Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1416

Yin Shulin almost emphasizes that she should be happy when she hears this sentence.

Lin Kai didn't know what to say. When he was about to say something, a woman came out of the suite next door. The woman's whole body was covered tightly.

Wearing a mask and hat, she recognized Yin Suyan and said, "sister Su Yan, you live next door to me."

The laughter was full of surprise and surprise, and also seemed very enthusiastic, as if it was really the same thing.

But Lin Kai keenly sensed that the laughter was hypocritical.

He also knew that this woman was earlier. After he came out to answer the phone call from Li Shengxian, he saw that the woman and a big money were trading something.

To be exact, it's a hidden rule.

Lin Kai had a bad impression on such a woman.

Yin Su Yan looked at the woman and said, "Yan Xin! I didn't expect that you just lived next door to me. When you leave the hotel at this time, you are going to go to Xiangge Yunlan hotel? "

The woman named Yan Xin, with a reasonable tone, said: "after all, this is not an ordinary dinner. It's a dinner with the investors and the directors of the production team. It's definitely early to show respect."

Yin Suyan just smile: "OK, you go first, I'll go later."

"Sister Su Yan, don't be late. If you are late, you will become a big card player, which is very bad. And I happen to have a script problem. If I want to consult you, I must come ahead of time! " Yan Xin said, and then quickly left.

However, before leaving, Yan Xin glanced at Lin Kai. After that, she disdained her eyes and left without looking back.

Lin Kai looked at Yan Xin's back and asked, "who is she?"

"It seems that you don't often watch movies and TV series. She is Yan Xin. In fact, she is not a serious professional. She was a model before. After being liked by a director, he entered the film and television circle. In the past two years, it's not warm or hot, but it started to fire a few months ago. It's a second line. She took part in the cinema film this time, playing female No.2. "

Yin Suyan explained for Lin Kai, while looking at Yan Xin's back slightly warily, he whispered to Lin: "Mr. Lin, are you interested in her?"

Lin Kai immediately shook his head and laughed: "Miss Yin, you think too much, I just ask casually."

He was just curious about who Yan Xin was. After all, from the conversation just now, he was also an actress who wanted to take part in the filming of the cinema film.

Mainly, he thought of the bald middle-aged man, and did not know whether it was the investor or the director.

Basically speaking, only with the rights of investors and directors can such hidden rules be achieved.

After hearing Lin Kai's words, Yin Suyan immediately felt at ease, and then continued: "I went in to change my clothes and went to Xiangge Yunlan hotel. I really had to go ahead of time. Listen to miss an, you are a real rascal on the surface! Well, so you must not come in

Yin Suyan said it was a joke. She went into the suite and changed her clothes.

Lin Kai had no choice but to shake his head: "go, since you change clothes, I will not go in, I will wait for you outside."

In fact, he doesn't have to go in. He can go through the golden pupil to see Yin Suyan change clothes.

Of course, Lin Kai still can't do this kind of thing.

Yin Suyan but heard Lin Kai's words, inexplicably some lost, is he so not attractive?

If you were another man, you would like to go in.

Lin Kai said so decisively that he would not go in.

This makes Yin Suyan very lost.

If you let Lin Kai know what Yin Suyan thinks now, he will surely feel that women are such strange creatures.

Yin Suyan changed clothes very quickly, and came out of the suite in ten or twenty minutes.

The reason why she was so fast was that Yin Suyan didn't need make-up at all, even light make-up. She was totally plain and had a little finishing up.

Yin Su Yan's beauty is pure natural, and does not need too many foundation to dress herself.

So Lin Kai took Yin Suyan to Xiangge Yunlan hotel.

It's only an hour's drive from Xiangge Yunlan hotel.

At about ten after seven o'clock in the evening, we arrived at the gate of Xiangge Yunlan hotel.

Before both of them got off the bus, they saw that they came to the door. A group of crazy young girls, waving the signs in their hands, gathered around a handsome man.

"Ah! Finally see Lu Qingfeng in reality! How handsome

"Luqingfeng husband, always support you

The group of young girls were obviously crazy star chasers. They screamed loudly and surrounded the handsome man like crazy people.

The handsome man, also known as Lu Qingfeng, was smiling on the surface, but his eyes swept at the crazy fans, revealing endless disgust.

Immediately, Lu Qingfeng asked several security personnel nearby to surround him, so that this group of crazy fans could not get close to him.In the car, Lin Kai looked at Lu Qingfeng and asked Yin Suyan, "this man is also the star you want to participate in shooting the film?"

"Yes, Lu Qingfeng is a famous little fresh meat in recent years. His nationality is not Chinese, but an overseas Chinese. His nationality is abroad, and he also comes to China to earn money. It's not only a lot of fans, but also a lot of chaos in their private lives. Anyway, I hate this guy

Yin Suyan sighed: "unfortunately, I didn't know that Lu Qingfeng was the No. 1 man in this film before I agreed to the role of this film. If I had known that, I would not have participated in the film shooting."

Because Yin Suyan terminated the contract with the film and television company of leiyuan group. If you push this out again, it is absolutely impossible.

As a result, she was helpless.

Lin Kai nodded to himself, and then got out of the car with Yin Suyan and went to Xiangge Yunlan hotel together.

At the entrance of the hotel, Lu Qingfeng attracted too much attention, leading to few people paying attention to Lin Kai and Yin Suyan.

After a while, Lin Kai and Yin Suyan enter Xiangge Yunlan Hotel smoothly.

Yin Qingfeng seems to be in the hotel, and then the security personnel rushed into the hotel.

"Su Yan!"

Lu Qingfeng turned a handsome turn and stopped Yin Suyan's way. Then, with a cool smile, he said to Yin Suyan: "Su Yan, you've come so early. I haven't seen you for a long time. This time, I can see you with the help of the crew. I'll treat you to dinner when I'm free, OK? Anyway, there's plenty of time to make this movie together. "

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