Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 415

Soon after, a pillar of blood appeared from where the stone had been shot.

Second Israeli special forces, die!

Later, the golden pupil skill was used again.

Half a kilometer away, three Israeli special forces are running at sayaz!

It has to be said that they are fast and durable.

If it's Lin Kai before, maybe he can't catch up with him.

But it's a pity that what they met was invincible Lin Kai!

"Balloon power!" With Lin Kai's silent recitation, Lin Kai's body began to become light!

God level balloon ability, its powerful, is Lin Kai did not expect.

His body doesn't need to expand at all, but it can float into the sky like a balloon!

Lin Kai's body gradually left the ground.

It's very fast.

Tian Guo was held in the arms of Lin Kai. At this time, she was shocked and her eyes almost glared out!

I'll bear it if you fight against AK bullets. You can't fly. That's too much!

Before long, Lin Kai had already flown to the top of Huangshan Village, overlooking the whole village.

And Lin Kai also realized the feeling of flying. It was so cool!

Then, Lin Kai waved his right hand, and the whole man flew to the three Israeli special forces!

Like superman.

And the three Israeli special forces running in the snow are glad that they have escaped Linkai's claws!

They are so abnormal that they are not afraid of bullets. In retrospect, they still feel numb.

Thanks to their understanding of the topography of the snow mountain, they recovered a small life.

Running on the snow, their physical energy consumption is also very large. An Israeli special soldier just wanted to slow down and take a breath. Suddenly, he saw a shadow on the snow in front of him!

This shadow is flying!

Moreover, this shadow has been following itself!

At that time, the faces of Israeli special forces were all white. Was this their own illusion?

Take a closer look, it is indeed a shadow!

At that time, the Israeli special forces mechanical general back, this look, the Israeli special forces were directly scared into the snow!

The other two special forces looked back at their comrades in arms and also found Lin Kai flying in the air.

They're all dumbfounded, too.

It is said that Huaxia is a forbidden area for mercenaries. They have not believed that they have lived on the border for such a long time, and there is no accident.

But now they believe it.

The reason why they were able to live before was that they were lucky!

An Israeli special forces soldier's face was white, trembling said: "Hua Hua Hua Chinese Kung Fu

Lin Kai looked down at the three special forces, just like the gods came down to earth, pointing to the three special forces.

"If you dare to offend our Chinese territory, don't you kneel down?"

This big drink, like the thunder in the three people's minds in general! Three legs a soft, can not help but kneel down.

At this time, they found that their own body, as if not under their own control!

That's right. Linkai used the divine Yuri ability!

The God level Yuri ability can completely control the people that Linkai wants to control, and the number is about 100.

Yes, Lin Kai can attack 100 people at the same time, which is the horror of God level skills.

They simply can't resist Linkai's Yuri ability. When Linkai asks them to kneel, they kneel down.

"If you offend the territory of China, I'll give you a chance to apologize!"

After Linkai's words, the three Israeli special forces pulled out their pistols from their waists, loaded the bullets in unison and aimed the pistols at their heads.

The eyes of the three special forces are desperate and fearful!

They don't want to die!

But they can't control their bodies. Their hands are no longer theirs.

Three shots rang out, three people have fallen in the snow, blood dyed the snow red.

Do they have a chance to live?

Of course.

It's just that Lin Kai doesn't want them to live!

They don't know how many Chinese people have been harmed. They even want to kill themselves!

Because Lin Kai knows that he has only ten minutes of invincible time. If he doesn't kill all of them within this ten minutes, the last one to die is Lin Kai himself!

There are five more!

Standing in the air and looking down at the village with his golden pupil, Lin Kai found that there was no one in the village.

It seems that Cao Wanjin is really familiar with the terrain here. With his own people, he left the scene at the first time.

But they can't run!

Finally, in the snow three kilometers away, Lin Kai found Cao Wanjin and them.The other five Israeli special forces have also gathered with Cao Wanjin.

I saw in the vast snow, dozens of strong men with AK, protecting Cao Wanjin all the way!

This Cao Wanjin is really an unforgivable warlord! There are so many people with guns around. No wonder they notice him.

At this time, Lin Kaiyi stretched out his right hand and patted backward. His body was like a cannon ball in the air. He made a sonic boom in the air and went after Cao Wanjin!

Cao Wanjin, who was running in the snow, looked at the border line not far away.

As long as we cross the border, no matter how strong the Chinese soldiers are, we can't move a single hair of them!

In ten minutes, we'll be across the border.

This is the reason why Cao Wanjin chose Huangshan Village. It is close to the border line and can escape quickly in case of emergency.

"Lin Wudi? Undercover? I will come back to avenge myself Cao Wanjin's mouth showed a ferocious smile.

The five Israeli special forces who followed him changed their faces. One of them said in broken Chinese: "boss, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5 have also been killed."

"What?" Cao Wanjin's eyes widened.

A small forest invincible, actually killed the Black Hawk commando five people?

The Black Hawks are the best special forces in Israel!

At the beginning, Cao Wanjin bought them at the price of 500 million per person. Now, Lin Kai killed five of them?

What God is he? Even if he is a special forces soldier, he should not be so strong!

"Boss, the forest is invincible, as if It's like you're not afraid of bullets At this time, the Israeli special forces hesitated, or opened his mouth.

"No way!" Cao Wanjin denied it.

"Is his body made of iron? If you are a man, you will be afraid of bullets! "

"As long as he dares to come, you so many people, give me your rifles and suddenly kill him!"

Cao Wanjin said angrily.

He thinks his men are stupid! Who is not afraid of bullets? In Cao Wanjin's understanding, only Superman is not afraid of bullets!

The Israeli Special Forces officer was crying without tears. He knew that was bullshit, but it was true!

"Boss, his body seems to be made of iron..."

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