Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1431

Before we get to the mountains, we are curious to see Lin heading for a mountain range, whether it's Yin Suyan or pan Liguo.

I didn't expect to be abandoned in the suburbs of Donghai.

Pan Liguo was about to ask Lin Kai, but his mobile phone rang.

Pan Liguo then picked it up, but after a while, he looked very ugly, and in a low voice, he opened his mouth to the other end of the phone: "we are not in charge of the scenic spot, have we made an agreement? Can let us shoot, also paid money, how now also back to regret? "

After a few minutes, pan Liguo angrily hung up the phone.

Lin Kai and Yin Suyan have a general idea of what happened without him saying more.

As early as before, pan Liguo, the chief director, took an associate director to take pictures all over the country.

After all, this is a big movie, so we have to shoot more real scenes.

Nowadays, most of the films that make quick money are simply to set up a shed and not to get real scenes. As a result, although the special effects of the films and TV plays have been raised, they have lost some authenticity.

In order to make this film well, pan Liguo, together with the screenwriter and the deputy director, went all over the country to see the real scene, which was in line with the scene in the script.

Finally, I saw several places in the south of the five ridges, which together account for at least half of the film's parts, which are very important.

In particular, the real scene in a scenic spot is more in line with the scenario of the script.

He asked the deputy director to deal with the whole communication with the scenic spot.

The director is his student and he trusts him.

I just didn't expect that not long ago, the deputy director and the crew went to the scenic area to audition first. Unexpectedly, they were told by the people in the scenic area that they were not allowed to shoot inside.

"What's the matter with Xiao Wang! I can't handle this little thing well! "

Pan Liguo is quite helpless. Xiao Wang in his mouth is the deputy director of the film.

In addition to the chief director, at least one deputy director is needed for film and TV plays.

The chief director controls the whole scene, and the deputy director is the assistant.

Some films and TV plays can be divided into literary and martial arts directors.

Naturally, there are also literary and martial arts in this film, but pan Liguo can control both of them. He is also one of the top directors in China with rich experience.

Pan Liguo now some hate iron is not steel, for Xiao Wang, he is completely as his own successor, to cultivate.

I didn't expect that the communication with the scenic spot was not well handled.

Don't mention what scenes are set up in the scenic area, even if you don't let them shoot once,

of course, pan Liguo is in a hurry. If he doesn't film the scene in this scenic spot, he will certainly waste a lot of time.

At that time, there will be a great delay in the process of film shooting.

This film can't be delayed.

So pan Liguo said to Lin in a hurry: "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry. I have to go back and deal with it. You send me to the high-speed railway station first. I'll take the high-speed rail directly. I'll come back when the processing is finished. Please, Mr. Lin! "

Lin Kai shook his head: "director Pan, it's almost here. Besides, it doesn't take long for the treatment to take, so there's no need to rush back in such a hurry."

Yin Suyan also said, "yes, director Pan, Mr. Lin has said that. It won't take much time. Anyway, it will take at least a few hours to get back. It will be evening and the scenic spots will be closed at night. Even if we make it now, it will be too late. "

Pan Liguo sighed and understood the reason when he heard the two people say so. He would like to treat his illness first and then go to communicate with the scenic spot tomorrow.

Pan Liguo thought so, inadvertently glanced at the window, looking at the scene of the mountains, stunned, and then his face showed a color of ecstasy.

In front of the mountain range, it was originally overgrown with weeds. Even so, we can see that this place is just like a paradise with beautiful scenery.

However, these days, Li Shengxian sent people to deal with the weeds and other things, and the paradise was upgraded to a fairyland like place.

The Jiutian waterfall hanging upside down in the mountains is just like Li Bai's poem "flowing down three thousand feet. It is suspected that the Milky way is falling nine days". It is so spectacular!

In addition to the various mountains, nature carves out uncanny peaks, which have a unique and beautiful scenery.

What's more, this is the former dragon vein, the real dragon vein, which makes it full of mysterious fairyland appearance.

It's not too much to say it's a fairyland on earth!

"Lin Mr. Lin Why haven't I heard of this mountain range? It's a fairyland

Pan Liguo at this time, looking at the mountains, incomparably excited, even the voice of opening his mouth, are tremolo.

We can see how excited pan Liguo is.

Lin Kai calmly responded: "my friend's company has just taken the land and mountains in this area, and is ready to open the scenic area and a health city.""Such a fairyland! Not yet developed! " Pan Liguo is incredible.

Even Yin Suyan was shocked to see the beautiful scenery of the mountains.

Lin laughs and says nothing more. The mountain will not be developed too much, just a little safety measures.

After all, it's a mountain, and it's dangerous.

As a scenic spot, you have to plan a route for tourists. In addition to the safe route, you will not move any mountain. Just keep the original appearance.

After a while, Lin Kai had already driven his car to the bottom of the mountain and stopped.

Soon, both Yin Suyan and pan Liguo could not wait to get off the car.

Looking at the mountains in front of him at such a close distance, pan Liguo's expression became more excited.

At this time, Lin Kai walks to the side of Yin Suyan. On Yin Suyan's beautiful face, there is also an expression of shock.

After half a ring, pan Liguo came back to his senses, looked at Lin Kai, and said excitedly, "Mr. Lin, you are a good friend in choosing places! This fairyland is so beautiful! It's also the scene in my imagination, in the movie script! Better than the scene in the script! Mr. Lin, may I take the liberty to ask, can this mountain range be used as the setting of this movie

Yin Suyan was stunned, and immediately nodded secretly. She was very familiar with the script. She had to say that the mountain range was 100% in line with the scene in the script!

If the screenwriter came here, he would exclaim, this is just the scene he imagined, and it is much more perfect!

If you shoot here, in addition to the perfect match of the scene, it will also save the post production of special effects, so that the scene can be more truly presented to the audience, with that kind of authenticity.

All in all, this place is the best place to shoot this movie!

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