Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1477

As soon as they came out, they saw Ba Ye killing the swarm of insects.

Xinru's face is not very good-looking, this group of insects is her most important means, each of the flying insects have a special role, there are poisonous insects, there are also detoxification insects, there are attacking insects and so on.

In a word, raising a fly costs her a lot of energy.

As a result of her pet, now see their own pet, suffered a person, so wantonly attacked and killed.

Xinru, of course, couldn't help it, so he started to move towards PA Ye.

Liu Jiacheng saw that Xinru made a move, but did not move forward, so he stayed in the same place.

An Xiaoran's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and immediately drew out the blue sword from his waist, and went towards PA Ye.

"Xiao ran, what are you going to do?"

Liu Jiacheng wanted to stop an Xiaoran, but an Xiaoran's speed was faster than him, so he didn't stop an Xiaoran at all.

An Xiaoran glanced at Liu Jiacheng with a cold look in her eyes: "Xinru elder sister, as our companion, sees that she is in danger. How can she sit back and ignore her?"

The implication is that Liu Jiacheng doesn't care about Xinru's life and death.

An Xiaoran said, also no longer nonsense, holding the sword to continue to rush past.

At this time, Xinru and PA ye fight together.

Although Xinru was not a high-level fighter, he was able to block several attacks of Ba ye with his own special means.

For example, the last time Lin Kai faced the evil masters in Southeast Asia, he didn't know that kind of magic, so he turned over his car.

Of course, Xinru's special means are not as good as those powerful sorcery.

Xinru was soon forced by Ba ye and had no way out.

Seeing that Xinru was about to fall into crisis, an Xiaoran arrived in time, and the blue sword cleaved towards PA Ye.

Ba Ye disdains to look at an Xiaoran. In his opinion, even if these three people go together, it is easy for him to solve the problem.

If he doesn't, he'll waste some time.

"Ran'an's two little girls were trying to escape from the attack

Say, a punch, an Xiaoran and Xinru, to shock back, are injured.

Although Liu Jiacheng was frightened by the strength of Ba ye, seeing that an Xiaoran was injured, he was also in a fever. He rushed to Ba ye: "you just want to die!"

"You want to save the beauty? Compared with these two female dolls, you don't look like a man at all, and your strength is even more useless

Ba Ye sneered and flicked past with a finger. Liu Jiacheng screamed as if he had been hit by a thousand catties of power. He flew backward and hit the stone wall hard.

New if see this scene, drink a: "coagulate!"

I saw that the group of dead insects, turned into countless poisonous needles and liquid, puffed and puffed away towards PA Ye.

"Little skills."

Ba Ye disdained to smile and patted it with one hand at will, and the venomous liquid dissipated one after another.

The gap between the two is too big!

How to say, Ba Ye is also a strong master. Even if he has just stepped into the master level, it is very powerful.

However, it can be said that one of the ten masters who have just entered the peak of the siege can be said.

This is a change in quality.

An Xiaoran knows that Ba Ye is too strong, but in order to delay Xinru's time, she still attacks him with a sword.

No way. If they don't beat him, he will take the initiative to kill them all, so he has to take the initiative to attack.

But this pa Ye is too powerful, and two punches at random, he blows an Xiaoran and Xinru out.

Like Liu Jiacheng, they were all seriously injured.

Generally speaking, even if an Xiaoran, Xinru and Liu Jiacheng are not high-level warriors, they can delay a martial saint's peak level by their special means of killing demons and demons.

But the master was not able to do it. He had to be hanged by the master.

Ba ye saw that the three people were seriously injured, but he didn't pay any more attention to it. The main reason is that he has a mission now.

And in his opinion, these three people are already very weak, can not go far.

After he has finished the task, he will solve the three people.

Therefore, PA ye turned around and was about to go to the white bone in the black fog. Unexpectedly, a figure came down from the sky and landed firmly beside the white bone.

Naturally, Lin Kai was the figure who fell from the sky. He just saw Ba ye, an Xiaoran, Xinru and Liu Jiacheng in front of him.

Lin Kai was puzzled. It took him a long time to come here. He didn't know where an Xiaoran came from.

However, he also saw that it was Ba ye who hurt an Xiaoran.

So he didn't go to see the situation under the cliff, but looked at Ba ye and said faintly, "is it your hand that moved?"

Lin Kai also saw that Ba Ye was an ancient warrior who had just entered the grand master.Of course, Lin Kai doesn't care. For him, he is fearless whether he has just stepped into this realm or has been in this realm for many years.

At this time, Ba Ye is also staring at Lin Kai. Instead of responding to Lin Kai immediately, he looks dignified.

Because he could reach out from the forest, he could sense a threat, which was the intuition of a master.

Young master Ba is just as gifted as master ye, but he is not as talented as Master Wu.

The main reason is that Ba Ye didn't come out of the hermit family for a few days and didn't go to leiyuan group, so he didn't see Lin Yuan.

Even Ba Ye didn't know Lin Kai.

Subconsciously, he stepped back a few steps, then looked at Lin Kai and said, "I did it, so what?"

"Why hurt them?" Lin Kai's eyes narrowed slightly and asked in a calm tone.

An Xiaoran, a member of the national organization, is from the Pihua residence.

Although he is a strong master, if he injures three people, it will hinder the task of the state organization.

"It's said that a wound is a wound. Why do you need a reason?"

Lord Ba disdained to smile: "it's you. You must have just stepped into the master's realm. However, you are still too young. I don't have rich experience in fighting. I advise you to leave this matter alone, otherwise don't blame my merciless subordinates."

Although the young man opposite him felt a sense of threat, he was not afraid of Lin Kai.

To be precise, he believes that he can play Lin Kai more than he takes more time.

Before Lin Kai continued to speak, an Xiaoran saw Lin Kaikai, surprised and pleased, but also worried, and said to Lin: "Linkai! This place is called the tomb of the dragon. It has issued a mission for us to investigate this place. He didn't know what identity he was. He seemed to be coming from a bad place. He had other meanings about the Dragon burial pit.

This person is definitely a strong master, so if you can't beat him, don't fight hard, and now get out! The hole behind us is straight to the outside! Master Zhicheng, they are all waiting outside! "

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