Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1476

Because the Xianning Taoist priest quickly subdued the driver after leaving the field.

Chen guangben and the driver, hard to give up, Xianning Taoist strength is not weak, with his join, the driver was caught instantly.

Then the driver was thrown aside by Chen Guang.

Wang Dagui saw that the driver was seriously injured. He swallowed and salivated. He was frightened. He did not dare to have any movement. He could only stay in place.

At this time, Xianning Taoist priest and master Zhicheng stood beside the cave entrance. They looked down at the dark cave, where they could not see their fingers. They were all thinking.

Xianning Taoist priest could not help but whisper to master Zhicheng: "master, do you think this is the entrance to the Dragon burial pit, what is the probability?"

After thinking for a moment, master Zhicheng responded in a low voice: "although Lord Anshi is very young, we are one of the best places in Pihua residence in terms of finding the way. Therefore, this place is likely to be the place where the dragon is buried."

What's the suspected place in Luoning mountain? I've heard a lot about the place where the dragon is buried since I was a child. It's just the details. It's not so detailed. But I know there's only one way to go. "

Master Zhicheng shook his head: "it's not clear. If this place is not, another place must be. We'll know the result when we're done with the probe. "


In the dialogue between the two, there is no man's land in the deep mountains of Lushan.

Lin Kai walks to a wall. On the surface, it looks like a normal wall, but he keeps staring at it.

If he is not aware of his mistake, the real sound of dragon chanting comes from the wall in the early morning.

In fact, Lin Kai searched jiuyoucao in this area, but he didn't find it for a long time.

I found this place and found something strange. Then I remembered the sound of dragon singing from the direction of Lushan in the early morning.

Later, under Lin Kai's careful observation, the mountain wall is strange. It seems to be no different from ordinary mountain wall, but actually it is empty.

He's running the gold pupil, and that's what we can see.

However, it is difficult to see exactly what it is even if it is a golden pupil.

At this time, Lin Kai didn't think about it. He pushed the stone wall hard. Sure enough, the stone wall in front of him instantly turned into dust and fell to the ground, revealing a cave like opening.

Lin Kaiyan dew wipe curious, did not hesitate to go in.

The hole is deep and dark.

Especially with the deepening, gradually began to have a strong Yin evil spirit.

This makes Lin Kai's eyes bright, and there is Yin Sha Qi, which indicates that there may be nine you grass.

The main purpose of his coming to Lushan is to pick Jiuyou grass. In addition to his own need to break through cultivation, he also has to complete the system task.

"The cave is so zigzag and smooth on the stone walls that it doesn't seem to have been formed naturally. But this cave has not been entered for a long time. At least it has a history of hundreds and thousands of years. "

Lin Kai walked and did not forget to observe the cave.

To his surprise, the cave was too deep. To be exact, it could turn seven or eight.

And this cave, it's going down to the ground.

Linkai felt that he was at least two thousand meters below the ground.

At about 2200 meters, there is a fork in the road ahead.

Lin Kai stimulates the golden pupil, and then runs the true Qi to maximize the power of the golden pupil.

"The fork on the right is a dead end. Once you go there, you can't turn back, or even get trapped in it."

Lin Kai watched for a long time, muttered to himself, and immediately went to the fork in the left.

At 2600 meters below the ground, Linkai came to a cliff.

Yes, there is no heaven and earth in the earth, and there are mountains in the mountains!

It's just that the mountain underground is bare and has formed a cliff.

At present, Lin Kai is standing on the top of the cliff.

However, the stone walls on the cliff are full of Yin evil spirit, and there are all kinds of gold, jade or luminous stone on it, which seems to be stained on it.

Even if it is very dark, there are jade and luminous stones dotted there, which makes this large area appear less dark, just like stars dotted the night sky.

Lin Kai began to look under the cliff. Because of the strong Yin and evil spirit, they all formed a substantial black fog, so we couldn't see exactly what was under the cliff.

But Lin Kai is more sure that the sound of the dragon's chanting comes from the cliff!

At the same time, the Yin evil spirit under the cliff must be very strong, and the probability of Jiuyou grass appearing is also very large.

As a result, Lin Kai took out his equipment and used climbing rope to climb under the cliff.

Although he is an immortal, he may feel that the cliff is very high and has strong Yin evil spirit. He is cautious.……

At the same time.

In the cave of Wang Dagui's house, Ba Ye is going deeper and deeper.

The cave was so narrow that he could barely pass by himself, leaving him covered with mud.

Ba ye still frowned at the beginning, and then slowly accepted it. As a strong man who had just entered the grand master, he was also the most top-notch existence among the ancient warriors in China.

He is also ye shaotian's most trusted confidant. There are several powerful masters behind the Ye family.

This cooperation between ye shaotian and Linyuan is to use the power of Lin Yuan to assume the position of the Ye family leader.

Ye shaotian was also a child to see big, so Ba Ye is naturally going all out to fight for his own little master.

When Ba Ye felt that he was about to go to the end of the cave and even could see the face of the cliff, he suddenly looked back and flicked his hand.

A flying insect, instantly killed.

Doba soon came out of the cave.

All of a sudden, there is a very wide world in front of him. His position is under the cliff.

Instead of looking at the cliff, he saw the black fog in front of him. Then, holding a flashlight, he shone through it. In the dark fog, he saw a huge white bone.

"These bones are one body The young master said that this place is called the tomb of the dragon. Are these white bones of one body... "

Ba Ye just thought so, he heard a lot of flying insects coming back.

That direction is exactly where he came out of the cave.

Ba ye could not help looking back and saw that the flying insects surrounded a woman, who was just as new.

New such as see this person, first is startled, then to the cave, way: "someone!"

In the new words just fell, Liu Jiacheng came out of a surprise, and finally it was an Xiaoran who came out of the cave.

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