Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1425

Li Shengxian is not just joking. In order to invest in the development projects in the western suburb of Donghai City, the company did not have enough funds, so he asked the Li family to provide some funds.

Of course, the Li family owner also has requirements. If the project is compensated, he will lose the qualification to be the successor of the Li family.

It can be said to be gambling, gambling that this project can make money, not only to make money, but also to make a lot of money.

Fortunately, the land there is cheap. Otherwise, even if there is part provided by the Li family, there will be no way to invest.

Now the funds are sufficient, and there is a surplus part, that is, because the company's new product, is Lin Kai looking for Yin Suyan's endorsement, or it is free of charge.

This allows the partner, seeing the huge benefits, first gave a lot of funds, which were transferred to Li Shengxian's company, which was prepaid.

The next cooperation is to share the sales of new products equally.

Therefore, Li Shengxian has only 300 million yuan to use.

What's more, Yin Suyan was found by Lin Kai. In addition, Lin Kai also holds many shares in the company. The most important thing is that he has a good relationship with Lin Kai.

Even if Linkai is not a shareholder of the company, it will provide funds for Linkai as much as possible.

However, Li Shengxian's words, let the people in the private room, were shocked.

With a working capital of 300 million yuan, can Lin Kai take it if he wants? Not enough. Sold all the shares?

What a face Lin Kai has! Is this a regular bodyguard? Or is the person on the other end of the phone bragging?

Lin Kai didn't care about people's reaction, but said with a smile: "what does Sheng Xian say? Invest if you want to invest, don't say those words. I have 300 million yuan here. You only need to invest 100 million yuan. Vote or not? "

At the other end of the phone, Li Shengxian said helplessly: "vote, Mr. Lin, where are you now? I'll give you the money face to face. I don't pay the company's account for my current fund, so that my brothers will not stare at me. "

Lin Kai nodded to himself. Indeed, Li Shengxian invested in a suburban area in the west of the city, which was not favored by the Li family.

If you know Li Shengxian and invest in a movie, if you are known by the Li family owner, there must be some gossip.

As far as Li Shengxian is concerned, he should try his best to hide a little bit.

Lin Kai could understand, so he reported his position.

Because Linkai is not in the East China Sea, but in the south of the five ridges, the distance is a little far.

It just happens that there is a senior manager of Li Shengxian company. It will not take long for that senior manager to go to discuss new product cooperation in Lingnan.

After Lin Kai finished, he hung up the phone.

In the private room, there was silence for a while, and then assistant Yu Qiyang broke the atmosphere here.

Only when Qi Yang was facing Lin Kai, he sneered contemptuously: "Oh, you don't have 300 million capital. You can take it at will. What else is in the East China Sea? You can't come here in time. What happens to be someone here in Lingnan who will send someone to transfer the funds. It seems to be true! Ha ha, the person who wants to come to the other end of the phone is to cooperate with you to act! As a small bodyguard, what can you do for a person with hundreds of millions of working capital to treat like this? "

Be in Qi Yang such a say, Cao Rongsheng a few talent reaction come over.

Yes, it's just a bodyguard. How can you know such a rich man.

Even though I know him, I'm familiar with it. But do rich people have such a good attitude towards a bodyguard?

This is obviously impossible!

What's more, a phone call can give 100 million yuan at will? That's too casual!

Lin Kai, in particular, first made a phone call. It is estimated that it was the person who called the second time and asked him to cooperate in the performance, which led to his arbitrary taking and not enough shares to sell.

What kind of boss are you?

Let's not say anything else. If you have that capital, you can be a bodyguard!

The most important thing is that the clothes all over the body are sold on the ground, which adds up to several hundred yuan. This kind of person is bragging.

I have to say, this boy is so similar that he was almost bluffed! If someone comes over, transfers money to invest or something, it's just like hell!

Of course, Cao Rongsheng, Lu Qingfeng and others would not trust Lin Kai.

Cao Rong immediately said in a cold voice, "boy, this place is not your boasting place. If you don't go out, don't blame me for asking people to throw you out!"

Lu Qingfeng also immediately opened his mouth: "general manager Cao is right, but there is no need for general manager Cao to call someone in person. It happens that several of my bodyguards have gone upstairs and are in place. I sent a message earlier, and it should be coming soon."

When Lu Qingfeng first entered the private room, he sat down and lowered his hair. He sent a message to his bodyguards. He asked them to go upstairs and stand by at any time.

He needs to find a chance to teach Lin Kai a lesson from his bodyguards.

Assistant Yu Qiyang heard Lu Qingfeng say so, but he also spoke to Cao Rongsheng in a low voice: "Mr. Cao, I don't think it's necessary for us to ask for help in person. In addition to watching the progress of film making, we are also here to discuss another project, which is much more important than investing in films. The project side that cooperates with, pays great attention to reputation. If we go to work, it will not be very good if we get a bad reputation. And it's just a little bodyguard. It's the same with Lu Qingfeng. "Hearing this, Cao Rongsheng thought it was very reasonable. He looked at Lu Qingfeng and said, "OK, I'll ask you some bodyguards to throw this boy out to me."

"Mr. Cao, you can rest assured."

When he heard Cao Rongsheng's words, Lu Qingfeng was very excited. He immediately showed a grim look on his face and said: "I don't just want to throw this boy out! I have to beat this boy. I don't even know his parents! Must kneel down and cry for mercy

At the thought of this scene, Lu Qingfeng was more excited and finally had the opportunity to teach this hateful boy a lesson!

Immediately, Lu Qingfeng did not hesitate to use his mobile phone, sent a message, let his several bodyguards come.

After a while, several tall bodyguards swarmed into the private room.

Lu Qingfeng instantly pointed to Lin Kai and drank: "you guys, hurry up! Give this boy a good beating first! Of course, don't beat it too hard! Lie in the hospital for ten days and a half months! When you're done, throw the boy out


A few bodyguards smell speech, decisive wheel strong arm, muscle explosion, incomparably oppressive open toward the forest.

One of the bodyguards sneered: "boy! You are brave enough! You dare to offend Mr. Lu! Hehe, don't blame us for doing it to you! "

"Offend? Why not? "

Facing several aggressive and attacking bodyguards, Lin Kai is calm and calm, even standing still.

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