Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1441

"Why Maybe How is that possible? Why is he here? "

At the thought, the man in front of him is the target of the assassination.

Fujino Jiro, like a thunderbolt, looks pale and sweats. In a word, all kinds of unbelievable and frightening emotions emerge one after another.

After a short period of inactivity, Fujino Jiro didn't think about it. He was ready to run outside the building.

It's just that before he starts to run away, his feet stand on the ground instantly.

It turned out that Lin Kai, like a chicken, pinched on the neck behind Fujino Jiro.

Lin Kai first extracted the ability to tell the truth, let Fujino Jiro into a sluggish state, and then took him to the next stairwell.

Fortunately, it's a big night. This building is a business building. In addition to those who work overtime at night, they still stay in the building, so few people come and go here.

When fujihiro asked, the stairs opened.

He is a native of R, who only speaks part of Chinese.

Therefore, Lin kaimian grudgingly heard that this man's name was Jiro Fujino. He was the killer of the Internet. In addition, he didn't get any useful information.

Lin Kai was speechless and had to say that it was important to master a language.


Ten minutes later, a pair of plainclothes police came to a hidden place in the building.

I saw a body. It was the body of Jiro Fujino, and the transformed gun was also there.

This is naturally called by Lin Kai, secretly handling the body of Fujino Jiro.

Lin Kaixian called Jiang Shu.

Jiang Shu didn't expect that there were killers from the Internet, sneaking in.

And Jiang Zhu also said that they are also staring at leiyuan group throughout the whole process, whether online or offline, it is likely that Lei Yuan group did not do it.

Lin Kai still felt something was wrong about this.

Right now.

Lin Kaizheng sat at random in a barbecue shop, eating barbecue while using his mobile phone to download several complicated software and set up several networks.

He logged into a black page, which is the landing page of the Internet.

The account number used by Lin Kai is the account number and password known from Fujino Jiro.

This kind of account password is not a simple account password. You need to use a special black card to draw a sign before you can log in.

Lin Kai also immediately took out a black card and drew a sign on the screen of the mobile phone. The network sensor sensed it.

So, he this just succeeded with Fujino Jiro's account number in the Internet and logged in to the Internet.

Lin Kai is not unfamiliar with the Internet, or even familiar with it.

In order to complete Jiulongshan, he used to carry out some special forces tasks. Naturally, the extranet is indispensable.

On the Internet, in addition to assassinations, there are all kinds of foreign underworld forces, doing some things, trading on it.

The reason why Lin Kai now uses Fujino's account number to log in to the Internet is naturally to contact with Fujino's employer.

So he quickly found a chat window between Fujino and his employer.

Lin Kai first used the input method of country R, and then wrote: the mission target has been killed.

Before long, his employer replied: "OK, wait until I find out whether you are dead. If you die, you will be paid immediately and you will be escorted to go abroad."

After receiving this news, Lin Kai smiles to himself and then quits the Internet. As he ate the barbecue, he looked at the door of his hotel, and urged the golden pupil so that he could see it clearly at the first time.

But for a while, a BMW X6 stopped at the door of the hotel where Lin Kai lived.

Immediately, two people in suits walked down. One went to the hotel, and the other went to the building opposite.

A few minutes later, both men were in a hurry and returned to the car.

The car left the place quickly.

In fact, this is what Lin Kai expected. The reason why he didn't intercept the car was that it was useless to intercept it, and the people on the car were pure tool people.

However, it is not that there is not a bit of useful information.

Lin chuckled, then picked up his mobile phone and logged into the Internet. As expected, the employer sent a message: "you are not Jiro Fujino, who are you?"

This time, Lin Kai replied in Chinese characters: "good and evil will be rewarded."

After that, he quit the Internet directly.

It is impossible to find the information on the other side of the Internet.

Because this extranet is the most powerful hacker in the world, none of them has done it.

Therefore, it is impossible to investigate any information on the Internet.

"It's the killer of the Internet. I'm not afraid of death."

Lin Kai gave a sneer. He had solved the problem earlier. Two killers from the Internet came to assassinate him.He thought, immediately under a few software, and then landed into a white page of the website.

There is an external network, and naturally there is an intranet.

There are also many transactions on the intranet, but they are often used for inquiry.

For example, at this time, Lin Kai uploaded a photo of the BMW X6.

Not long ago, Lin took a full picture of the BMW X6.

As for why you don't take the license plate, you don't have to guess. The license plate must be fake.

Even if the license plate is fake, on the intranet, you only need to upload the full view of the vehicle and spend 20 intranet coins.

Fortunately, Lin opened this intranet account number. There are enough intranet coins.

Without hesitation, he spent 20 intranet coins and quickly got the news of the car.

The intranet is also made by the world's top hackers, but it uses global big data.

More importantly, the hacker is actually a Chinese.

In big data, globalization has been achieved, especially in vehicles.

"Although it is not owned by leiyuan group, it is a small company invested by leiyuan group. This small company is invested by a foreign capital in the East China Sea. That is to say, Lei Yuan group should have bypassed the surveillance of Jiang Shu by using the foreign capital, so that Jiang Shu could not find any useful information. "

After Lin Kai saw the BMW X6, he immediately guessed the reason.

He didn't think about it. He told Jiang Shu about it.

This is not a trivial matter. It concerns domestic enterprises and collusion with foreign enterprises.

What's more, this domestic enterprise is still leiyuan group. If we can find out anything, it will be a fatal blow to leiyuan group.

So Lin Kai won't let go of any chance.

After receiving the call from Lin Kai, Jiang Shu learned that Lin Kai had investigated some information. He was surprised and said that he would try his best to find out.

Lin Kai is quite relieved by Jiang Shu. After all, Lin Yuan is more honest these days, and he dare not act recklessly.

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