Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1442

Lin Kai and Jiang Shu call after the conversation.

Lin Kai also finished the barbecue and was paying the bill. Driving the Rolls Royce phantom, he quickly chased after the BMW X6.

And in a suburban villa in Lingnan.

A look is not good-looking man, named Zhou Zhenyuan, he looked at the Internet chat window on the mobile phone, his face is even more ugly.

He himself is a martial Saint level ancient warrior. He uses the Internet to offer a reward to assassinate others.

Before this, Zhou Zhenyuan will certainly be very disdainful, he can do it by himself.

But the target of the assassination was Lin Kai, who made his boss feel headache.

For Lin Kai, he naturally knows something. If his boss confronts him head-on, he is not an opponent, let alone him.

Therefore, we have to hire a professional killer to assassinate.

The boss, Lin Yuan, secretly trained him and several other martial saints. They all worked for Lin Yuan secretly and would not directly listen to Lin Yuan.

In short, in order to avoid any intersection with them, Lin Yuan would not directly order, but would communicate through some hidden intermediary means.

This time, the task given by the boss Lin Yuan is to cooperate with foreign investment, and then issue a reward to assassinate Lin Kai on the Internet.

The person who picked it up was the 39th on the list of Extranet killers.

After looking at the information, Zhou Zhenyuan knew that this man was likely to be assassinated by Lin Kai.

Of course, Zhou Zhenyuan does not have a mission. He can face Lin Kai, but if he is assassinated, it is not necessarily.

But I didn't expect that the killer couldn't kill Lin Kai at all, and he even put him in front of him.

"Just now on the Internet, the one who sent me a message must not be Jiro Fujino. Is it really Lin Kai?"

When Zhou Zhenyuan thought of this place, he was very agitated and always felt uneasy.

He now makes a phone call. Although the call can not be directly connected to Linyuan, it can be transferred to Linyuan.

But Zhou Zhenyuan thought carefully and decided not to call.

He is very clear about Lin Yuan's character. If he knew himself, he would be killed by Lin Kai.

Last time, his partner, who was also a martial Saint level ancient warrior, also served for Linyuan for half a year.

However, in the end, Lin Yuan didn't give up and even sent them to solve the partner's life.

They don't want to, but there is no turning back. The handle is in Lin Yuan's hands. Even if they know how to work for Lin Yuan, their own lives will not know when they will be watched by Lin Yuan.

However, the benefits are also amazing, with Lin Yuan in these years, can also make a lot of money.

They can divide the money and treasure from killing people and stealing goods.

Therefore, Zhou Zhenyuan didn't want to let Lin Yuan hear about it.

Otherwise, Lin Yuan will be the first to kill him.

Zhou Zhenyuan thought about it again and began to dial another phone call. When he got through, he said directly: "don't make a fuss about it. Don't move about. Don't disclose any news. It will be nothing. After all, according to the news, the body of the killer has been taken away by the police. If the police investigate us, we will have to finish. Do you know? "

He called several people from the foreign company.

Those men cooperated with him to complete the assassination.

Because of his position, of course, he should be above those people, so he has the right to command them.

And those people are sitting on the BMW X6.

A man in a suit in the car, responding to Zhou Zhenyuan, said: "brother Zhou, we all understand this, don't worry, it won't be disclosed."

When the suit man and Zhou Zhenyuan, after the phone.

The other two people in the car looked at the man in the suit and asked, "what did brother Zhou say?"

The man in the suit said: "brother Zhou asked us to shut up on this matter. When the time comes, brother Zhou will arrange the affairs behind us. As long as we don't move or make a sound, we can."

Both nodded and understood that Zhou Zhenyuan was good for them.

is one of them, unable to help Tucao: "what make complaints about the top forty of the net list is still professional, I don't see a bit of professionalism. Assassinate others, and you are killed

Another person also immediately said: "yes, this makes us very embarrassed now, we can't hand over the task, also can't reveal anything, mainly because we are put together."

But the suit man, made a summary: "let's not think about so much, anyway, brother Zhou carries for us, and the things behind are handled by brother Zhou."

He said, pausing, looking out of the window, his eyes showed a trace of obscene eyes, and said with a smile: "since brother Zhou, let's not go back, we can just have a good time in Lingnan. It's said that a club in Lingnan is very good. It's here. There's a man I know in this club. He's called brother Xiaodao. I've reserved some for our brother three. Go and have a look. ""Ha ha, this feeling is good!"

"Yes, yes, I haven't been so relaxed for a long time."

The other two, too, immediately laughed obscenely.

Soon the car stopped in front of a club nearby.

The three got out of the car and went into a club.

Linkai is driving the golden pupil while driving the Rolls Royce phantom to catch up with the BMW X6.

A few minutes later, Lin drove to the club.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the club, several beautiful ushers bowed down one after another and said, "Welcome

Then a gorgeous woman with heavy make-up walked up to Lin Kai and even grabbed Lin Kai's arm. She said in a coquettish voice, "the boss should be here for the first time. We have a lot of prices here. There is always one to satisfy the boss."

They naturally saw that Lin drove a Rolls Royce phantom, so they respected him.

The rich are not mean to spend money in this respect.

Even lucky to be seen by the boss, it is to enjoy a lifetime of glory and wealth.

However, Lin Kai didn't appreciate it. She moved her arm slightly. The woman seemed to be shocked by some force and stepped back a few steps.

"Boss, I didn't open well. You can't do that either."

The woman looks aggrieved. If she drives a car less than one million yuan, she will be angry.

But in front of me, I'm driving a luxury car of ten million levels. I have to bear it no matter how.

Lin Kai did not pay attention to the woman, but continued to push the golden pupil, and soon locked in a few people in the BMW X6.

He went straight to the second floor.

All of a sudden, several women at the door felt bad and immediately became alert. After all, the guests who come in are not like Lin Kai.

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