Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1481

Lin Kai saw that there were originally thousands of long dragon bones, but in the blink of an eye, they turned into palm sized dragon bones. He was shocked.

Now this palm sized dragon skeleton looks like a carved model.

Lin Kai can still feel the golden light energy in his body, which seems to urge him to take the Dragon skeleton with him.

He shook his head, picked up the dragon bones and put them in the box.

Fortunately, he brought enough small boxes, which were custom-made. They mainly come to pack Jiuyou grass or see other Tiancai Dibao to prevent the spiritual loss of these Tiancai Dibao.

Linkai took the small box with dragon bones, thought a little, and then put it away by himself.

He understood that an Xiaoran had been asked by the Pihua residence to explore. He probably knew that there were real dragon bones here.

In terms of the state, the complete remains of the dragon will not be destroyed, but will be protected.

Even now the dragon bones have become so small that it is meaningless to protect them.

Of course, Lin Kai still has some ideas of his own. The Dragon skeleton calls for him and gives him energy, which belongs to his elders.

Although the state will protect it, it is still necessary to take it out for research.

Lin Kai doesn't want to be like this. It's better to protect the complete dragon skeleton himself.

Then, Lin Kai looked at the gully, and did not see the figure of Ba Ye. It seemed that he had escaped from here.

He was afraid that there were others in it, so he went to an Xiaoran.

Soon, Lin Kai went back to the cave at the bottom of the cliff. He saw that an Xiaoran, Xinru and Liu Jiacheng were not here.

He frowned deeply, not because of the three people's absence, and feel sorry.

He saw the dead bodies of flying insects and blood stains on the ground, all of which were dried up and seemed to have passed for at least half a day.

Lin Kai could not help mumbling to himself: "is it when I accept the inheritance that time passes quickly?"

Lin Kai thinks about it carefully. It should be like this.

He thought that he accepted the inheritance power of the Dragon skeleton, but after a few seconds, in fact, at least half a day has passed.

Otherwise, when Ba Ye was seriously injured, he would not be able to run so fast.

It is easy to explain that the three men, an Xiaoran, Xinru and liujiacheng, have left here.

It is likely that the three were also seriously injured. They went out first and did not continue to explore here.

Lin Kai also knows that outside the cave entrance is another entrance. Previously, according to an Xiaoran, master Zhicheng is outside.

Without any hesitation, he went into the hole.

About half an hour later, Linkai came out of the hole.

This cave is naturally in Wang Dagui's backyard.

As soon as Lin Kai came out, he saw that master Zhicheng was still here.

Wang Dagui's land has been expropriated by the state under the contact of master Zhicheng.

Wang Dagui was not forced to buy and sell, but the price offered by the state. Wang Dagui was very satisfied and agreed directly.

When master Zhicheng saw Lin Kai come out, they were all relieved. They were obviously worried about Lin Kai. After all, they also knew that there was a strong master below.

As a result, master Zhicheng didn't choose to go in. Otherwise, it would be bad to drag Lin Kai.

Now seeing Lin Kai safe and sound, they all relaxed.

Then master Zhicheng began to ask about the details.

What's the matter with another great master? Have you seen dragon bones.

Lin Kai responded with half truth and half falseness. Although he saw the dragon bones, he was taken away by the great master, leading to the disappearance of the dragon bones.

The dragon was taken away by the strong master.

Hearing Lin Kai's words, master Zhicheng was convinced and disappointed: "this time I'm here to explore whether there are any real dragon bones. If a dragon skeleton is found, the upper layer will study it carefully. After all, this is the legendary dragon. It's a pity that they have disappeared "

after sighing, master Zhicheng murmured:" however, there are a lot of jade and gold on the cliff inside. It's a good thing to get these things out and give them to the upper class and then subsidize the people.

The strong master already knew some information. His name was Ba Ye. He didn't know where he came from. It should be said that there must be a list of those who are strong masters in the house of Pihua. "

Lin Kai just shook his head and laughed. Although he didn't know where nabaya came from, there were many powerful people hidden in the ancient martial arts world.

He would not be surprised if one day a stronger old monster appeared.

Lin Kai didn't see an Xiaoran, so he took the initiative to ask Master qizhicheng.

Master Zhicheng said that the three people suffered from internal injuries and went to the hospital for treatment.

Jiuyou grass has also been extracted and completed the system task. Without taking Jiuyou grass, it has broken through a small state in the golden elixir period by virtue of the inheritance energy given by the Dragon skeleton.But now Lin Kai, it's nothing. He just used some genuine Qi to prevent the three from getting worse.

Since he took away the Dragon skeleton, he planned to go to the hospital to treat an Xiaoran.

Lin Kai thought of the girl named Xinru from the minority nationality. He seemed to be interested in him, but he no longer felt any sense of his other companion Liu Jiacheng.

It's a headache for him.

So he went to the hospital of Xunyang City, after treatment for three people, he left decisively.

Even with an Xiaoran and Xinru, Lin Kaisi left Xunyang city without hesitation.

The next morning.

Lin Kai went back to his home in Donghai, where he put jiuyoucao and the big dragon bones.

After taking a shower, he found that there were several missed calls on his mobile phone, which were from Lin Qianqian.

Lin kaiben thought that Lin Qianqian was looking for him because of things like shooting advertisements.

Although shooting advertising has been completed, but the promotion is also very important, choose a better platform.

Unexpectedly, it was a Chinese medicine shop named Baishantang, which cooperated with the company. A little accident happened.

This skin care product contains a variety of traditional Chinese medicines, which are provided by Baishantang.

Baishantang has a history of hundreds of years. It has been handed down by our ancestors and learned Chinese medicine from generation to generation.

Now Baishantang is a young girl named Yang Mengzi. Her father and her grandfather are going to Beijing these days to attend an exchange meeting of traditional Chinese medicine.

So Baishantang is just her, and her brother Yang Xiaxing is sitting there.

Of course, they are entitled to see a doctor, but their qualifications are not as old as her father and grandfather.

But there was an accident today.

Lin Qianqian said that the Baishantang is a famous conscience clinic, and the price of medicine is several times lower than that of other medical institutions. It can be said that it is really holding on to saving the dying and helping the wounded.

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