Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1426

Hearing Lin Kai say so, Lu Qingfeng's excited smile was slightly coagulated. Unexpectedly, this boy is still so arrogant at this time! I will never forgive you!

Lu Qingfeng immediately roared: "you don't know good or evil! I have decided, you several beat this boy to the hospital for at least half a year! I'll take care of it! I'll give you two hundred thousand for each one

Those bodyguards were all bright in front of their eyes. They swept at Lin Kai's eyes, just like looking at a treasure that can make a fortune.

Several bodyguards can't help but speed up, like Lin Kai!

The first to rush to Lin Kai is a two meter high bodyguard with a huge body and well-developed muscles.

Under that fist, it seemed that a fierce tiger could be killed.

In terms of body, this is not a bodyguard.

Especially when the bodyguard approached Lin Kai infinitely, all but Yin Suyan thought that Lin Kai would be seriously injured by this fist.

Yan Xin not polite sneer: "on this small body, also when the bodyguard, even the security guard at the gate of the factory are not as good as!"

She could foresee the next scene in which Linkai fell to the ground and was injured.

So are the others.

However, in addition to Yin Suyan, all the people on the scene were dumbfounded again.

Just because did not wait for many reactions to come over, the bodyguard also did not know why, flew upside down, as if suffered from some violent impact!

What's more, the bodyguard who flew backwards just hit the other bodyguards.

Even a few bodyguards did not have time to hand, was the tall bodyguard, to pressure in the body, pain repeatedly.

When the public reaction, see Lin Kai is just a punch, at this time he put the fist back.

A punch! The several bodyguards of Lu Qingfeng will be solved!

Judging from the screams of those bodyguards, it is obvious that Lin Kai's punch is powerful. Even if he is hit, he can hardly stand up and lose his combat effectiveness!

At this time, Lin Kai's calm eyes fell on Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng was scared to step back. His forehead was covered with cold sweat and his eyes were frightened. He knew that each of the bodyguards had the strength of ten adult men.

Otherwise, he couldn't have been his bodyguard.

I'll give him a few punches at will!

You can see how strong this boy is!

Lu Qingfeng is really scared at this moment!

Don't mention Lu Qingfeng. Cao Rongsheng, Yu Qiyang and others are all frightened. How can they expect the real strength of this boy,. It's going to be so tough!

Especially Cao Rongsheng, he thought of the ancient warrior for the first time!

As a top businessman, he did not know the existence of ancient warriors! There are ancient warriors under his hand, but he can't solve it so easily!

Is this boy still a very powerful ancient warrior?

When Cao Rongsheng was thinking.

At this time, Lin Kai opened his mouth faintly: "there is no cruel hand. If you do, those people will have to die. I'm looking at Miss Yin's face. If it hadn't been for Miss Yin's face, you would have come to the same end as those people. "

With that, Lin Kai returned to Yin Suyan's side.

Without waiting for people to speak, Lin Kai looked sideways at Pan Liguo, shrugged and said, "director Pan, I know you don't trust me either. Then wait patiently. Before long, a senior member of my friend's company will come over to discuss the investment in this film with me. After I invest, I won't get involved in any film shooting. Of course, my only requirement is that Miss Yin continue to be the number one female in the film. Do you have any objection? "

For a while, pan Liguo did not know what to say. He did not trust Lin Kai. However, he was shocked by Lin Kai's force.

However, if Lin Kaizhen had the capital to invest in this film, he would not be able to get it.

After all, Cao Rongsheng was just involved in the film shooting. He even changed the position of female No.1 and No.2, which had already been determined.

Pan Liguo is also hard to accept. However, Cao Rongsheng is the only investor who will invest in this film.

If he had a choice, he would not choose Cao Rongsheng.

When pan Liguo was in a dilemma, the door of the private room was opened again.

Several people came this time, led by a man in his thirties, wearing gold rimmed glasses and a suit.

This man, Lin Kai, knows Xu Qiancheng, an executive of Li Shengxian company. Xu Qiancheng is also one of Li Shengxian's confidants, and he also knows the status of Lin Kai in Li Shengxian's mind.

However, the appearance of Xu Qiancheng made Cao Rongsheng and Yu Qiyang stand up, because they both recognized Xu Qiancheng!

Cao Rongsheng is even more surprised. He seems to have no idea that Xu Qiancheng will come. He quickly walks towards Xu Qiancheng.

Yu Qiyang is also following Cao Rongsheng. It seems that the two people seem to be putting down their posture towards Xu Qiancheng.Before Cao Rongsheng was still invincible, that assistant Yu Qiyang was naturally a fox in the tiger's power. Now he saw Xu Qiancheng coming, but he changed in an instant.

"It's Mr. Xu! What brings you here! Didn't we make an appointment for tomorrow noon? How did you know I was here? " Cao Rongsheng reaches out and shakes hands with Xu Qiancheng.

Assistant Yu Qiyang also said with a smile: "general manager Xu's presence here seems to have made a thorough understanding of our itinerary. I think we value this cooperation very much."

As soon as Xu Qiancheng came in, his eyes actually fell on Lin Kai for the first time, showing a trace of worship.

As a person around Li Shengxian, how can he not know the divine power of Lin Kai? That's a person of Lei Yuan group who is very afraid.

Even Lei Yuan group can't help Lin Kai.

The most important thing is that Lin Kai also has a large number of shares in Li Shengxian company. To be exact, Lin Kai is also his boss.

Xu Qiancheng, on the other hand, frowns when he hears these two people's words, and then looks at the past. Naturally, he knows these two people. It seems that they are also here.

However, seeing that Cao Rongsheng was so enthusiastic, he also reached out his hand and shook him. At the same time, he said, "Mr. Cao, you are welcome. One thing to explain is that I am not here to look for you."

"Well? Mr. Xu, you are not here for me. Who else can you look for? " Cao Rongsheng was stunned for a moment and his eyes were full of doubts. When he came to Lingnan, the most important thing was to talk about cooperation with Mr. Xu, the new products of Li Shengxian company behind Mr. Xu, and the export cooperation.

Cao Rongsheng's company is in other provinces. He is optimistic about the new products of Li Shengxian company. The main reason is that the quality of the new products is really good. It is absolutely no problem to achieve the best-selling results.

He cooperates, that is to get the dealer cooperation qualification in his province.

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