Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1482

The reason why we cooperate with Lin Qianqian company is that Baishantang has also made a request that they do not accept any money and provide the money to children in mountainous areas.

In short, Lin Qianqian hopes Lin Kai can help.

Lin Qianqian knows Lin Kai's methods and medical skills. After all, she saw Lin Kai with her own eyes and cured her and Dong Shu's injuries quickly.

In this regard, Lin Kai agreed, in addition to this and Lin Qianqian company cooperation, but also because the system released a task.

It is to reward the gold extraction ability to solve the medical trouble of Baishantang.

So after Lin Kai hung up the phone, he drove to the place where Lin Qianqian gave him Baishan hall.

Baishantang is located between the urban and suburban areas of Donghai. Although it is only 9:00 a.m., the gate of Baishan hall is full of people and blocked.

Inside the gate of Baishan hall, there was a group of people crying or using very vicious words and swearing.

As soon as Lin Kai came here, he saw the chaos here. He shook his head. According to the description of the system, it was actually medical trouble.

It's just that medical trouble is very interesting.

Lin Kai immediately separated the crowd from the crowd outside and entered the Baishan hall.

In the group of people crying and scolding, there was a woman in her fifties lying on a stretcher. Her eyes were closed, her face was pale, and she had no breath. She was obviously dead.

Next to the stretcher, an ugly looking man in his thirties continued to cry and curse.

"What a hundred good hall! Killed my mother! My mother has always been in good health, but she has a cold recently. She came to your Baishantang to fill up the medicine. They all said that the medicine of your Baishantang is cheap and it is also a real medicine! As a result, my mother was killed by the medicinal materials provided by your Baishantang! "

"Baishan hall? It's better to say it's a hundred evil hall! "

"Yes! Medical skills are so bad that they even come out to see the doctor. It's just to kill people! "

"Kill for your life!"

In addition to the ugly looking man, there were also some family members nearby, all dressed in sackcloth and wearing filial piety, followed by the ugly face in shouting and scolding.

When the crowd outside the gate heard these words, they all showed sympathy. Many people, like the family members, began to scold Baishantang.

"I didn't expect that the hospital, which has been established for hundreds of years, let inexperienced doctors go to the clinic. It's totally a smash of its own brand!"

"Well, yes, Mr. Yang is not here. One of his grandsons and granddaughters is here. I don't think I have any experience. It's such a thing. "

"Baishan hall is finished! Unfortunately, it's such a conscientious hospital. "

The crowd outside, looking at a pair of young men and women standing inside, began to talk.

There was even a very excited aunt who just bought vegetables and passed by. She took out a handful of vegetables and threw them on the hundreds of years old plaque of Baishantang.

This made the young men and women in Baishan hall look very ugly.

This young man and woman are Yang Xiaxing and Yang Mengzi.

Yang Xiaxing could not bear it. When others smashed the plaque of Baishan hall like this, he spoke loudly: "they are talking nonsense! It is not a simple cold, but cold into the body, leading to rheumatism, I just prescribed a medicine to eliminate rheumatism. That's what I did personally. I also prescribed the medicine! I can guarantee it with my own life! There's absolutely no problem with that medicine! "

"You are nonsense! It's clear that you want to make more money and open herbs at random! My mother was dying after eating, and now she is dying! Everything is the responsibility of your Baishan hall! " The ugly man immediately called and scolded him.

"Aunt Liu bought medicine from your hospital in the morning. It's less than two hours ago. Now because she took your medicine, people are gone. You Baishan hall must have a great responsibility!"

"Yes! You Baishan hall should be responsible for the whole thing! "

People around me are shouting.

Yang Mengzi next to Yang Xiaxing, pretty face is very ugly, and then said: "turn right and wrong! Do you suspect us on this alone? At least the price of saving the common people in China is the cheapest! Even if it is difficult at home, we will provide it for free! This kind of misdiagnosis has never appeared! Let alone die of taking medicine

Outside the crowd, for Yang Mengzi words, most people secretly nodded, it is true, should not appear this situation.

I don't think it's too busy to see the body? How can you argue when people are dead? "

Without waiting for Yang Xiaxing and Yang Mengzi to respond, Lin Kai has already stood up and said faintly: "the person is really gone, but it's not her son. In order to mislead others, she killed her mother and came to the Baishan hall for medical treatment. That's also possible."

In fact, according to the system, the ugly man killed his mother and came here to make trouble in order to get compensation.Sure enough, when the ugly man heard Lin Kai's words, he pointed to Lin Kai fiercely and said angrily, "where's the boy! I'll sue you for slander! What nonsense

"Yes, you can eat your meal at random, but you can't talk nonsense!"

That group of family members, also angrily denounced.

But Yang Mengzi saw that Lin Kailin was coming, and his eyes were bright: "are you the miracle doctor of Lin Kailin?"

Yang Mengzi has learned from Lin Qianqian that Lin has come to help at a meeting and that Lin Kai's medical skills are superb. Even the famous director Pan Liguo's illness has been cured.

Yesterday, Yang Mengzi happened to be on the Internet and saw a piece of news, saying that Pan Liguo was seriously ill, and even the doctors were helpless. As a result, he was cured inexplicably.

In fact, this news is a promotion for the new film.

Of course, the news didn't say it was cured.

However, Lin Qianqian told Yang Mengzi that it was Lin Kai who cured her.

As a result, Yang Mengzi said that Lin Kai was a miracle doctor.

Yang Mengzi is convinced that Lin has opened up, and she can't help but feel at ease.

Lin Kai just nodded. It seems that Lin Qianqian introduced him to Yang Mengzi.

Before Lin Kai said anything, some of the family members sneered: "I said this person, how bloody it is, it turns out that I know people from Baishantang! It looks like a group! "

Lin Kai naturally ignored these words and said calmly, "don't say anything. I'll ask this person a few words, and the whole thing will come to light."

"Is it?" The ugly man, disdain way: "then you ask, I want to see what come out."

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