Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1471

"Little brother! Wait

At this time, Hu Jianmin, the stall owner, caught up with Lin Kai. He yelled anxiously and stopped Lin Kai. Then he said, "little brother, I will give you the 600000 yuan and the copper money to me. This business will not be done. Of course, in order to make up for you, I will give you that little black bottle! "

Looking at Hu Jianmin, Lin Kai shook his head and said, "there is no reason for people who do business to go back on their own? Besides, isn't your copper coin fake? Why should it be so? Or the copper money... "

Before Lin finished speaking, Hu Jianmin quickly interrupted and said with an apologetic face: "little brother, don't I feel guilty just because the copper money is fake? It's the first time for me to do this kind of deceptive business, so I feel very sorry for it. This is the only way to recover the copper money. I will give you 600000 yuan, and the small black bottle will be given to you. How about that? "

Passers-by nearby, naturally, heard Hu Jianmin's words, all showing a strange look. Most passers-by think that this Hu Jianmin must be nonsense. Which one can be a boss here is not very smart. The pit buyer is just like playing, let alone feeling guilty. He can't be a fake again.

When Liu Jiacheng heard Hu Jianmin's "sincere" words, he actually believed them and believed what Hu said was true.

However, Lin Kai, like him, bought fake goods. Although Lin Kai bought them with 600000 yuan and he bought them with 2 million yuan, they were all fake at least.

Liu Jiacheng couldn't let Lin Kai return it to Hu Jianmin.

Otherwise, it would be that he bought fake copper money alone.

So in front of an Xiaoran, I couldn't lift my head.

Therefore, Liu Jiacheng opened his mouth to Hu Jianmin and said, "boss, there is no regret in this kind of normal trading. What's more, it's him who has poor vision. There's nothing wrong with him. You deserve that 600000. If you want to blame him, you should blame him for not knowing the goods. "

Lin Kai also laughed: "indeed, this is my personal choice. Thank you for the kindness of the boss. You can get that 600000 with peace of mind. There is no need to feel guilty."

Hu Jianmin couldn't tell the truth for a while. He didn't dare to tell the truth, so he continued: "little brother, I'm really sorry..."

Hu Jianmin said a lot again, but Lin didn't blame him at first.

This made Hu Jianmin anxious and distressed. Finally, he bit his teeth and said, "little brother, in addition to returning the 600000 yuan to you, I also gave 50000 Yuan myself, which is purely to compensate you."

"I'm sorry, I bought everything. This is mine. I won't return it." Lin Kai Dao.

"Little brother no brother! You are my brother! If I have more than 200000 yuan, you can return it to me! "

Hu Jianmin was so anxious that he almost knelt down.

Lin Kai still shook his head: "200000? Two million. I don't return them. "

When Liu Jiacheng heard this, he couldn't help laughing: "Lin Kai, if I had given 200000 more, I would have quit. Let the boss give you two million more? You are dreaming

However, as soon as Liu Jiacheng's words fell, Hu Jianmin not only knelt down to Lin Kai, but also said eagerly, "brother! Five million! Five million! If I don't return the goods, I won't be able to get so much money! "

When hearing Hu Jianmin's words, everyone was surprised. No matter how stupid, they knew that the copper coin must be the real one. Otherwise, the stall owner would not take out five million yuan to ask for the copper coin!

In fact, Lin Kai has long known that this copper coin is real.

For him, it doesn't matter whether it's true or not.

However, since Hu Jianmin had paid five million more to return the copper money, Lin Kai agreed.

As a result, Hu Jianmin not only transferred 600000 yuan to Lin Kai, but also increased it by 5 million yuan.

Hu Jianmin finally asked for the copper coin. He didn't know how he felt at present.

In a word, this time it was a big blow to him. He could have made millions. As a result, it's good to make a million at most.

This gap made Hu Jianmin return to his stall with the copper coin.

Lin Kai continues to walk away from the antique street.

An Xiaoran jianlinkai was about to leave, and even said, "Linkai, don't hurry to Lushan. When master Zhicheng and I finish the task, we will accompany you together!"

"Thank you for your kindness. No more." Lin Kai shook his head, said, and left without hesitation.

But Liu Jiacheng was still in a state of muddle. He kept scanning the back of Lin Kai and the stall owner Hu Jianmin: "what's the situation? The boss really spent five million more to get the copper back? Is the copper money real or not? "

An Xiaoran responded with a positive tone: "guess, are you really a fool when the boss is? It was the boss who knew afterwards that the copper money was real, so he spent a lot of money and asked for it from Lin Kai. If it's real copper money, it's only five or six million yuan. It can be said that Lin Kai has made a lot of money. "

"No way! Absolutely impossible

Liu Jiacheng fell into a stupidity. In fact, he spent two million yuan to buy a fake copper coin.Lin Kai not only spent 600000 yuan to buy real copper money, but also was paid 5 million more by the boss to go back.

In such a strong contrast, he was even more embarrassed.

Is there any reason?

Liu Jiacheng only felt that his heart was constantly twitching violently. He could not accept the fact.

They doubt life.

When Xinru saw Liu Jiacheng's appearance, he comforted him: "Jiacheng, don't be sad. If you encounter this in the future, I'm sure you can recognize whether it's genuine or fake. And in terms of antiques, this is what you are not good at. What you are good at is killing demons and removing demons. "

When Liu Jiacheng heard this sentence, his eyes lit up. Yes, he didn't know much about antiques, but he didn't believe in killing demons and demons. It was smaller than Lin Kai!

Now, he would like Linkai to follow them!

On the other side, Lin Kai has already stepped out of the antique market. He has bought some ropes in some places nearby where he bought field equipment. He plans to go to Lushan no man's land tomorrow morning to look for Jiuyou grass.

He had learned that in the no man's land of Lushan, there were all kinds of steep mountains.

If it's OK to look for other things, it's OK to cultivate immortals by yourself. However, if you want to find a grass, you still need these equipment, so that you can look for it carefully.

After buying these field equipment, Lin Kai immediately returned to the nearby hotel.

Instead of taking a rest, he took out the little black bottle and looked at it with a satisfied smile.

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