made of iron.

"Fire! Fight Cao Wanjin roared.

At this time, dozens of mercenaries woke up like a dream. They took up the AK47 in their hands and started shooting at Linkai in the sky!

Dozens of AK fire at the same time, the scene is very spectacular, at that time, dozens of fire dragon jet into the forest, all bullets!

But Lin Kaisi is not afraid. At this time, Lin Kai carries Tianguo on his back and uses his body as the flesh shield of Tianguo.

Crackling, bullets hit Lin Kai's body, can only rub a piece of sparks, can not hurt a hair of Linkai!

At that time, Cao Wanjin in the snow was so stupid that he finally believed it.

It's made of iron!

Lin opened his mouth with a sneer.

Today, he wants to see how powerful the divine level attack skills are!

"Ghost attack!"

With Lin Kai's drinking, dozens of black shadows were seen scattered from his body.

For a moment, there were countless forest trees in the sky.

There are more than 30.

These more than 30 Lin Kai, or clasping fists, or sneering, or running, look different, body indistinct.

They are not Lin Kai's separate body, because Lin Kai's speed is too fast, so he has achieved these more than 30 shadows.


A dull drink, more than 30 forest Kai in the sky, all rushed to the mercenary team on the ground, and those mercenaries did not have time to respond, so they were killed by the overwhelming shadow!

At that time, blood splashed.

Countless Linkai wandered among the crowd.

These mercenaries are splashing with blood.

Their faces are full of fear!

"Take it

One Lin Kai suddenly stood in the snow, and more than 30 others returned to Lin Kai's body.

Now Lin Kai has become the only one.

Then look at those mercenaries, holding AK, standing on the snow foolishly. Soon after, with a plop, a mercenary knelt on the ground with blood gushing from his throat.

Plop, plop

Dozens of mercenaries, all down.

At the scene, only Israeli special forces and Cao Wanjin were left.

Five Israeli special forces are staring at Lin Kai. At this time, they even have no desire to resist.

Is this still human? Is this Superman?

It can be separated!

You can fly!

The body is invulnerable, so there is no need to fight.

The shock in Cao Wanjin's heart is the strongest. He knows what kind of person Lin Kai is. He knows that Lin Kai is a dandy!And this dandy is not only an undercover, but also a Superman with extraordinary ability!

How could he not be surprised?

He killed himself, only in a moment!

"Lin Lin Shao, you Don't be impulsive... " Cao Wanjin stammered.

Lin Kai looked at Cao Wanjin and said faintly, "hand in your weapons. Surrender now, and you will not die."

When Cao Wanjin heard the speech, he gave a bitter smile.

Finally, I was caught.

In Cao Wanjin's heart, he was not willing to think about his own generation of heroes, but he was deceived by such a dandy rich second generation.

Now he has no way out.

"I surrender..." Cao Wanjin sighed and dropped his weapon.

The other five Israeli commandos also threw down their weapons in fear.

They squatted on the ground obediently and did not dare to move.

It's terrible. They don't know how their comrades died. After seeing Lin Kai's method, they have no idea to resist.

At this time, ten minutes just arrived.

Lin Kai's attributes and divine level skills are all recycled!

As soon as his body was light, Lin Kai felt that he had lost that powerful power!

However, if you lose it, you will lose it. Although the power is strong, it is not your own.

And the five Israeli special forces in front of them will not dare to act rashly in a short time. Even if they want to kill themselves, they have to see whether they have the strength!

One to five, Lin Kai is still a little confident.

Soon after, only heard a burst of helicopter sound, saw from the distant sky, flew over five armed helicopters!

Armed helicopter flew to the sky above Linkai, a rope was thrown down, saw one and another special combat personnel glided down from the plane.

These well-equipped special combat personnel, a total of about 50, they are special forces of the nearest military region.

After 50 special forces landed, they immediately surrounded Lin Kai and others!

They are wearing bulletproof vests, white camouflage uniforms, black sunglasses to prevent snow blindness, and black marching boots on their feet.

Fifty rifles were pointed at Lin Kai and Cao Wanjin.

Then, a man of officer rank in his forties stood up and called out with a megaphone: "everyone! Hold your head and squat down

Lin Kai glanced at his rank. He was a major general. He should be a big man at brigade commander level.

It seems that they pay great attention to the task this time, and the major general has personally come to the front line.

Lin Kai just wanted to go over and shake hands. All of the fifty rifles were aimed at Lin Kai.

The major general was even more alert to stare at Lin Kai: "hold your head and squat down! Can't you understand people? If you refuse to cooperate, we will use force to enforce action! "

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