Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1432

Lin Kai didn't expect that the scene of the mountains would be very suitable for the location of the film.

After all, he didn't read any script. He just heard Yin Suyan talk about a little plot of female No.1.

Lin Kai thought for a while and said, "director Pan, treat your disease first."

Although he invested most of the film now, Li Shengxian also invested part of it.

This mountain range is also the common industry of him and Li Shengxian.

But Lin Kai didn't agree directly. He took some problems into consideration.

For example, the construction and development of this mountain range has not yet started, and we do not want to make it public temporarily.

After all, construction often takes a long time.

Even if the film needs at least half a year before it can be released, it will take at least half a year to build a healthy city in the western suburbs of the city.

Therefore, if the film is released, it may cause the audience to be curious about where the place is, and then come here in advance to interfere with the construction process of the road.

Of course, if the film is set in this place, it can also be regarded as a place for publicity.

As a result, Lin Kai neither agreed nor refused. He had to consider the gains and losses a little.

When pan Liguo saw that Lin Kai wanted to consider it, he was disappointed and said with a bitter smile, "Mr. Lin, I was bold."

Lin Kai didn't say much. He began to feel the brake in the mountain. He found that there was some brake gas at the middle of the mountain, so he asked Yin Suyan to stay in the car first.

He took pan Liguo and went to the hillside.

Fortunately, the mountain range is not so high, only about 1000 meters, so there is a half way up the mountain with a height of 5600 meters.

It took about half an hour for Lin Kai to take pan Liguo to the middle of the mountain.

As soon as he came here, Lin Kai decisively turned his genuine Qi into a needle, then absorbed part of the evil spirit on it, and then stabbed pan Liguo's wrist.

At first, pan Liguo didn't care. He thought that Lin Kai's random needling was too childish.

But then, obviously sensing the fossilization of his own blood vessels, is a little bit fast fading away, eye dew is astonished, immediately incomparable surprise.

Look at Lin Kai's eyes, full of shock, miracle doctor! Really a miracle doctor!

Pan Liguo more admiration, this oneself now biggest investor.

After a while, pan Liguo only felt that he was comfortable all over the body, just like the two vessels of Ren and Du, which made him feel comfortable!

He also felt that his blood was finally unblocked! That is to say, the problem of his blood ossification has been completely solved!

Pan Liguo immediately knelt down to Linkai: "Mr. Lin! You are the greatest benefactor of my life! It's unforgettable to save your life

Lin Kai immediately picked up pan Liguo, shook his head and said, "director Pan, don't say much. I've seen several films you've made before. They're really good. It's a loss to be a director like you in China. "

What Lin Kai said is true.

After that, Lin Kai took pan Liguo down the mountain.

Back in the car.

Yin Suyan, the co pilot, saw pan Liguo's face ruddy. He should be cured. He looked at Lin Kai with great surprise: "Mr. Lin? Is Pan's disease cured so quickly? "

Before Lin Kai responded, pan Liguo said with a smile, "Miss Yin, what you said before was not bad. Mr. Lin is really a miracle doctor!"

Yin Suyan at that time, in fact, is to comfort pan Liguo, just so persuade way.

Now I really know that Lin Kai's medical skills are really amazing. The more I adore Lin Kai, such a man is worth her life!

Lin laughs and says nothing. Then he drives his car, carrying Yin Suyan and pan Liguo, to the south of the five ridges.

This is a national road, the nearest road to Lingnan.

Along the way, Lin Kai took the initiative to talk about the location of the film.

He considered that the mountain could not be used as a location for the film, but the back of the mountain could be used as a location.

Although the scenery on the back of the mountain range is worse than that on the front, it also conforms to the scene of the script.

In this way, it can be used for both film shooting and publicity.

After all, the back of the mountain is so beautiful, not to mention the front. After a little publicity, more tourists will look forward to the positive development.

When Lin Kai said this, both Yin Suyan and pan Liguo brightened their eyes. They thought that Lin Kai's proposal was very good.


In a scenic spot in Lingnan.

Wang Xiaoliang, deputy director of the film, is negotiating with a manager of the scenic spot.

Although Wang Xiaoliang is a student of Pan Liguo, he is actually very old. He is in his thirties. He has also made two films before.

Of course, it's a small investment movie, but it has a good reputation. The box office is still a little bit less interesting, and the theme is too small.

This time, he followed his teacher pan Liguo to learn more about film making with popular themes, so he took the initiative to take the post of deputy director.The deputy director is also a director, in fact, he works for the chief director.

Wang Xiaoliang was in a state of anxiety at this time. He didn't expect that the person in charge of the scenic spot would go back and forth.

Looking at the manager in front of him, he said helplessly, "manager Duan, this is your mistake. We've all agreed in advance that we can shoot this scenic spot for one month, and we have paid half of the rent and even signed a contract. If you want to change your mind, you can change your mind. Today, we are going to take a little film here, but we can't do it. "

Duan Donglai, the manager of the scenic area, looks gentle but disdainful on his expression. He looks at Wang Xiaoliang, but appears polite: "director Wang, I can't help it. This is the order issued by the scenic spot. I don't know what happened. In general, you are not allowed to continue shooting here. If you keep shooting, you can wait to be taken away by the police. I'll sue you for disturbing the order

As he spoke, Duan Donglai threw several stacks of money to Wang Xiaoliang and said, "this is half of the money you paid. To be honest, this money can't be rented for a few days. If it's not for your chief director, it's the face of the famous director that you reluctantly agreed. It's a pity that if something happens, I'm sorry. If you take the money, you can take people away. "

Wang Xiaoliang heard something wrong in his words. He always felt that something was wrong. What is a change?

And this little money? This is about 100000 yuan, which is equivalent to three thousand yuan for one day's rent.

This price, renting a more luxurious shed, is just the price.

At the beginning, the person in charge of the scenic spot was very happy with the price, because the net income of the scenic spot was not 3000 yuan a day.

What's more, movies are popular, which can also drive the development of the scenic spot.

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