Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1472

The small black bottle is only half the size of a palm, and the whole body is black. On the whole, there is nothing special about it.

However, Lin has opened the lines on it and the breath it reveals. It can be confirmed that it is an antique from the Tang Dynasty.

It is estimated that it is too common, and the texture is the same. It looks like an imitation, which causes the stall owner to look away.

If it's antique, Lin Kai won't want it. Even if it's free, he won't let his boss give it to him.

The main reason is that when he was running the true Qi, he sensed that the little black bottle had real Qi fluctuating, but it was a magic weapon used by immortal cultivators.

There are traces of immortals in the Tang Dynasty.

Wei zhengmeng cut Dragon King, as well as Yuan Tiangang, Li Chunfeng, etc., are famous land gods of the Tang Dynasty.

So this little black bottle, most likely.

But Lin Kai did some research, but he still couldn't understand it.

When he was about to study the little black bottle, his mobile phone rang. It was master Zhicheng.

Lin Kai picked it up.

Master Zhicheng lives in the same restaurant as Lin Kai, but master Zhicheng lives on the 15th floor, while Lin Kai lives on the 12th floor.

While watching TV, master Zhicheng called Lin Kai and said with a smile, "benefactor Lin, not long ago, I heard from an Xiaoran that I met you in the antique market this afternoon. You haven't been to Lushan yet? "

Lin Kai responded.

Then master Zhicheng said, ask Lin Kai to wait in the hotel for a day. Tomorrow, master Zhicheng and several people from the Pihua residence will go to Lushan and finish the task.

After that, the day after tomorrow, he and Lin Kai went deep into the heart of Lushan Mountain to help find the Jiuyou grass.

In this regard, Lin Kai declined and understood master Zhicheng's intention.

Then he chatted with master Zhicheng a little, and then hung up.

Lin Kai continued to study the small black bottle. Although he could sense the fluctuation of the true Qi of the small black bottle, he had not studied anything else.

For a time, he doubted whether it was a magic weapon.

Lin opened his eyes to see that it was late at night, so he gave up studying the little black bottle.

After a short rest, he began to practice.

Once you find Jiuyou grass, you can break through a small realm of golden elixir period through the power of Jiuyou grass.

In this hotel, master Zhicheng lives on different floors and is busy with his own business.

I don't know how long it took for Lin Kai to wake up from his practice. His eyes could not help looking out of the window.

The location of the hotel is very good. You can see the whole appearance of Lushan outside the window.

Therefore, Lin Kaiwang's direction is exactly the location of Lushan.

There was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

because he recently carried the golden beads, that is, the dragon vein essence from the mountain area of the western suburbs of East Haicheng.

this dragon vein essence, as if it was induced to be similar, unexpectedly opened in the forest ear, sounded a faint dragon singing sound.

Not only that, but also came from afar, an equally weak sound of dragon singing, beside his ears.

As a result, Lin Kai was surprised and looked at Lushan.

Is it to say that there is a dragon vein in Lushan? Or is there a real dragon there?

At the thought of the latter, Lin Kai was a little shocked. You know, all immortal practitioners may not have seen the real dragon.

If it's a real dragon, it's incredible.

Lin Kai didn't think about it either. It's just the dragon's voice of the dragon's veins. It's not the real dragon singing, but also the essence of that kind of heaven and earth.

and the sound of dragon singing coming from Lu Shan is quite different from that of dragon vein essence.

Lin Kai didn't feel anything at first, but after hearing a few more sounds, he found that the Dragon veins from Lushan seemed to be made by a real dragon.

This makes Lin Kai have to think about that.

And he can also hear that the sound of dragon chanting from Lushan, with a sense of inexplicable vicissitudes and desolation, seems to come from a thousand years ago.

Lin Kai gazed more at the location of Lushan, frowning deeply.

"Is that place a real dragon?"

Lin Kai stood up and looked at the Lushan Mountain without saying a word for a long time.

Until the sound of the Dragon singing in my ear disappeared, and the sky was dim.

Lin Kai washed himself and took all the equipment he bought yesterday and left the hotel.

He didn't check out of the room.

After driving out of the hotel, Lin didn't eat anything, so he took a taxi and went to Lushan.

Lushan is the biggest and most popular scenic spot in Xunyang city. Even this morning, there are many cars going there.

About half an hour later, the forest opened to Lushan scenic area.But what Lin Kai is going to is not Lushan scenic area, but no man's land.

Because the range of Lushan Mountain is too large, it is unrealistic to be a scenic spot completely. The deep part of Lushan is no man's land, which is dangerous.

In the forest opened to Lushan scenic area at the same time, the hotel there.

An Xiaoran still just got up. After a while, she came to the first floor of the hotel, sat down with master Zhicheng and began to eat breakfast.

After several people finished their breakfast, Xianning Taoist asked his disciples to take them in a business car and went to Lushan.

Xianning Taoist is a native of Lushan, and the highest Taoist temple is also his.

Therefore, he still has great privileges in entering and leaving Lushan.

For example, other tourists need to obtain relevant approval to enter the no man's land in Lushan.

The Xianning Taoist didn't need to drive directly to the edge of no man's land and stopped.

There are no tourists here. Although permission can be obtained, approval is extremely difficult. After all, no man's land means that it is full of all kinds of wild animals, which is very dangerous.

Master Zhicheng got off the bus one after another.

Xianning Taoist priest was quite apologetic: "you are a little sorry, all came to Lushan, also did not let you go to the xuandao Temple of the poor way. After the task is completed, you will appreciate it. You can go to xuandao temple and stay here for a few days. "

"Xianning is polite."

"Yes, master Xianning, it's very good for you to take us around Xunyang city."

Master Zhicheng, an Xiaoran, etc.

After several politeness, they all looked at an Xiaoran.

Where the mission is, we all rely on an Xiaoran to find the way.

The school that an Xiaoran inherited was the most proficient in finding the way.

Without delay, an Xiaoran took out a pointer similar to the eight diagrams, and then she began to say something in her mouth.

I saw the pointer on it, constantly turning.

An Xiaoran moves forward according to the direction of the pointer rotation.

Master Zhicheng and Taoist Xianning are closely following an Xiaoran.

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